The Honest Worker
It’s the amazing fattening of the mass of the exploited that creates the increasing and logical ambition of the exploiters.
Continue reading The Honest Worker-L’Onesto Operaio-L’Honnête Ouvrier by Zo d’Axa (en/
It’s the amazing fattening of the mass of the exploited that creates the increasing and logical ambition of the exploiters.
Continue reading The Honest Worker-L’Onesto Operaio-L’Honnête Ouvrier by Zo d’Axa (en/
(francia-2011) it/fr/gr
Manifesto comparso sui muri di alcune città francesi del giugno 2011
Continue reading Fuoco a tutte le prigioni! Feu à toutes les prisons ! Φωτιά σε όλες τις φυλακές!
Belgio : casino nelle galere
Nelle ultime settimane, ci sono state parecchie buone notizie a proposito di rivolte nelle prigioni belghe.
A Forest, due detenuti mandano all’ospedale quattro secondini. Durante l’ennesima perquisizione della cella, i secondini trovano un cellulare. I due detenuti rispondono sfasciando il tavolo ed attaccando i secondini con le gambe del tavolo. Sciopero spontaneo del personale.
Continue reading Resistenza e ammutinamento nelle carceri (it/fr)
summary of material from the C.I.R.A., Marseille, BULLETIN No. 21/22 (Summer, 1984), which had the theme Anarchists and the Resistance.
Jean Rene Sauliere (alias Andre Arru) was one of the anarchist participants in the French resistance to the Nazis and their Vichy collaborators during World War II. He was born in Bordeaux in 1911 and became an orphan during the First World War. In early adulthood he made his living as a traveling salesman. He belonged to the Bouches-du-Rhone section of the Federation of Free Thinkers, and was elected its president. He also joined the anarchist movement and became a pacifist. Several years before the outbreak of the 1939-1945 conflict, he decided that he would never participate in any war. Like other pacifists and revolutionaries, he saw war as a solution worse than the evil it was supposed to combat. By 1939, Sauliere decided that he would not voluntarily submit to arrest for refusing to serve in the military if called.
Continue reading Anarchist Activity in France during World War two
Suite à l’assemblée antinucléaire et antiTHT du Grand Ouest qui s’est tenue le week end des 11 et 12 janvier 2014, une info sur les différents chantiers des prochains à mois à la grange de Montabot, afin d’inscrire les dates à vos agendas.
Continue reading Chantiers collectifs à la grange de Montabot
Pendant deux années [2007 – 2009], Basse Intensité fut une émission de radio diffusée mensuellement sur Marseille.
Continue reading Basse Intensité (N°1to 24) 2007-2009
Os Cangaceiros, Février 1992.