
by Don LaCoss

Egyptian surrealism broke above ground in late 1937 in Cairo, midwifed through the efforts of Georges Henein, Ramsīs Yūnān, Kāmil al-Tilmisāni, and the brothers Fu’ad and Anwar Kāmil. Throughout the Second World War, the group attracted the involvement of native Egyptians and European expatriates; they propagated a program for the revolutionary defense of the imagination, free expression, and social freedom. Their approach was consistent with ever other surrealist group in the world: a challenging blend of libertarian anti-capitalism, Freudian theories of the unconscious, and wild, poetic subversions of the sort found in the pages of Rimbaud and Lautréamont.

Preparations for the Next Riot

Adam Bregman

For a moment there during the L.A. Riots there was jubilation as people showed they could take the streets back from the police, if only for a night or two. Poor people were able to attain things they could otherwise never afford. Capitalism’s excess products that forever waste away in the stores to be bought or always to be replaced by another on the shelf were liberated for use or for poor people to sell at swap meets for much more reasonable prices. Reporters on the scene were alarmed to see looters smiling and laughing. What isn’t fun about liberating free stuff from overpriced stores? People felt free. The crowd turning over and setting on fire the police car downtown was laughing, cheering and howling because they were having a blast and it was a crowd of mothers and their children, every race and age and every kind of folk you’d meet in this diverse city.

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Muerte a la “moral del ataque” (explosivo en Sanborns)

“El que no tenga algo por qué morir, no debería vivir”

Nos responsabilizamos:
La noche del 24 de Diciembre, detonamos una carga explosiva en la entrada del restaurante Sanborns en Plaza Olimpus, ubicado sobre Avenida Gustavo Baz en Tlalnepantla, Estado de México. No nos importó que aún hubiera comensales dentro ni transeúntes fuera, este atentado fue ejecutado en contra de la sociedad de borregos ciegos que refuerzan este complejo sistema tecnoindustrial, en contra de su asquerosa visión de quererse cobijar con el falso manto de la comodidad.

To Speak of Wildness – Kevin Tucker


“He says that woman speaks with nature. That she hears voices from under the earth. That wind blows in her ears and trees whisper to her. That the dead sing through her mouth and the cries of infants are clear to her. But for him this dialogue is over. He says he is not part of this world, that he was set on this world as a stranger.”[1]

– Susan Griffin, Woman and Nature

“It is not inherently in the nature of the world that it should consist of things that may or may not be appropriated by people.”[2]

– Tim Ingold

The memory is vivid.
Continue reading To Speak of Wildness – Kevin Tucker

[Greek prisons] Nikos Romanos: “Requiem for a Journey of No Return”


in PDF

Below, anarchist prisoner Nikos Romanos gives his account of what preceded the assassination of Alexandros Grigoropoulos on December 6th 2008.

Received November 30th 2015:

Requiem for a Journey of No Return

Today, I will begin to speak about what should be imprinted as an authentic testimony of the soul to revolutionary memory. My own soul’s testimony concerning an incident which became the detonator for the intensification of the armed assault on the winter palaces of Power; an incident which contributed decisively to create a point of no return, for those who armed themselves and packed their suitcases with dreams and hopes for a world of freedom. I too packed such a suitcase with my hatred, along with a pair of clothes and some keepsakes, and left my home permanently [in April 2010] one day before the police came in looking for me, to handcuff me and take me to court for a testimony in the cops-murderers trial. I burned the bridges of my past life, and joined the ranks of clandestine anarchist struggle. I was then sixteen years old, but I was fully aware of my actions, and although I had a much higher moral stature than all these ridiculous weaklings who sat in that courtroom, I knew that the moment to say everything that needed to be said had not yet arrived, as it was neither the right time, nor was I really consciously ready to lift such a historical weight. That’s why I preferred to stay silent and devote myself to the war against Power, the same war in which, seven years later, I find myself held captive, yet holding the same combative position. I am now lifting this historical weight, which I temporarily avoided but never abnegated dealing with.
Continue reading [Greek prisons] Nikos Romanos: “Requiem for a Journey of No Return”

Santiago: Barricadas incendiarias en carretera a pasos del aeropuerto – Por un Diciembre Negro

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La liberación de cada animal con el sabotaje de por medio a las instalaciones de sufrimiento, experimentación y muerte. La liberación individual y colectiva de hombres y mujeres antagónicxs a esta sociedad, la real importancia de la solidaridad y libertad de lxs compañerxs prisionerxs en las cárceles del poder y la liberación de la tierra acompañada de la acción contra la maquinaria que la devasta cada día. Son nuestras ideas y prácticas, con argumentos y contradicciones que nos hacen parte de un cúmulo de sujetos que luchan por la liberación total.
Continue reading Santiago: Barricadas incendiarias en carretera a pasos del aeropuerto – Por un Diciembre Negro

La leggenda di Natale


Dedicata ai bambini dell’anno 3000 (o più)


di Albert Libertad (1899)

C’era una volta, molto tempo fa, verso l’anno 1900, un grande ammasso di pietre e di fango che i naturali di allora chiamavano Parigi. Era la capitale di un paese favorito da un clima temperato e dove i cereali, le vigne, i più bei frutti crescevano in abbondanza. Avvicinandosi a questi ammassi di pietre, vincendo gli odori pestilenziali che se ne sprigionavano, li si vedeva solcati da vie di ogni genere: le une larghe, costeggiate da belle case; le altre, strette, con, da ogni lato, in fila e strette, delle case dall’aspetto di topaie. Quel giorno, l’anno finiva; era festa in ogni città, ma la natura sembrava imbronciarsi e la neve cadeva a larghe falde. Malgrado ciò, lungo le strade, i magazzini gettavano fasci di luce e gli occhi erano attirati da ammassi di vettovaglie stranamente fornite di clienti.
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Comunicado de Cierre del Espacio Social Autogestionado


Comunicado de Cierre del Espacio Social Autogestionado

Lamentablemente la experiencia fue breve, pero no por eso menos intensa. Aquí esbozamos algunas ideas y reflexiones sobre el Espacio Social Autogestionado que abrimos hace ya casi 2 años atrás en la comuna de Pudahuel y que colectivizamos para los distintos entornos en lucha.
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