Tag Archives: 1997

16 février 1997, la librairie anarchiste la Plume Noire incendiée par les fascistes (Réouverture peu après grâce à la solidarité)


Le dimanche 16 février 1997 vers 4 heures du matin, la librairie anarchiste la Plume Noire, située au 19 de la rue Pierre-Blanc, sur les pentes, dans le 1er arrondissement de Lyon, a été ravagée par un incendie criminel. La totalité des livres et du mobilier de la librairie est partie en fumée et le reste des locaux a été gravement endommagé.
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A estas alturas , muchos de vosotros ya tendréis noticia del desalojo del Centro Social Anarquista de Xixón por parte de varios aguerridos militantes de CNT de esta ciudad.Vamos a proceder a explicar un poco el tema.
El CSA es un local situado en los bajos del antiguo edificio del sindicato vertical de Xixón. La propiedad del solar es reivindicada por CNT como patrimonio histórico, aunque en el edificio se encuentran también los locales de  CNT, CGT, CSI, CCOO y hasta una oficina del INEM.
El local del CSA fue ocupado por la CNT – Xixón (con ayuda también de mucha gente que confió en ellos y a la que ahora da la espalda) tras el cierre del bar que alli se  encontraba.Tras mucho tiempo con los locales cerrados e inutilizados, CNT- Xixón cedió la gestión de los mismos hace 5 años a la constituida asamblea del CSA, en base a un proyecto que esta misma presentó. Aunque en principio algunos militantes de CNT participaban de la asamblea, con el paso del tiempo se fueron desvinculando de la misma, así como de la gestión del local, al que acudían (las escasas veces que lo  hacían) a fiscalizar las actividades, o se dirigían a el de manera epistolar (por carta).

The New Inquisition A Grotesque Frameup Against Anarchists (1994-2004 italy)



What follows is a series of events directly leading up to and during what has come to be known as the ‘Marini trial’. It in no way encompasses all the acts of rebellion or the response of the forces of repression involving anarchists and rebels in Italy during the period covered.

Some events which came to be attributed to anarchists took place in years far preceding 1994. They were then inserted into the ‘theorem’ and phantom organisation, the ‘O.R.A.I.’ so dear to public prosecutor Marini, who took many years and great pains to ensure that the comrades accused would spend centuries behind bars. As this website develops, the whole incredible picture should emerge for comrades to see and draw their own conclusions.
Continue reading The New Inquisition A Grotesque Frameup Against Anarchists (1994-2004 italy)

Grand Jury Investigations, FBI Harassment, and Your Rights – 1996 — 2004


No Compromise


Security: Protecting Ourselves From Government Harassment

Numerous incidents show that government and industry harassment of the eco-animal movement exists. Last year, Syracuse activists were subpoenaed to testify at grand jury hearings. The break-ins at the North American A.L.F. Supporters Group in Canada, and the Coalition to Abolish the Fur Trade’s (CAFT) headquarters in Memphis were obviously politically motivated as the thieves stole information and equipment crucial to their operations, while leaving other expensive goods behind. CAFT’s phone lines were tapped and information obtained from the bugged line lead to the subpoenaing of one CAFT activist to a grand jury in Michigan.

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The Machine in Our Heads (1997)

Glenn Parton



The environmental crisis consists of the deterioration and outright destruction of micro and macro ecosystems worldwide, entailing the elimination of countless numbers of wild creatures from the air, land, and sea, with many species being pushed to the brink of extinction, and into extinction. People who passively allow this to happen, not to mention those who actively promote it for economic or other reasons, are already a good distance down the road to insanity. Most people do not see, understand, or care very much about this catastrophe of the planet because they are overwhelmingly preoccupied with grave psychological problems. The environmental crisis is rooted in the psychological crisis of the modern individual. This makes the search for an eco-psychology crucial; we must understand better what terrible thing is happening to the modern human mind, why it is happening, and what can be done about it.

Continue reading The Machine in Our Heads (1997)

Grand Jury Investigations, FBI Harassment, and Your Rights

Grand Jury Investigations, FBI Harassment, and Your Rights

This zine is a compilation of articles from the animal liberation magazine No Compromise designed to help activists better understand and resist grand jury investigations. The topics addressed include tips for dealing with FBI and other law enforcement, an explanation of subpoenas and how to deal with them, protocol for dealing with snitches and informants, and how to organize against grand juries. While the texts are aimed at the animal liberation movement, the information is helpful for a wide range of activists.

Order Grand Jury Investigations, FBI Harassment, and Your Rights online

The Luddites War on Industry: A story of machine smashing and spies

Part I: The Luddites’ War on Industry

‘Chant no more your old rhymes about bold Robin Hood, His feats I but little admire, I will sing the achievements of General Ludd, Now the Hero of Nottinghamshire’

In fifteen months at the beginning of the second decade of the last century a movement of craft workers and their supporters declared war on the then emerging industrial society.

The movement spread across the Northern counties of Yorkshire, Lancashire, Cheshire, Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire. It smashed thousands of machines, looted markets, burned down factories and spread hope of a way out of the bleak future being offered the majority of the British people. It was a movement that, in the words of the late radical historian E.P. Thompson; “in sheer insurrectionary fury has rarely been more widespread in English History.”

It is important to understand the birth of Industrialism. If we are to successfully dismantle the present system, it is essential to know how — and why — it was constructed.

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John Bowden was imprisoned for murder in 1980 with a life sentence. He was now served 34 years, in prison across England and Scootland. In that time he escaped for 18 months in 1992 and again in 2008 for a few months before recapture; he has held an assistant governor hostage for two days; and received countless beatings, solitary confinements and many other tactics of HMPs to quell dissent and resistance. Throughout, he has maintained fierce resistance, never backing down and for this- despite parole boards admission that he should now be in open jail, if not released – the Prison Service still keep him inside.

SPK – Hacer de la enfermedad un arma


l prólogo del libro
SPK -Hacer de la Enfermedad un Arma (1997)

Estar a la altura del tiempo, esto significa hoy en día el siguiente: La industria más grande ya no es la que produce armas, ordenadores, coches o naves espaciales. La industria más grande de hoy es aquella que pretende producir salud, es decir una cosa que nunca ha existido y que nunca existirá realmente, salvo como ilusión alimentando al nazismo en todas sus variaciones pasadas y futuras (HEILwesen). El capitalismo saca sus beneficios más altos de esta industria cimera y no está lejos el día en que la mitad de la población del mundo occidental sea empleada o en el hospital, o sea explotada allí como pacientes de los médicos (Arzt-Patient) la otra mitad. Sistema rotativo. ¿Para divertirse? Solamente para los gober-nadores planetarios respectivos (¡por Dios! – Yo soy el Señor, tu médico, Moisés 2.15,26; en alemán: um Gottes Willen!; en inglés: for HEAVEN’S sake!) o los gobernadores estelares.
Continue reading SPK – Hacer de la enfermedad un arma