Tag Archives: 2002

The New Inquisition A Grotesque Frameup Against Anarchists (1994-2004 italy)



What follows is a series of events directly leading up to and during what has come to be known as the ‘Marini trial’. It in no way encompasses all the acts of rebellion or the response of the forces of repression involving anarchists and rebels in Italy during the period covered.

Some events which came to be attributed to anarchists took place in years far preceding 1994. They were then inserted into the ‘theorem’ and phantom organisation, the ‘O.R.A.I.’ so dear to public prosecutor Marini, who took many years and great pains to ensure that the comrades accused would spend centuries behind bars. As this website develops, the whole incredible picture should emerge for comrades to see and draw their own conclusions.
Continue reading The New Inquisition A Grotesque Frameup Against Anarchists (1994-2004 italy)

Grand Jury Investigations, FBI Harassment, and Your Rights – 1996 — 2004


No Compromise


Security: Protecting Ourselves From Government Harassment

Numerous incidents show that government and industry harassment of the eco-animal movement exists. Last year, Syracuse activists were subpoenaed to testify at grand jury hearings. The break-ins at the North American A.L.F. Supporters Group in Canada, and the Coalition to Abolish the Fur Trade’s (CAFT) headquarters in Memphis were obviously politically motivated as the thieves stole information and equipment crucial to their operations, while leaving other expensive goods behind. CAFT’s phone lines were tapped and information obtained from the bugged line lead to the subpoenaing of one CAFT activist to a grand jury in Michigan.

Continue reading Grand Jury Investigations, FBI Harassment, and Your Rights – 1996 — 2004

Beware of White-Dressed Cops: Some Italian rioters contrast Ya Basta!s Image with the Reality [2002]


The tute blanche (White Overalls) are already well-known in the European and American protest movement, being well recognisable with their uniform and protection pads in the front lines. They undeniably showed their reformist and reactionary core to the worldwide movement in Prague, but still they fail to get the adequate response true revolutionaries should give them, which is the same deserved by blue-dressed cops. That’s why we consider it necessary to spread info on them, their tactics and their lies.

Continue reading Beware of White-Dressed Cops: Some Italian rioters contrast Ya Basta!s Image with the Reality [2002]

Active Revolution (2002)


Part I: Anarchist, Grassroots Dual Power

Dual Power Defined

The term “Dual Power” has been used in several ways since it was first coined. The following definition builds on the previous meanings of Dual Power, most importantly by articulating the equal and necessary relationship between counter-power and counter-institutions. In the original definition, dual power referred to the creation of an alternative, liberatory power to exist alongside and eventually overcome state/capitalist power.

Continue reading Active Revolution (2002)

Grand Jury Investigations, FBI Harassment, and Your Rights

Grand Jury Investigations, FBI Harassment, and Your Rights

This zine is a compilation of articles from the animal liberation magazine No Compromise designed to help activists better understand and resist grand jury investigations. The topics addressed include tips for dealing with FBI and other law enforcement, an explanation of subpoenas and how to deal with them, protocol for dealing with snitches and informants, and how to organize against grand juries. While the texts are aimed at the animal liberation movement, the information is helpful for a wide range of activists.

Order Grand Jury Investigations, FBI Harassment, and Your Rights online

Revolutionary Solidarity: A Challenge

The tendency to fall into a defensive attitude in the face of repression is best counteracted by developing an understanding and practice of revolutionary solidarity.

Revolutionary solidarity is, above all, a revolutionary practice. What this means is that it carries within itself the aims of revolution. For this reason, as anarchists, we cannot base solidarity on any authoritarian or economic foundations. It is not a matter of obligation, duty or debt. No one owes anyone solidarity, regardless of what they have done or what they are going through. Rather the basis of solidarity is the recognition of one’s own struggle in that of others — in other words, complicity. This is of major importance. If solidarity is the recognition of my own struggle in the struggle of others, it is carried out in practice precisely through continue that struggle, continuing to attack this social order, and doing so with a focus on what unites my struggle with that of others.
Continue reading Revolutionary Solidarity: A Challenge

