Tag Archives: 1988


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Apart from a few not very significant fringes, the international anarchist movement shares theoretical positions of a revolutionary character. The liberal-democratic vein, important as far as it shows a possible line of involution, remains on the margins.
In turn almost the whole of the revolutionary anarchist positions – with varying nuances – see insurrection as a necessary phase along the road to revolution. But this insurrection is seen as a mass revolt due to certain socio-economic forces that serve to set it off. The role of the anarchist movement is to limit itself to understanding these conditions and economic and social contradictions to make them more comprehensible to the mass. Basically, a role of propaganda and counter-information.
Often even the anarchist comrades who see the need for violent struggle against the structures of oppression with out half measures, limit themselves to this part of the analysis and do not feel obliged to go any further. The mass – they say – must do everything themselves. Anything else would be authoritarian on the part of the specific anarchist organisation and could turn out to be disastrous.
This idea of insurrection might have been logical when nearly the whole of the anarchist movement was on positions of synthesis, i.e. in the dimension of the big (or not so big) quantitative organisations. Through the instrument of the syndicalist organisation they planned to address the whole of the social and economic struggles into a situation of waiting for a breaking out of the revolutionary moment.
There is a different way to envisage revolutionary struggle in an insurrectionalist key, in our opinion.
We consider that the anarchist organisation, so long as it is informal, can contribute to the constitution of autonomous base nuclei which, as mass organisms, can program attacks against structures of social, economic and military repression. These attacks, even if circumscribed, have all the methodological characteristics and practices of insurrectional phenomena when not left to the blind forces of social and economic conflict but are brought into an anarchist projectuality based on the principles of autonomy, direct action, constant attack and the refusal to compromise.
In a word, this is the insurrectional conception that we are inviting all comrades interested to assess with critiques, analysis and debate.

First published in English in Insurrection Issue Four May 1988


A Question of Class

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Alfredo M. Bonanno

Contrary to what many believe, class is not a marxist concept. While we reject the marxist claims as to the historic role of the industrial working class above all the other exploited, it is obvious that society is still divided into opposing classes. The terms of this division are changing with the modification of capital. It is important to recognise this in order to address our attack towards the right objectives in the struggle.
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The Moral Split – La Frattura Morale (1988) en/it


A.M. Bonanno

It is not enough for an action simply to be considered ‘right’ in order for it to be carried out. Other elements, such as the underlying moral judgement, are involved, which have nothing to do with the validity of the action. This becomes obvious when you see the difficulty many comrades have in carrying out actions that in themselves are in no way exceptional.
A moral obstacle appears, leading to a real ethical ‘split’ with unpredictable consequences. For example, we have been pointing out the uselessness of huge peaceful demonstrations for some time now. Instead we propose mass demonstrations that are organised insurrectionally, supported by small actions against the capitalist structures that are responsible for the present situation of exploitation and genocide all over the world.
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Internazionalismo pratico


Alfredo M. Bonanno
Il capitale, nelle sue molteplici espressioni, sia a livello di formazione economico-sociale, sia a livello di progettualità repressiva e di controllo, si estende su tutta la superficie del globo, nessun piccolo recesso geografico escluso. Ciò comporta, com’è ormai comunemente accettato, un processo relazionale costante, nel senso che non c’è azione, qui, in questa parte del mondo, che non si possa porre, e di fatto non si ponga, in relazione con le situazioni di tutte le altri parti del mondo. Ciò determina conseguenze, spesso non visibili a livello immediato, ma che si insinuano nei rapporti del capitale e ne modificano i processi.

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Beyond Earth First! Toward a feral revolution of desire


by Feral Faun

Last year, Fifth Estate published a critique of Deep Ecology which included criticisms of certain people who use the slogan “Earth First!”. This has led to a fairly intense dialogue. As I have read this dialogue it has become clear to me that most people–including those who call themselves EF!ers-aren’t really sure what EF! is.
Continue reading Beyond Earth First! Toward a feral revolution of desire

La Frattura Morale


Alfredo Maria Bonanno

Che un’azione sia considerata “giusta” non è elemento sufficiente di giudizio perché venga posta in atto, eseguita. Perché ciò avvenga occorrono altri elementi, alcuni dei quali, come la considerazione morale di fondo, sono del tutto estranei alla obiettiva fondatezza e “giustezza” dell’azione stessa.

Ciò è visibile nelle difficoltà che tutti i compagni riscontrano nel momento in cui si trovano ad intraprendere azioni che a lume della sola luce logica sembrano ineccepibili.
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