Is the child to be considered as an individuality, or as an object to be moulded according to the whims and fancies of those about it? This seems to me to be the most important question to be answered by parents and educators. And whether the child is to grow from within, whether all that craves expression will be permitted to come forth toward the light of day; or whether it is to be kneaded like dough through external forces, depends upon the proper answer to this vital question.
Demonstration gegen den Europäischen Polizeikongress und Frontex Der Europäische „Polizeikongress“ nennt sich Europas bedeutendste Fachkonferenz für Innere Sicherheit. Polizeien und andere Behörden beraten zwei Tage lang über repressive Taktik und Technik. Hinter der Veranstaltung verbirgt sich eine Verkaufsmesse für Überwachungs- und Kontrolltechnik. Continue reading [B] LOCAL REPRESSION – GLOBAL RESISTANCE→
The U.S. invasion of Iraq was a no-doubt-about-it crime of imperialism. So is the continuing U.S. military occupation of Iraq without even the fig leaf of approval by other imperial powers or their vassals and sycophants. “Shock and awe” inflicted death and destruction on the Iraqi people as well as no few working class American people and elicited revulsion and condemnation from most of the rest of the world’s people.
What prompted the minority ruling elite of the U.S. to leap into this quagmire? What motivated it to accept the huge political costs of such a risky adventure? vspace=”2″ Was it an altruistic desire to protect the world from weapons of mass destruction? Was it some noble democratic impulse to free the Iraqi people from a vicious dictator and build a shining democratic model state for people in the oppressive autocracies of the region to emulate? Was it a battle in the war on terrorism? Superficial cases have been made for these and other justifications for the U.S. seizure of a sovereign country. Or was it mere greed for Iraqi resources and labor and fat reconstruction contracts as surface events suggest? A deeper look at the circumstances indicates it was something else entirely. Continue reading Why Smack Iraq?→
La mattina del 13 Febbraio del 1866, dieci uomini a cavallo, armati di fucili e ‘colt navy’, fanno irruzione nella “Clay County Saving Bank” di Liberty, nel Missouri e si fanno consegnare, dalle mani del cassiere titoli, banconote e monete d’oro. Risaliti a cavallo, i banditi fuggono via, lasciando al suolo il corpo inerme di un giovane ucciso da un colpo di pistola. Questa appena descritta, passerà alla storia come la prima rapina ad una banca, registrata negli Stati Uniti d’America, non certo perchè fosse realmente la prima, ma solo perchè il tutto accadde ad un anno dalla nascita degli ‘Stati Uniti’. Continue reading la prima rapina di Jesse James→