Approaches to the armed struggle in urban environments from an anarchist perspective.
Introductory text for a debate with comrade Gustavo Rodriguez, at the Center of Anarchist Information (CEDIA), Mexico City, 8th of October 2011
Violence is only justifiable when it is necessary to defend oneself and others against violence […] The slave is always in a state of legitimate self-defense and so his violence against the boss, against the oppressor, is always morally justifiable and should only be adjusted by the criterion of utility and economy of human effort and human suffering”
Enrico Malatesta, “Umanità Nova”, 25th of August 1921
We like to consider ourselves as free men and women, one and indivisible, whom cannot be cut in little pieces to be fit in the institutional drawers of the State or the tills of bosses and others owners. But it’s not difficult to realize that this is only one more illusion. Continue reading Never vote…(france) en/it/fr/de – 2011→
Let me begin by commenting on the main accusation against us, that we have founded a “terrorist organization”, by which “we were targeting the country’s established constitutional order seeking its overthrow or even its alteration”. I would like to underline this point. This charge by itself is the biggest proof that this is in fact a political trial. There is no better confession that this is an armed group which has turned against the establishment, against the established order. This charge by itself is a confession that we are political subjects, who have shared political objectives, and that the action of our group was clearly political.
However, you do not admit that we are a political organization, because this would in fact be an indirect admission that there is some political rival to this system; namely that Revolutionary Struggle (Epanastatikos Agonas) is a political organization which advocates another type of society; another type of social, political and economic organization. Continue reading Oral declaration to the court (2011)→
o represivo, nuestras palabras y convicciones antiautoritarias no se deshacen o diluyen camufladas. Por el contrario, éstas se elevan guiando nuestro caminar.
Se trata entonces de no dar pasos hacia atrás, cediendo terreno al enemigo, a lxs poderosxs de cualquier uniforme u oficio, se trata de no invisibilizar o normalizar las jugadas que emanan de la represión, pero tampoco caer en la histeria que propicia el desbande y alimenta el miedo. Continue reading Continuo de represión y lucha durante los últimos años (Septiembre 2014 #1)→
n a time when words seem to lose their meaning, when the language of power tries to penetrate all our conversations, we think it is even more indispensable to make an effort in order to speak clearly. Let’s stop parroting what the newspapers say, television shows and the powerful want us to believe. The point is neither to agree at all costs nor to convert everything, but it is to try to speak with our mouth, our words, our pains and our hopes. Continue reading War, catastrophe, democracy, prison. We want revolution (en/it/fr/de) 2011→
Struggle Against Any State Machination.
The nation-wide strike on May 5th 2010 against the 1st memorandum will go down in the history of social/class struggle as one of the most massive and combative demonstrations, during which up to half a million protesters clashed for several hours with, the riot police in Syntagma Square, in front of the greek parliament, determined to resits against the plans of the local and international domination. The signing of gradual transition to the contemporary “State of Emergency”, in this suffocating context of crisis and social plunder. Continue reading MARFIN CASE, 2010 (Athens-Greece)→
Di seguito riportiamo alcune delle lettere giunte recentemente da varie carceri che raccontano la situazione all’interno. Altre lettere raccolte in questi anni possono essere lette sui numeri dell’ “opuscolo”, pubblicazione mensile spedita nelle carceri e consultabile su internet all’indirizzo
Carissimi compagni, vi spedisco questa lettera per farvi avere mie notizie…
In questo carcere le cose vanno sempre a peggiorare. Per ultimo hanno messo una disposizione che si devono svuotare le celle: non possiamo più tenere “tanta roba” nelle celle, cioè, biancheria, cose da magiare. Si può così capire le difficoltà soprattutto per quei compagni le cui famiglie sono distanti, che non possono perciò fare i colloqui. Un’altra difficoltà è quella della rarità-impossibilità delle visite mediche. Non c’è un dirigente sanitario; dobbiamo acquistare qualsiasi tipo di medicina, poi non è nemmeno facile averla a disposizione. Per avere una visita medica si deve aspettare l’autorizzazione del ministero. Perciò, tutti quelli che hanno problemi di salute devono salvaguardarsi da soli. Purtroppo nelle carceri si continua a subire sofferenze e anche a morire, ma ciò non interessa a nessuno. Continue reading Corrispondenza dalle carceri (2010/2011)→
Deseo clarificar, inmediatamente, que me encuentro aquí como una enemiga del Estado y de la sociedad. Lejos de ser una comunidad viva que comparte el bienestar social y la alegría de la vida, lo que es denominado como sociedad no es nada más que la organización aburrida de la desigualdad y la explotación mediante roles sociales y prohibiciones. La ley es la alambrada que mantiene todo en su sitio, y que ha sido asimilada hasta al punto de formar la base inconsciente del hábito diario incluso para aquellos que la aplican. Los media fabrican opiniones para mantener el consenso y la delegación de la responsabilidad individual en ese órgano de terror institucionalizado, el Estado. El Estado incluyendo a sus sujetos, se encuentra en este momento en la base de todas las relaciones sociales, incluida la de hoy en este juzgado. Continue reading Palabras de la anarquista Jean Weir (de elephant editions UK) en el juicio de la Lucha Revolucionária→
“El mundo es una pestilente iglesia, codiciosa y falsa donde todos tienen un ídolo al que adorar de forma fetichista y un altar sobre el cual sacrificarse a sí mismos.” – Renzo Novatore
Un movimiento de anarquistas tendria, o vosotros pensáis que tendría que ser, un proyecto colectivo de realización individual y libertad, apoyo mútuo y solidaridad, comunicación honesta y responsabilidad individual, de ataque violento contra instituciones, gestores y estructuras de dominación y alienación, contra la programación mental y las actitudes inconscientes, contra la reprodución de la sociedad autoritaria en nuestras interrelaciones, pensamientos y acciones.