Tag Archives: 1927

La Makhnovtchina y el antisemitismo


Nestor Makhno

Cerca de siete años después, los enemigos del movimiento revolucionario makhnovista han desencadenado tantas mentiras respecto a él que podemos asombrarnos de que esta gente no logre avergonzarse de eso por lo menos de vez en cuando.

Es bastante característico que estas mentiras desvergonzadas dirigidas contra mí y los insurgentes makhnovistas, de hecho contra nuestro movimiento en conjunto, unan a gente de campos sociopolíticos muy diferentes: podemos encontrar allí a periodistas de toda pluma, escritores, eruditos y profanos que se pisan los talones, merodeadores y especuladores, los cuales no dudan a veces en presentarse como pioneros de las ideas revolucionarias vanguardistas.
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l’Individuo in Rivolta


Di là dall’oceano, dalla terra dei morti, ci giunge il grido di migliaia di compagni provati a tutte le tempeste della lotta.
La reazione non li ha piegati, saldi nella fede che li anima, tenaci nei propositi di rivendicazione.

I compagni di Detroit accolgono quel grido e ci chiamano all’opera buona della solidarietà che educa, eleva e determina all’azione spregiudicata e iconoclasta, che significa giustizia e vendetta di tutti i misfatti di cui si è oggetto.
Cecità od apatia possono indurre le classi lavoratrici a trascurare l’alto monito che l’invito include e, magari, un certo senso di apparente sicurezza e benessere nella nozione di una minore oppressione può lasciare indifferenti per le sventure di chi è lontano.
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Introduction to Max Stirner, Der Einzige und sein Eigenthum by John Henry Mackay


At the beginning of the 1840s, in a wine bar in northern Friedrichstrasse in Berlin — it was opposite the present Zentralhotel and its proprietor was named Hippel — there gathered every evening a circle of men who called themselves “The Free”, or at least they were so-called by the public. It was named “The Free” because its members belonged to the extreme left in the intellectual and political movement of those days.
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The Two Octobers


Pjotr Arshinov (1927)

The victorious revolution of the workers and peasants in 1917 was legally established in the Bolshevik calendar as the October Revolution. There is sane truth in this, but it is not entirely exact. In October 1917 the workers and peasants of Russia surmounted a colossal obstacle to the development of their Revolution. They abolished the nominal power of the capitalist class, but even before that they achieved something of equal revolutionary importance and perhaps even more fundamental. By taking the economic power from the capitalist class, and the land from the large owners in the countryside, they achieved the right to free and uncontrolled work in the towns, if not the total control of the factories. Consequently, it was well before October that the revolutionary workers destroyed the base of capitalism. All that was left was the superstructure.
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Contributions to the History of Individualism* by Anselm Ruest and Salomo Friedlaender


“When one thoroughly knows and deeply examines the notion of individuality and the consequences that derive from the principle that is its basis, meaning that every man is not only related to the world in a particular way, but also to every object in the world and to every idea that these objects awaken, one is astonished that so much natural discord is possible side by side with so much historical concord.”  
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Carta de Nicola Sacco a su hijo Dante antes de ser ejecutado

April 1959, Dedham, Massachusetts, USA --- Dedham, Massachusetts: Bartolomeo Vanzetti (left) and Nicola Sacco arriving at Superior court where they were sentenced to death in electric chair 4/19/27 for murder of which they were convicted in 1921. --- Image by © Bettmann/CORBIS
April 1959, Dedham, Massachusetts, USA — Dedham, Massachusetts: Bartolomeo Vanzetti (left) and Nicola Sacco arriving at Superior court where they were sentenced to death in electric chair 4/19/27 for murder of which they were convicted in 1921. — Image by © Bettmann/CORBIS

Cárcel estatal de Charlestown, Estados Unidos, agosto 18 de 1927

Mi querido hijo y compañero:
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Carta de Vanzetti a los trabajadores Argentinos.


Cárcel de Dedham, Massachusetts, 1927.
Nosotros deseamos decir a los compañeros, a los amigos, al pueblo argentino, que sabemos cuán grande, sublime y heroica es su solidaridad hacia nosotros.
Sabemos que habéis dado el pan y el reposo vuestro, vuestra sangre y vuestra libertad por nosotros. Sabemos que hubo quien dió su vida por nosotros.

Continue reading Carta de Vanzetti a los trabajadores Argentinos.

Contributions to the History of Individualism


Anselm Ruest and Salomo Friedlaender

“When one thoroughly knows and deeply examines the notion of individuality and the consequences that derive from the principle that is its basis, meaning that every man is not only related to the world in a particular way, but also to every object in the world and to every idea that these objects awaken, one is astonished that so much natural discord is possible side by side with so much historical concord.”  

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Más allá del Estado y los partidos políticos. Los profesores y el movimiento libertario en la región chilena (1922-1932)


El siguiente es un extracto del libro de Víctor Muñoz Cortés, Sin Dios ni patrones. Historia, diversidad y conflictos del anarquismo en la región chilena. 1890-1990, de la editorial Mar y Tierra, editado en Valparaíso, 2013. Constituye un acercamiento y revalorización de las ideas anarquistas dentro de los diferentes movimientos sociales en la historia de la región chilena. En este extracto se muestra la influencia libertaria en organizaciones de profesores. Un aporte sin duda interesante en la actualidad, cuando las protestas del magisterio se extienden por toda la región chilena. Al final del texto dejamos el link para la descarga del libro completo.

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