Dalla Politica alla Vita


Wolfi Landstreicher

Fin dai tempi in cui per la prima volta si è definito movimento radicale autonomo, l’anarchismo è stato associato alla sinistra. Un’associazione il più delle volte problematica. I militanti di sinistra con un incarico di potere (compresi quelli anarchici, come i capi della C.N.T. e della F.A.I. nella Spagna del 1936-37) hanno sempre considerato d’ostacolo ai propri programmi politici il fine anarchico della trasformazione totale della vita — e il conseguente principio secondo cui i fini dovrebbero essere già insiti nei mezzi di lotta impiegati. L’insorgenza reale è sempre scoppiata altrove rispetto a qualsivoglia programma politico e gli anarchici più coerenti hanno intravisto la possibilità di realizzare i loro sogni proprio in un luogo sconosciuto ed altro. Tuttavia, a più riprese, quando i fuochi dell’insurrezione si raffreddavano (e talvolta perfino mentre bruciavano ancora ardentemente, come nel 1936-37), i leader anarchici hanno finito coll’assumere il ruolo di «coscienza della sinistra». Ma se l’espansione dell’utopia anarchica ed i principi ad essa connessi sono stati un ostacolo agli schemi politici della sinistra, questi schemi hanno costituito un ben più pesante macigno attorno al collo del movimento anarchico, appesantendolo con quel “realismo” che non sa sognare.
Continue reading Dalla Politica alla Vita

Aproximación Crítica A La Lucha Contra El Régimen FIES 1999-2002 (Folleto)


A finales del año 1999, un grupo de presos en módulos de aislamiento FIES lanzan una propuesta para abrir un “espacio de lucha” contra la cárcel y por tres reivindicaciones básicas: el cierre de los módulos FIES,la excarcelación delos enfermos terminales y el cese de la dispersión: tras varias movilizaciones colectivas en prisión (ayunos coordinados, huelgas de patio y otras acciones de protesta) y otras acciones de apoyo en el exterior, a mediados del año 2002 el “espacio” muera ahogado por sus contradiccciones internas.

En el texto de este folleto, que fue repartido durante las “jornadas contra la sociedad cárcel” celebradas en la universidad de Valencia en mayo del 2007 y viene acompañado de una cronología de aquel periodo de luchas, se esboza una crítica sobre la estrategia adoptada en el exterior, tanto por los grupos de apoyo a presos del ámbito “garantista” como por los grupos y colectivos anarquistas que participaron en los acontecimientos.

Para descargarlo: Texto; portada.

Más información en Tokata sobre la lucha contra el FIES

A Letter From Marco Camenisch (2002)


End of February 2002
To the comrades,
To the authority of repression,
On the 18th of April, I’ll have served a sentence of 12 years in Italy and I’ll be extradited to Switzerland to be submitted to various trials with accusations that carry life sentences too.
I do not recognize any legitimacy for government and the repressive machine, consequently I’ll exclude any statements in front of this machine and its representatives, except perhaps spontaneously in public, before the court.
I warn the repressive body not to repeat the extortion of false statements from my family, especially from my elderly mother and from my brother, both not able to be interrogated due to health reasons, through pressure and coercion, as happened after the death of a member of the Swiss Financial Police in 1989, for which I’m charged.
Due to personal reasons, like being too old, prejudiced health and social responsibilities and needs, it would not be possible and responsible for me and that long before, to take up arms and underground life again, in the antiauthoritarian struggle. But I continue to vindicate the necessity of a radical antiauthoritarian struggle against rule and exploitation always more aggressive and destructive (now through technological capitalism and its total war against individuals, societies, cultures and environments of the Earth community) and for ANOTHER NECESSARY WORLD, necessarily based on solidarity and antiauthoritarian and fair relationships among all individuals and communities of things, the non-human and human lives, that form the terrestrial community.
Marco Camenisch
viale dei tigli 14
13900 Biella
(Willful Disobedience Volume 3, number 2)