Going Over The Top. . .



For the past two weeks, the French state has slowly but surely been evicting, clearing and levelling a large swathe of the Jungle camp, in turn creating a stretch of “no man’s land” between the highway to the port and the residents of the Jungle. Adding to the already bleak, militaristic landscape of razor wired fences, the permanent prescence of police and smog billowing from the surrounding factories; jungle residents now find themselves behind 10ft embankments of sand and rubble, reminiscent of World War I trench warfare.
Continue reading Going Over The Top. . .

UK: “Smarter Prison? – call for war on the technology multinationals” publication from Return FireUK: “Smarter Prison? – call for war on the technology multinationals” publication from Return Fire


(August 2015: anonymous arson damages to the nano-technology research centre of the Université Catholique in Louvain, Belgium)

Note from Return Fire: We transcribed the following essay, submitted by ‘Radical Interference’, which unfortunately cannot fit into our upcoming Volume 3 (Winter 2015-2016). We are happy to see that the invitation from the Greek dungeons for a Black December campaign (to re-intensify our insurrectionary fervour while not forgetting to exchange experiences and rationales around various topics of struggle) was taken up in this form, so as to broaden and develop the offensive against modern domination. Solidarity and strength to Silvia, Costa, Billy, Marco, Adrián, Nicola and Alfredo, and to the rest of the comrades in our struggle. In the spirit of ‘Avalon’; always present in our memories and active hands. Let’s extend the energy of Black December beyond the New Year, through the trial that starts in January and the proposed week of mobilisation, and onwards on the path of total liberation. Winter Solstice, 2015


At this time, as the wheels of this monstrous society continue to grind on, and the scattered insurgents make to throw what they can beneath the tracks to slow it down in whatever way, we are left with some questions. These are questions that, in our opinion, deserve more thought and provocation than they usually assume in the circles of anarchists, rebels and land-defenders. Namely; it is clear that mobilisations (independent of any timeframe), such as those for our imprisoned or fallen, are a practical necessity in order to constitute diverse forces that are ready to face and understand the consequences of any struggle that materially contests the ruling order; in other words, so that repression lessens in its power to stop us in our own tracks.
Continue reading UK: “Smarter Prison? – call for war on the technology multinationals” publication from Return FireUK: “Smarter Prison? – call for war on the technology multinationals” publication from Return Fire

Συνέλευση α/α : 1/2 -ώρα: 20:00 ,Για τη γενική απεργία της 4/2 |3/2 -ώρα: 20:00 ,Για τον κουρδικό αγώνα



Δευτέρα 01/02, 20:00,

συνέλευση α/α για τη γενική απεργία της Πέμπτης 04/02 για το ασφαλιστικό
Continue reading Συνέλευση α/α : 1/2 -ώρα: 20:00 ,Για τη γενική απεργία της 4/2 |3/2 -ώρα: 20:00 ,Για τον κουρδικό αγώνα

Io commercio in porci e troie


Luigi Adanti
Ho cambiato mestiere. Cosa ci volete fare? Per anni mi sono macerato e l’animo e il cervello negli uffici; un giorno lo Stato m’ha imposto cortesemente di levarmi di mezzo e per premio mi ha regalato una attestazione di scarso rendimento.
Voi dite: lo Stato è il peggiore dei padroni!
Protesto: mai lo Stato ebbe ragione come nel caso mio; anzi s’è dimostrato fin troppo magnanimo se mi ha donato tanto indennizzo da campare la vita per un anno.
Nella mia razza, originariamente ebrea, vi sono stati, e nel ramo mio cristianizzato vi sono ancora, fabbri e agricoltori. Mio padre fu lui a troncare, per primo, la tradizione; ma glien’incolse male, ché si procurò un accidente per le scartoffie d’ufficio.
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