Romería al cementerio General a 35 años del Golpe
Continue reading Especial Septiembre Negro: Día ultimo (2008)
Continue reading Especial Septiembre Negro: Día ultimo (2008)
Pastora (madre de Xose Tarrio) y Carmen (madre de Diego Viña), dos madres luchadoras contra el sistema penitenciario y policial del Estado, nos cuentan la historia de sus hijos, fallecidos en custodia por el Estado. Charla en Córdoba, en Octubre de 2008.
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Per una coscienza sacrilega
Siete realisti? Siete pronti a diventarlo? In caso affermativo, ci si prenderà cura di voi. L’avvenire si degnerà di sorridervi.
Continue reading Né tribuni, né eroi
On the 24th of June, the Jhonny
Cariqueo Social Centro was
ransacked by the ‘Grupo de
Operaciones Especiales (GOPE)’,
Special Forces of the Chilean State, as
part of investigations into recent
bombings against the government and
capitalist institutions. They were
searching for our comrade Diego Rios
because they had found a bag with
material for the manufacture of
explosives in the house of his mother.
Continue reading A communique by a comrade on the run, Diego Rios, from some unknown part of the world (en/es/fr)
Cuando los explotados nos rebelamos y declaramos la guerra al capital, la conciencia para ello no ha sido importada desde afuera ni por la burguesía ni por ningún grupo revolucionario. Así, en un sentido geográfico, cualquier “revolucionario” con resabios de nacionalismo nos dice que las ideas revolucionarias que se desarrollan en la actualidad provienen de Europa, queriéndonos hacer creer, y no inocentemente, la farsa nacionalista.
Continue reading Nuestras ideas están en la cabeza de todo el Mundo
Dopo due anni di assenza, eccoci con un nuovo numero di Adesso. Sentiamo il bisogno di tornare a riflettere, con questo foglio di critica sociale, su alcune questioni generali. L’occasione ci è fornita dal movimento studentesco contro la legge Gelmini, movimento a cui stiamo dando il nostro piccolo contributo critico.
Continue reading Lettera aperta agli studenti in lotta (2008)
Continue reading Comunicado de Gabriel Pombo Da Silva (Aachen Octubre 2008)
On June 4 2008, following unanimous agreement between the organisations that signed this document, the second Informal International Meeting of Insurrectionist Revolutionary Anarchism, which was held in some place of the Chilean metropolitan area, has concluded.
Continue reading Chile – Communique from Insurrectionist Internationalist Revolutionary Organisations to the world (2008)
This text by anarchist prisoner Gabriel Pombo da Silva is about his interrogation by Italian police who came to Germany to demand information about the FAI (Informal Anarchist Federation), an subversive anarchist network who have been responsible for attacks against various targets within Italy. Gabriel is accused of being a “leader” of some kind, this move against Gabriel betrays the kind of ignorance which is endemic within police forces around the globe. Anarchists neither want nor need leaders of any kind – For the spreading of the struggle appropriate to the means available!
Dear comrades,
As you already know, sometime ago an article appeared on the italian newspaper “La Stampa”, where i have been accused of being the ” ideologue” of FAI (Informal Anarchist Federation), the “red thread” linked to the last ” attacks” happened in Italy, to “preach” an “extremely individualistic” anarchism and so on.
Continue reading Gabriel Pombo da Silva: Rome and the Individual
Das Entfesselt ist ein dreimonatlich erscheinendes Infoblatt der Anarchist Black Cross Gruppen ABC Berlin und ABC Orkan. Wir wollen damit eine Kommunikation zwischen „drinnen“ und „draußen“ ermöglichen, indem wir Texte und Briefe von Gefangenen, Artikel über Gefangenenkämpfe und solidarische Aktionen und verschiedenes mehr abdrucken. Außerdem geht es uns darum den Antiknastgedanken zu verbreiten, verknüpft mit einer anarchistischen Perspektive, denn die Abschaffung von Knästen und Zwangsanstalten kann nur ein Teil auf dem Weg zur Befreiung von Ausbeutung und Unterdrückung darstellen.
Continue reading Entfesselt (germany)