No New Animal Lab Summer Tour


Less than eight months ago, a small but determined group of people wrote the words “No New Animal Lab” in black paint across a flannel bed sheet. Although they were preparing late into the night, the full impact of their efforts would last well beyond…

The following morning the Board of Regents of the University of Washington prepared to approve the construction of the Animal Research and Care Facility (ARCF). This move came after a lawsuit against the Regents for hosting private dinner meetings in violation of Washington’s Open Public Meetings Act. It was under this shroud of secrecy that the Regents developed and approved the ARCF contract with Skanska USA. As a hollow gesture towards accountability and transparency, UW decided to produce this spurious re-vote to skirt public criticism. As the Regents prepared to review and approve project construction, the group unfurled the ad hoc banner and began a disruption.
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A (very) brief guide to the contemporary Australian far right


Recently I’ve received several requests for a guide to the Australian far right. Below is a very brief summary of most (but not all) of those groups and projects which I think can reasonably be placed in this category. I’ll add further detail and perhaps some links when I get a chance …

Anti-Antifa Australia

A project of neo-Nazi skinhead and Brisbane resident Chris Smith, AAF exists largely as an attempt to monitor and expose anti-fascists in Australia, details of which are published on Smith’s blog. Smith has a criminal record for robbery and assault.
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La policía reprime una manifestación contra la Ley Mordaza en A Coruña


Del blog de lxs compas de Abordaxe! recojo y traduzco esta crónica sobre lo ocurrido ayer en la manifestación contra la Ley Mordaza realizada en A Coruña, que terminó con cargas policiales después de que la manifestación invadiese la carretera cortando el tráfico en Avenida da Mariña. Además, lxs manifestantes habrían intervenido en varias ocasiones para impedirle a la policía efectuar detenciones, “rescatando” de sus garras a aquellxs a quienes pretendían llevarse arrestadxs. También se adjunta un vídeo de los hechos al final, proporcionado por Galiza Contra Info.
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Oggi, mercoledì 1 luglio 2015, RadioAzione spegne definitivamente il microfono.
Dopo quattro anni di radio sono arrivato alla decisione di mettere fine alle Dirette d’Azione; il sito, invece, continuerà ad esistere cercando di aggiornarlo in modo diverso da quella che è la tendenza social-controinformatica degli ultimi mesi.
Come già scritto in Maggio, non mi interessa essere infilato nel calderone della controinformazione “tanto per riempire le pagine” o per facilitare la ricerca su google.
Non amo essere ricercato nemmeno dai compagni!

Kurdistan : La Turquie se prépare à attaquer le Rojava


L’Etat turc rentrerait finalement en Syrie, 4 ans après le début de la guerre. Dans un discours, vendredi dernier, Erdogan a annoncé qu’il ne laisserait pas la formation d’un état kurde avoir lieu en Syrie, pointant du doigt que le PYD (Parti de l’Union Démocratique) contrôle par l’intermédiaire de ses branches armées (les YPG et les YPJ) une grande partie du territoire au centre et à l’est du nord de la Syrie.
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Text of Revolutionary Struggle member Nikos Maziotis regarding Greece’s default and exit from the EMU


The SYRIZA-led government is collapsing. The Greek default and exit from the Eurozone, as choice of the lenders, is a process that started in 2010 and currently marks the beginning of the end of the SYRIZA government. The implementation of the memoranda from 2010 was one phase in the process of orderly default that the supranational economic elite had chosen in order to ensure the sustainability of the Euro, and to cut off one member that due to the debt crisis is considered gangrened and has to be expelled. Essentially, Greece’s default has always been regarded by the supranational economic elite as a prerequisite for its salvation, without even breaking the country’s obligations to the lenders, something that was ensured by the inclusion of the country into the power of the IMF, the ECB and the European Commission. Since 2009, Greece was already a bankrupt country and this was something known by both the then government of Georgios Papandreou and the European Union. The supranational economic elite, from 2010 onwards, followed an orderly default tactic so as to safeguard the lenders, the then holders of Greek bonds, the French, German, British and American banks.
Continue reading Text of Revolutionary Struggle member Nikos Maziotis regarding Greece’s default and exit from the EMU