Category Archives: FR

Che cos’è il terrorismo ? (it/en/fr/de)


Mare Almani

Nel maggio del 1898 re Umberto I, preoccupato per le notizie che giungevano da Milano, dove era appena scoppiato uno sciopero generale, affidò al generale Bava Beccaris il compito di reprimere la sommossa. Ai soldati venne dato ordine di sparare a vista, e Bava Beccaris fece aprire il fuoco sulla città con i mortai. Il bilancio fu di 80 morti e 450 feriti. Fiero dell’impresa compiuta, il generale telegrafò al re che Milano era ormai “pacificata”.
Continue reading Che cos’è il terrorismo ? (it/en/fr/de)

Nantes: Call for a demo and decentralized actions of solidarity against repression of the anti-airport movement


Cops, judges, screws: get your hands off!

On February 22nd, 2014, more than 50,000 people gathered in Nantes for the biggest anti-airport demonstration ever. As it was declared illegal by the prefecture, it quickly faced stunning repression; hundreds of over-armed cops surrounded the demo while a huge anti-riot wall blocked the central street of the city (le cours des 50 otages). It was the first time in Nantes’ social struggles history that a demo couldn’t pass by there. Politicians and media talked about “lootings” and “devastations”, deploring the violence after a group of demonstrators attempted to walk the original route.
Continue reading Nantes: Call for a demo and decentralized actions of solidarity against repression of the anti-airport movement



………………………. ” DU SON CONTRE LA PRISON ” ……………………………….

vendredi 9 mai 2014 de 21h à minuit SUR VOS RADIOS LOCALES *

Un concert hip hop entre-coupé de paroles sur la prison, contre la prison.


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taules, entre les villes : LE SOIR MÊME ENVOYEZ UN SMS ICI : 0789 288 566
On les lira à l’antenne (si possible).

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* infos et précisions ici :

Solidaridad Amelie, Fallon & Carlos -Rennes


Le 17 février 2014 marquait la fin des quarante jours “d’arraigo” (détention provisoire) décrété par le Procureur Général de la République contre les militants anarchistes Carlos, Amélie et Fallon. Amélie et Fallon sont détenues actuellement dans la prison pour femmes Reclusorio Femenil de Santa Martha. Carlos se trouve dans le Reclusorio Oriente. Il et elles sont accusés d’avoir lancé le 5 janvier 2014 des pierres et des cocktails molotov sur des installations du Secrétariat de Communications et Transports et sur une concession NISSAN.
Continue reading Solidaridad Amelie, Fallon & Carlos -Rennes

journée de soutien à l’abc bièlorusse et au local autogéré à la baf (2 chemin des alpins)

ABC sa

jeudi 16 mai
journée de soutien à l’abc bièlorusse et au local autogéré à la baf (2 chemin des alpins)
18h: discussion/débat avec l’abc:
– la situation actuelle du mouvement anarchiste en bièlorussie.
– la situation actuelle de la répression en bièlorussie.
– la semaine de solidarité avec les prisonniers anarchistes.
discussion sur “l’antirépression et le travail de solidarité au sein du mouvement anarchiste”.
écriture de lettres et de cartes postale.
20h30: concert
os replicantes (punkrock légende do brazil) + Bozhe moÏ! Orkestra (surf – grrr)
y aura du miam vegan

Local autogéré – Grenoble

ABC Belarus

Mattone su mattone (it/fr)


Note sulla lotta contro il carcere
La capacità di adattamento dell’essere umano supera ogni immaginazione. Si può porre un uomo in pressoché qualsiasi condizione, anche nelle condizioni in cui ci sia solo la morte come filo rosso della storia, e riuscirà ancora ad adattarsi, ad accordare il suo comportamento al diapason dell’ambiente ostile. Da un lato, questa capacità è straordinaria e costituisce la specificità dell’essere umano in quanto tale. Dall’altro, essa è infinitamente tragica poiché il potere non incontra solo avversari implacabili, ma anche la rassegnazione che, in fin dei conti, rappresenta proprio il respiro vitale, per quanto putrido, del potere stesso.
Continue reading Mattone su mattone (it/fr)

Athens: Text by Anarchist A.Theofilou concerning the trial which will begin on June 10th 2013 (en/fr)


Text by A.Theofilou concerning the trial which will begin on June 10th at the 3rd three-member felonies appeals court (Loukareos street) in Athens.
In September 2009 begin the first arrests with the pretext of the “dismantling” of the CCF, inaugurating the method of penalizing personal relations between anarchists and distributing arrest warrants like flyers. A tactic aimed at hurting not only the CCF, but the whole of the anarchist movement. Essentially, the oppressive mechanisms will use this specific organization as a reason to attack the anarchist movement spreading fear and insecurity in its interior.
Continue reading Athens: Text by Anarchist A.Theofilou concerning the trial which will begin on June 10th 2013 (en/fr)