Tag Archives: 2002

Brasil/Chile. Alfredo Canales, miembro del MIR. Desde las cárceles Brasileñas a las cárceles Chilenas


A finales del 2001, una célula revolucionaria secuestra al publicista Washington Olivetto cobrando un rescate de 10 Millones de Dolares en Brasil. En Febrero del 2002 la policía brasileña detiene a Alfredo Canales, Marcelo Rodriguez, Karina Germano,Maite Amalia, William Gaona y Mauricio Norambuena. La celula internacionalista estaba conformada por compañerxs de distintos países (Chile, Argentina, Colombia) quienes reconocieron los hechos y asumieron el fin político de la acción.
Continue reading Brasil/Chile. Alfredo Canales, miembro del MIR. Desde las cárceles Brasileñas a las cárceles Chilenas

A Letter From Marco Camenisch End of February 2002


To the comrades,
To the authority of repression,
On the 18th of April, I’ll have served a sentence of 12 years in Italy and I’ll be extradited to Switzerland to be submitted to various trials with accusations that carry life sentences too.
I do not recognize any legitimacy for government and the repressive machine, consequently I’ll exclude any statements in front of this machine and its representatives, except perhaps spontaneously in public, before the court.
I warn the repressive body not to repeat the extortion of false statements from my family, especially from my elderly mother and from my brother, both not able to be interrogated due to health reasons, through pressure and coercion, as happened after the death of a member of the Swiss Financial Police in 1989, for which I’m charged.
Due to personal reasons, like being too old, prejudiced health and social responsibilities and needs, it would not be possible and responsible for me and that long before, to take up arms and underground life again, in the antiauthoritarian struggle. But I continue to vindicate the necessity of a radical antiauthoritarian struggle against rule and exploitation always more aggressive and destructive (now through technological capitalism and its total war against individuals, societies, cultures and environments of the Earth community) and for ANOTHER NECESSARY WORLD, necessarily based on solidarity and antiauthoritarian and fair relationships among all individuals and communities of things, the non-human and human lives, that form the terrestrial community.
Marco Camenisch
viale dei tigli 14
13900 Biella

Terroristi! (2002)


Appena otto giorni dopo gli attentati contro il Pentagono e il World Trade Center, la Commissione europea ha presentato una Proposta di decisione quadro del consiglio sulla lotta contro il terrorismo, abbinata ad un’altra riguardante il mandato di arresto europeo. Queste disposizioni, che ricordano le leggi scellerate varate nel 1893-1894 per contrastare il dilagare della «propaganda col fatto» anarchica, consentiranno di qualificare come «terrorista» qualsiasi atto di contestazione esercitato da qualsiasi individuo. Esse chiariscono il senso dello stato di guerra decretato da Bush e avallato dalle istanze europee: la pace dei mercati, è la guerra sociale! Lo spauracchio di un terrorismo dai mille volti permette a padroni e governanti di fare a meno del formalismo democratico.
Continue reading Terroristi! (2002)

Agli erranti


Centro di documentazione Porfido – Torino (2002)
[Sollecitati dagli ultimi accadimenti – i “fatti di Rosarno”, ma anche la lotta vittoriosa degli operai della Fiege di Brembio (Lodi), in gran parte proletari immigrati dal Sud del Mondo – riproponiamo questo testo. Con l’auspicio che si tratti soltanto delle prime piccole avvisaglie che annunciano terremoti sociali di ben più vaste proporzioni.]
Continue reading Agli erranti

Terroristi! (2002)


Appena otto giorni dopo gli attentati contro il Pentagono e il World Trade Center, la Commissione europea ha presentato una Proposta di decisione quadro del consiglio sulla lotta contro il terrorismo, abbinata ad un’altra riguardante il mandato di arresto europeo. Queste disposizioni, che ricordano le leggi scellerate varate nel 1893-1894 per contrastare il dilagare della «propaganda col fatto» anarchica, consentiranno di qualificare come «terrorista» qualsiasi atto di contestazione esercitato da qualsiasi individuo. Esse chiariscono il senso dello stato di guerra decretato da Bush e avallato dalle istanze europee: la pace dei mercati, è la guerra sociale! Lo spauracchio di un terrorismo dai mille volti permette a padroni e governanti di fare a meno del formalismo democratico.
Continue reading Terroristi! (2002)

Marco Camenish (2000/2001/2002)


Associazione eversiva – Telenovela da 270 bis

Nelle calde giornate di agosto vengo a sapere di essere indagato dalla Procura di Milano con il famigerato articolo 270 bis in merito ad un ipotetico reato “commesso in Italia e all’estero dal dicembre 1998”.
Inquisizione che, a quanto pare, prosegue da molto tempo e di cui vengo avvisato soltanto grazie alla richiesta di supplemento di indagini del GIP Cristina Mannocci.
Forse non tutti sanno che il 270 bis recita testualmente: “Associazioni con finalità di terrorismo e di eversione dell’ordine democratico”; di fatto un’ipotesi di reato utile a creare un clima collettivo di guerra psicologica, di eterna emergenza continua.
Continue reading Marco Camenish (2000/2001/2002)

Taking the fight inside’


Mark Barnsley (2002)

Taking The Fight Inside

Twenty years ago, on the day before my release from Maidstone Prison, where I was serving a sentence for ‘possession of military plastic explosives’, I confronted a ritual already familiar from Ealing comedies and the like. Prior to a prisoner’s release, he (for it was always a ‘he’ in the films) was marched over to meet the governor or a senior screw. The con would be wished good luck, and a perfunctory handshake would take place as a show that there was no remaining ill-feeling.
Continue reading Taking the fight inside’

Preparing For Prison – The View From Inside (2002)


Preparing For Prison – The View From Inside

Imprisonment, as a form of punishment can be traced back to Greek times, but until relatively recently long-term incarceration was extremely rare, only flourishing in modern times after transportation to ‘the colonies’ became unviable (in no small part due to the American Revolution.)
Continue reading Preparing For Prison – The View From Inside (2002)

A Letter From Marco Camenisch


End of February 2002

To the comrades,

To the authority of repression,

On the 18th of April, I’ll have served a sentence of 12 years in Italy and I’ll be extradited to Switzerland to be submitted to various trials with accusations that carry life sentences too.

I do not recognize any legitimacy for government and the repressive machine, consequently I’ll exclude any statements in front of this machine and its representatives, except perhaps spontaneously in public, before the court.

I warn the repressive body not to repeat the extortion of false statements from my family, especially from my elderly mother and from my brother, both not able to be interrogated due to health reasons, through pressure and coercion, as happened after the death of a member of the Swiss Financial Police in 1989, for which I’m charged.

Due to personal reasons, like being too old, prejudiced health and social responsibilities and needs, it would not be possible and responsible for me and that long before, to take up arms and underground life again, in the antiauthoritarian struggle. But I continue to vindicate the necessity of a radical antiauthoritarian struggle against rule and exploitation always more aggressive and destructive (now through technological capitalism and its total war against individuals, societies, cultures and environments of the Earth community) and for ANOTHER NECESSARY WORLD, necessarily based on solidarity and antiauthoritarian and fair relationships among all individuals and communities of things, the non-human and human lives, that form the terrestrial community.

Marco Camenisch
viale dei tigli 14
13900 Biella