Category Archives: FR

Genoa, Italy – Report on the trial for the kneecapping of Adinolfi (en/it/fr)


Translated by act for freedom now/B.pd
On Wednesday October 30 in Genoa, (Italy) the first part of the trial against Nicola Gai and Alfredo Cospito, accused of kneecapping the managing director of
Ansaldo Nucleare (a company owned by Finmeccanica) Roberto Adinolfi in May 2012, took place. They had been held in pre-trial detention for a year and so far they hadn’t made any declarations to the judge. The previous day the bourgeois press announced a massive police

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World Gone Mad (en/fr)


The diagnosis is clear

by Derrick Jensen

I DON’T KNOW about you, but whenever I attend some “green” conference, I know I’m supposed to leave feeling inspired and energized, but instead I feel heartbroken, discouraged, defeated, and lied to. It’s not the inevitable talk about farmers (re)discovering organic farming; about plastic forks made from cornstarch; about solar photovoltaics; about relocalizing; about the joys of simple living; about grieving the murder of the planet; about “changing our stories”; and most especially about maintaining a positive attitude that gets me down. It’s that no one, and I mean no one, ever mentions psychopathology.
Continue reading World Gone Mad (en/fr)

opération “Cendres” (fr/it)


Bruxelles – Le 22 mai 2013 vers 6h du matin, des dizaines de policiers de la section anti-terroriste de la police fédérale judiciaire investissent et perquisitionnent 3 domiciles où habitent notamment des compagnons anarchistes et anti-autoritaires ainsi que la bibliothèque anarchiste Acrata. Toutes les personnes présentes (11) sont arrêtées et emmenées aux bureaux de la police fédérale.
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Anonymity (en/it/fr)


“…So I went up to him with an ivy-wood bowl of black wine in my hands: 

‘Look here, Cyclops,’ said I, ‘you have been eating a great deal of man’s flesh, so take this and drink some wine, that you may see what kind of liquor we had on board my ship. I was bringing it to you as a drink-offering, in the hope that you would take compassion upon me and further me on my way home, whereas all you do is to go on ranting and raving most intolerably. You ought to be ashamed of yourself; how can you expect people to come see you any more if you treat them in this way? 
Continue reading Anonymity (en/it/fr)

Recueil de traductions du journal Aufruhr (Zurich)


A l’occasion du débat à la bibliothèque le jeudi 14 novembre 2013 sur la lutte contre le nouveau Centre de police et justice (PJZ) à Zurich, en présence de compagnonNEs de là-bas, un petit recueil de 8 pages de traductions de l’allemand est sorti. Il s’agit d’articles tirés des numéros 1 à 10 du journal Aufruhr (2012-2013).

Telecharger le PDF ici


Un braquage de banque, quelques anarchistes et le choix pour la révolte


Jeudi 21 novembre à 19H30



1 février 2013, Kozani (Grèce). Deux banques sont braqués simultanément. Après une course-poursuite, quatre anarchistes sont arrêtés. Quelques jours plus tard, les compagnons écrivent une lettre pour expliquer leur choix d’avoir tenté d’exproprier ces deux banques. Deux autres mandats d’arréstation sont lancés par la police.
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War, catastrophe, democracy, prison. We want revolution (en/it/fr/de)


In a time when words seem to lose their meaning, when the language of power tries to penetrate all our conversations, we think it is even more indispensable to make an effort in order to speak clearly. Let’s stop parroting what the newspapers say, television shows and the powerful want us to believe. The point is neither to agree at all costs nor to convert everything, but it is to try to speak with our mouth, our words, our pains and our hopes.


War… or revolution
Continue reading War, catastrophe, democracy, prison. We want revolution (en/it/fr/de)