Category Archives: library

The Spring Earth First! Newsletter is Out! Read, Print, Share


This issue of Earth First! News includes updates and actions in defense of Mother Earth from January to March 2016, as well as a feature on resistance to coal mining in Australia, updated prisoner pages (including arrestees facing charges), and our current eco-action group directory.

Earth First! News is a great way to keep those without internet access—like prisoners and treesitters—in the loop of eco-resistance. Print copies for your local infoshop, school library, coffee spot; wherever would-be radicals might be seeking spiritual guidance.

Download here or read here

*Note: Download is slightly lower quality than online version. You can download the full quality version by clicking “view online” and then creating a free account with Issuu.

Lançamento: “Sobre uma Sociedade Decadente”


S i n o p s e:

Sobre uma Sociedade Decadente” (Editora Resistência), de Fabio da Silva Barbosa, é uma coletânea de textos que escritos em diversas ocasiões para tentar entender o caos social que reina a nossa volta e compartilhar algumas impressões. Não se trata de livro escrito pelo dono da verdade ou intelectual de gabinete, mas reflexões de um cara comum que não se preocupa em dar respostas. Também não se trata de receita de bolo ou manual de instruções. Através do fluxo contínuo da mente e da reestruturação constante do pensamento, o texto vai brotando e registrando o sentir. Um breve olhar em volta já faz nascer a indignação necessária para produzir. É um livro para ser lido como um diálogo totalmente informal, bate papo na mesa de bar.

Baixe o livro aqui:

Resenha realizada pela Agência de Notícias Anarquistas

Wreck 3 is Out!


wreck [vancouver]

Announcing the third edition of Wreck. We are putting this out with the aims to create an anarchist discourse within so called Vancouver. Anarchist discourse is dominated by those with the loudest voices, from those who have podcasts to others who engage in social media. We want to create our own narratives, specific to our conditions. An anarchist perspective encourages those to speak who have passion, being a man or having a university education is no qualifier for a valued opinion.
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Black Cat Sabotage Handbook


When I was a kid the world didn’t have the sort of instant gratification now expected for all transactions, and thank goodness. You can really appreciate the value of something more once you’ve clipped five proof of purchases, put them into an envelope, mailed them away, and waited 6 to 8 weeks for your Zartan action figure to arrive. Distribution for the Black Cat Sabotage book worked the same way – you clipped an ad out of a zine and mailed it in along with concealed cash. A few months later a copy showed up in a nondescript envelope. I still remember when mine was delivered…
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DISKUSSION – An diejenigen, die sich die Freiheit erkämpfen wollen – 6. MAI 2016


6. MAI 2016 – FREITAG – 19 UHR – TEMPEST

Diesen Monat lädt Austausch zur Diskussion ein über den Text „An diejenigen die sich die Freiheit erkämpfen wollen.

Download Onlinebroschüre oder Druckbroschüre

„Die Konzentration von Sans-Papiers in geschlossenen oder offenen Zentren ist nichts als ein Schritt im wachsenden Krieg gegen die Armen, in dem deren Herkunft und Hautfarbe eine kleine Rolle spielen.
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Vijfdelige reeks lezingen: Anarchisme als theorie van maatschappijverandering


2015 was een druk jaar met acties op allerlei fronten. Naast al deze acties en demonstraties is het tijd voor wat verdieping in de vorm van theorie. Daarom organiseert Autonomen Den Haag een vijfdelige reeks lezingen over het Anarchisme als theorie van maatschappijverandering. In deze vijf lezingen neemt de spreker Peter Storm je mee van de grondleggers van de Anarchistische theorie naar de hedendaagse denkers. De eerste lezing zal plaatsvinden op dinsdag 19 januari in het Autonoom Centrum Den Haag. Alle andere data zijn te vinden onderaan deze tekst.
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