Tag Archives: 2011

Declaration written by Nikos Maziotis, a member of Revolutionary Struggle – 24th October 2011. (en/it)


[Stop deception – Fighters are not terrorist]

This is a political trial against revolutionaries who chose armed struggle to overthrow capitalism, the State, and the criminal regime which you, as judges, are here to defend.
Your court is a special tribunal set up by American and British imperialists and by the guardians of the Greek state, who have imposed anti-terrorism laws and special rules that decide on the sanctions and make sentences heavier. They introduced special courts inside the prison, in a suffocating security environment which badly affects the publicity on the trial in order to prevent people from listening to the revolutionaries’ political opinions. On this occasion they applied special conditions of detention, with the aim of strengthening the repression against armed resistance and the revolutionary organization of armed actions in Greece.

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Se la Val Susa chiama… (2011)


… bisogna rispondere, non c’è dubbio. Perché da tempo non si sviluppava uno scontro così generalizzato fra un’intera popolazione e lo Stato. Uno scontro che dura da anni e che nessuno è finora riuscito a dirimere, data l’impossibilità di trovare una soluzione condivisa. Non che siano mancati aspiranti mediatori e conciliatori, brava gente interessata a imbastire un accordo fra istituzioni nazionali e abitanti locali. Solo che, in un certo senso, tutti sono andati a cozzare contro l’incredibile arroganza di questo governo che ha pensato di poter pacificare quella vallata prima coi manganelli e poi con i gas lacrimogeni. Anziché rivedere parzialmente i propri progetti, giocare sulla partecipazione ed offrire carote a tutti — cosa che per un breve periodo di tempo è stato possibile — i governanti hanno preferito brandire il bastone per imporre il proprio arbitrio a quegli zotici montanari. Il risultato è oggi sotto gli occhi di tutti: lo scorso 3 luglio decine di migliaia di persone hanno dato e sostenuto la battaglia contro le forze dell’ordine.
Continue reading Se la Val Susa chiama… (2011)

In The Belly of The Beast (2010-2013)


John Bowden

For the past 30 years John Bowden has been at the forefront of the British prison struggle, and is by far our most prolific prisoner writer. Time and again, John’s articles have shone a searchlight into the State’s murky dungeons, exposing brutality and repression, and challenging the very nature of prison. For many years now, John has been held in jail because of his political views and his willingness to challenge injustice. That has never been clearer than now, as the State attempts to use ‘secret evidence’ to keep him behind bars. Leeds ABC

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Violencia antagonista: Aproximaciones a la vía armada en entornos urbanos desde la perspectiva anarquista

Gustavo Rodríguez

*Charla de Gustavo Rodríguez, en el Centro de Información Anarquista (CEDIA), México, D.F. Sábado 8 de octubre de 2011.

“La violencia es justificable solo cuando es necesaria para defenderse a uno mismo o a los demás de la violencia […] El esclavo siempre está en un estado de legítima defensa, así que su violencia contra su patrón, contra el opresor, está siempre moralmente justificada y tiene que ser regulada sólo con el criterio de su utilidad y de la economía del esfuerzo humano y de los sufrimientos humanos.”

Enrico Malatesta, «Umanità Nova»

25 de agosto de 1921

Antes de comenzar –por una cuestión de principios–, consideramos necesario emitir un posicionamiento; una suerte de “declaración”, donde quede sentado nuestro compromiso con las luchas antagonistas, con la guerra antisistémica. Por lo que vale reafirmar, que en el tema de la “vía armada”–a propósito del título de esta charla–, no somos ni podemos ser neutrales porque tampoco es neutral la “Historia oficial” ni lo son los medios de alienación masiva. No existe la pretendida “objetividad histórica” ni la “objetividad periodística”. Es un mito de la dominación. La “Historia oficial” es, invariablemente, la manipulación de los hechos a favor de los vencedores, el acomodo de la realidad a beneficio del Poder, sin importar quién esté en el poder.
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CARI, one year ago (2011)


An interview to the Mexican organization Células Autónomas de la Revolución Inmediata (CARI)1


It’s an interview that was getting bored on my computer. First I proposed it to a magazine, soon the time was short for its delivery. Then I was working on other issues. Now, that the media start again to speak about anarchists in the Distrito Federal (Federal District – Mexico City), I think to be appropriate to take the dust out from the interview and to present it (without any edition), before it gets again buried in my working disorder.

I clarify that there were two questions that CARI choose not to answer. One about its positioning, closeness or distance towards groups with Marxist lines. The other will be kept as private information.

Continue reading CARI, one year ago (2011)

Federazione Anarchica Italiana – “L’URGENZA DELL’ANARCHIA” (Roma, 6/7/8/9 gennaio 2011″)


Dalla rete, il puntuale comunicato della FAI-formale sulla “ennesima, miserabile, campagna di ordinaria provocazione”…



fonte: http://fas-giustiziaeliberta.noblogs.org/post/2011/01/23/lurgenza-dellanarchia/

“”Mani maciullate, volti ustionati e criminalizzazione del Movimento anarchico. A tanto ammonta il bottino dell’ennesima, miserabile, campagna di ordinaria provocazione.
Il copione di sempre viene rispettato con stolida puntualità. Quando il conflitto sociale si alza, mentre la classe politica si dibatte nelle sue molte miserie e lo scollamento tra istituzioni e paese reale si fa sempre più evidente, le fiammate che più di tutte fanno comodo al potere sono quelle dei pacchi esplosivi inviati in busta chiusa. Lo scorso marzo c’era andato di mezzo un lavoratore delle poste. Pochi giorni fa, a dicembre, sono rimasti menomati due addetti alla corrispondenza delle ambasciate svizzera e cilena a Roma. Nell’esprimere a entrambi la nostra solidarietà, ricordiamo che uno dei due feriti è un compagno attivo nella ex Lavanderia Occupata di Roma.
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Why the Technological System Will Destroy Itself


Ted Kaczynski


Our discussion deals with self-propagating systems. By a self-propagating system (‘self-prop system’ for short) we mean a system that tends to promote its own survival and propagation. A system may propagate itself in either or both of two ways: The system may indefinitely increase its own size and/or power, or it may give rise to new systems that possess some of its own traits.

The most obvious examples of self-propagating systems are biological organisms. Groups of biological organisms can also constitute self-prop systems; e.g., wolf packs and hives of honeybees. Particularly important for our purposes are self-prop systems that consist of groups of human beings. For example, nations, corporations, labor unions, and political parties; also some groups that are not clearly delimited and lack formal organization, such as schools of thought, social networks, and subcultures. Just as wolf packs and beehives are self-propagating without any conscious intention on the part of wolves or bees to propagate their packs or their hives, there is no reason why a human group cannot be self-propagating independently of any intention on the part of the individuals who comprise the group.

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Insurrectionary Anarchism in Mexico 2011



ick here to download pdf (75 MB, 48 pgs, tabloid)

This publication is a compilation of news from the social war in Mexico during the year 2011. It took us a bit longer than we had hoped to complete it, but we feel it is still valid as a tool to communicate the actions and communique’s of Anarchist Action groups throughout Mexico to the English-speaking world.

Over the last few years, Anarchist direct action has been expanding throughout Mexico, both in quantity and in force. 2011 was in no way an exception, with every-day conflict with the State more and more evident. We make special note of “Black September” in which the social war waged by Anarchist Action groups was at its strongest. We hope that 2012 can be even stronger, not only in Mexico, but in every corner of the Globe. Through these communiques we can learn that we don’t need to be a “professional” to carry out attacks such as these, but that anyone is capable of attacking the State and its symbols of power.

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