Trento – Lettera aperta da Villa Assillo Occupata al sindaco Andreatta


Lettera aperta al sindaco Andreatta

Gregio Signor Andreatta,
abbiamo letto la lettera che ha scritto al suo amico questore nella quale sollecita che le forze dell’ordine procedano al più presto allo sgombero di Villa Assillo.
“Gregio” è l’appellativo che le si addice. “Egregio”, usuale formula di cortesia, indica letteralmente “chi è fuori dal gregge, chi si distingue per valore morale e sociale”. Lei, ne converrà, è figura del gregge, ben pasciuto in quella mangiatoia che si chiama PD (cioè Potere e Denaro).
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Botte e Risposte


Luigi Galleani
Si domanda: «Credete voi che se uno è pecora nell’organizzazione, fuori di essa sarà un leone? Quando mai l’organizzazione ha impedito un atto individuale?».
 E chi ha mai detto, se è lecito, che un operaio è ribelle soltanto quando non è organizzato?
Chi ha negato mai che un operaio organizzato possa compiere un atto di ribellione individuale? Figuratevi: financo un bigotto può arrivare sino a tanto.
Quello che noi si nega è che il ribelle sia tale, soltanto perché organizzato.

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Destroying Civilization, Destroying Nature


Theses toward decivilizing and becoming dangerous


One of the most harmful prevailing prejudices of our times is the belief in Nature as a unified being separate from, and even opposed to Humanity (also perceived as a unified being). In the context of this doctrine, what is specifically Human – what is created by conscious human activity – is called Artificial as opposed to Natural.


The concept of Nature (that is the concept that all beings, things, relationships and activities not created by human beings constitute a unified whole that stands in contrast to all the things, beings, relationships and activities consciously created by human beings) is itself a product of conscious human activity and, thus, artificial.

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Αθήνα : Σάββατο 11/07, 18.00 – Μικροφωνική / Κυριακή 12/07, 18:00 – Προσυγκέντρωση «Όλοι στους δρόμους»


Όλες/-οι στους δρόμους.

Να μετατρέψουμε την Κυριακή σε μέρα δυναμικής μάχης και αγώνα.
Continue reading Αθήνα : Σάββατο 11/07, 18.00 – Μικροφωνική / Κυριακή 12/07, 18:00 – Προσυγκέντρωση «Όλοι στους δρόμους»

Balkan Anarchist bookfair 2015


Balkan Anarchist bookfair is an annual anarchist event that changes location each year.

This year BASK will take place in Autonomous cultural Centre Nigdjezemska in Zadar!

Why Zadar ? About the space:

After two years of restoring and cleaning the building in abandoned military barracks, this spring the Autonomous cultural Centre Nigdjezemska opened it’s doors. Nigdjezemska arose out of the missing space in Zadar for people to organize activities like d.i.y gigs, discussion and workshops, movie screenings, freeshop, bicycle repairing, gardening and other activities on self-organized and horizontal level!
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The Right To Be Lazy


Paul Lafargue


M. Thiers, at a private session of the commission on primary education of 1849, said: “I wish to make the influence of the clergy all powerful because I count upon it to propagate that good philosophy which teaches man that he is here below to suffer, and not that other philosophy which on the contrary bids man to enjoy.” M. Thiers was stating the ethics of the capitalist class, whose fierce egoism and narrow intelligence he incarnated.

The Bourgeoisie, when it was struggling against the nobility sustained by the clergy, hoisted the flag of free thought and atheism; but once triumphant, it changed its tone and manner and today it uses religion to support its economic and political supremacy. In the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, it had joyfully taken up the pagan tradition and glorified the flesh and its passions, reproved by Christianity; in our days, gorged with goods and with pleasures, it denies the teachings of its thinkers like Rabelais and Diderot, and preaches abstinence to the wageworkers. Capitalist ethics, a pitiful parody on Christian ethics, strikes with its anathema the flesh of the laborer; its ideal is to reduce the producer to the smallest number of needs, to suppress his joys and his passions and to condemn him to play the part of a machine turning out work without respite and without thanks.

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VORTRAG+DISKUSSION – Anarchismus in Mexiko und Briefeschreiben an Gefangene (Berlin)


26. JULI 2015 – SONNTAG – 16 UHR – TEMPEST

Die anarchistische Bewegung blickt in Mexiko auf eine lange Tradition zurück, die bis Mitte des 19. Jh. zurückreicht. Die Anarchist*innen beteiligten sich an der Mexikanischen Revolution und vielen anderen Aktivitäten, die großen Einfluss auf die mexikanische Gesellschaft hatten.

Eine Genossin von Anarchist Black Cross Mexiko wird über die Arbeit ihrer Organisation berichten, die sich speziell um anarchistische Gefangene kümmert, über aktuelle Gefangene und ihre Situation, aber auch über einen Kampf gegen ein Großprojekt im Bundesstaat Oaxaca, bei dem  einen lokale Gemeinschaft von ihnen unterstützt wird. Dazu wird es einen kurzen Film sowie Berichte aus erster Hand geben. Am Ende wird es die Gelegenheit für Fragen und Diskussionen geben.
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