Turkish police on Sunday briefly detained at least one woman and fired rubber bullets to disperse a crowd of hundreds of people trying to mark International Women’s Day in central Istanbul.
Today in court, Eric King accepted a non-cooperating plea agreement to a federal felony charge that carries a sentence of 10 years in prison. The charge is 18 U.S.C. § 844(h), use of explosive materials to commit arson of property used in or affecting interstate commerce. Eric was arrested in September 2014 and has fought his charges since then, suffering through terrible conditions in the private prison he’s been held captive in since his arrest. Continue reading Eric King Accepts Non-Cooperating Plea Agreement for 10 Years→
HPG stated that guerrillas conducted an expansive action in Nusaybin in retaliation to the massacres in North Kurdistan, and in memory of the 4 guerrillas killed in Mardin, and the people martyred in Sur and Cizre. Continue reading HPG: 14 special operation police killed in Nusaybin→
Parisians woke up this morning, and through them the whole world, with a macabre scent of gunpowder in their nostrils. Some religious fanatics, they’re not the first and they won’t be the last, opened fire during the satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo’s weekly meeting. Continue reading I’m Not Charlie→
Pur avendo oltre un secolo, questo scambio di corrispondenza fra un lettore e il più noto redattore del settimanale l’anarchie, non ha perso di significato. Certo, agli odierni sostenitori del nichilismo non interesserà riprendere l’antica tradizione (per altro populista) russa. Eppure ci sembra continui a sussistere una certa confusione fra una negazione dell’esistente fine a se stessa, che si conclude in un desolante deserto emozionale ed ideale, ed una negazione dell’esistente come preludio di un assolutamente altro tutto da immaginare e sperimentare. Continue reading A proposito di nichilismo→
The ABC No Rio Zine Library contains over thirteen thousand publications. Our collection includes independent, underground and marginal publications on subjects such as music, culture, politics, personal experience and travel. We are most interested in zines addressing political and social issues. Our focus does not include poetry. Continue reading ABC No Rio Zine Library→
Soviel ist jetzt schon klar, es wird auch dieses Jahr wieder einen autonomen 1. Mai in Wuppertal geben, wie und wo, das bleibt noch eine kleine Weile ein Geheimnis. Wobei eigentlich nicht, denn soviel ist klar, wir werden dieses Jahr wieder um 14:00 Uhr starten, um dann auf noch unbekannten Pfaden zum Schusterplatz zu gelangen, auf dem es wieder ein phänomenales Straßenfest geben wird! Also geht auch an diesem 1. Mai, übrigens dieses Jahr zum 30. mal in Wuppertal autonom auf die Straße! Continue reading Veranstaltungsreihe zum 30. autonomen 1. Mai in Wuppertal!→
(Invictus giving a speech in Jacksonville, FL in front of a Rock Against Communism flag)
On the evening of March 1st, 2016, Augustus Sol Invictus made a disastrous attempt to quietly pass through Portland on his campaign trail, hoping to “meet and greet” fellow neo-fascists in our city. Continue reading Augustus Invictus Meet & Greet Report Back→
Il Folletto – foglio di critica antipsichiatrica (by Coordinamento gruppi antipsichiatrici)
A dire il vero questa non è una vera e propria ‘zine, ma un foglio di informazione, ma mi va di parlarne lo stesso. Anzi, vi consiglio di andarvi a vedere un concerto dei mitici Rauchers, che tra le altre cose sono tra i più attivi nella divulgazione di questo tipo di messaggi. Continue reading Il Folletto (foglio di critica antipsichiatrica)→