The Resolution Copper land grab is also a water grab, with a projected use of millions of gallons per year and contamination of more; and during what could be a mega-drought. Water is often compared to gold as its value increases the more scarce it becomes, which means we may soon be fighting not only the increasing privatization of land, but also of water. Despite the fact that the Resolution Copper deal, having been snuck into a defense bill, involves an exchange of land, it is being done to the advantage of a transnational mining corporation and to the detriment of theChi’Chil’Ba’Goteel/Oak Flat/Apache Leap area and the people who hold it sacred. This land grab represents a continued prioritization of economic development in so-called Arizona, which means more resource-extraction and increased international trade (specifically with or through Mexico). Mining and other industries shaped by trade-related demand bring not only risk to water, but also more roads like Interstate 11 and rail (which require land acquisition), and increased border militarization. US trade policy is largely culpable for the violence on the border and south of the border.
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Monthly Archives: March 2015
Appel à rassemblement en solidarité avec la famille Herbin, le 25 mars à St Nazaire
Suite à une nouvelle convocation au tribunal et menace d’expulsion pour la famille Herbin, qui vit au Liminbout sur la ZAD depuis 1994 : Appel à rassemblement en solidarité avec la famille Herbin, le 25 mars à 9h devant le tribunal de grande instance à St-Nazaire
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Cryptoparty en el Hacklab HardKode
Desde: Cryptoparty: HardKode: ... Desde Acapulco,Gro celebramos el nacimiento de esté espacio autonomo dedicado a la seguridad informática y a reivindicar el Punk. En hora buena compas Un abrazo desde Guerrero en llamas -Rabiosxs Punk y Proyecto Algarada-
LOS NADIE programa numero 17 febrero 2015
Si,tarde un tiempo,pero aki estoy de nuevo kon LOS NADIE,esta mujer inspiro este programa y demas historias de mas mujeres rebeldes ke markaron momentos historikos…
LOS NADIE numero 17
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Revolución del Espíritu (1919)
A lo largo de la Primera Guerra Mundial, Gustav Landauer había tomado una consistente posición anti-guerra. A comienzos de 1918, comenzaron en Alemania huelgas masivas contra la guerra. Los escritos de Landauer rápidamente tuvieron popularidad, especialmente su publicación de 1911, Por el Socialismo. A fines de Octubre de 1918, rompieron motines navales en Kiel, y en Noviembre se formaron asambleas de obreros y de soldados. Mientras la mayoría Social Demócrata proclamó una república, anticipándose a los socialistas radicales, liderados por Karl Liebknecht y Rosa Luxemburg. Landauer fue a Bavaria, donde el socialista independiente, Kurt Eisner, había ya proclamado una república social. Landauer se unió al anarquista <a
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Giant Coal Excavator Occupied
The Hambach Forest, in Southwest Germany, is the site of an ongoing forest and meadow occupation against the expansion of the adjacent lignite (brown coal) mine.
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Cena Benefit per Karlos @ CSOA Askatasuna – Torino
Gradita la prenotazione al numero 338 430 9775
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Aggiornamenti dalla Grecia
L’anarchico Fivos Charisis(ndt: della Rete dei prigionieri in lotta,in sciopero della fame dal 2 marzo per l’abolizione dell’articolo 187 e dell’articolo 187A , della legge sul travisamento, della legge sulle prigioni di tipo C, del rilascio del membro della 17 Novembre Savvas Xiros per ragioni di salute oltre ad altre richieste)in sciopero della fame dal 2 marzo,è stato trasferito all’ospedale Tzanio al Pireo.Il suo stato di salute risulta seriamente deteriorato,ha perso circa il 13%del peso corporeo, ed ha varie complicazioni dovute allo sciopero della fame ed alla sua storia clinica di asma bronchiale.
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[Chambéry] Concert Sans Frontières
Porfido festeggia i 5000 libri in archivio
Sabato 21 marzo dalle h19..apertivo a Porfido per festeggiare insieme i 5000 libri in archivio…mandiamo da bere e da mangiare…
Martedì 24 Marzo 2015 cena benefit Centro di Documentazione PORFIDO c/o Asilo Occupato
Via Alessandria 12 Torino
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