Il terzo filone dei processi sulla giornata del 15 ottobre 2011 si avvia alla conclusione. Il reato contestato è devastazione e saccheggio e pesanti sono le richieste di condanna da parte del PM.
Con esta publicación queremos realizar un breve balance sobre lo que ha acontecido en Siria desde que comenzara la sublevación proletaria en marzo de 2011. Basado en informes, discusiones, investigaciones, textos y análisis internos, que han ido circulando entre nuestros compañeros, este texto es parte de la tentativa de nuestra clase de hacer un balance de lo sucedido en esa región. Continue reading Nueva edición de Proletarios Internacionalistas sobre los acontecimientos en Siria estos últimos años→
1. « L’Affaire du 5 juin »
1.1. Introduction
2.2. Chronologie
2. La position du Secours Rouge
3. Déclaration des 4 inculpés
4. Le Secours Rouge face à ses critiques
5. Les poursuites contre les militants du Secours Rouge à l’étranger
5.1. En Espagne
5.2. En Suisse
5.3. En Italie
5.4. En Allemagne Continue reading 4 décembre 2011 L’affaire du 5 juin et les poursuites contre le Secours Rouge→
Nella giornata di Lunedì 16 Novembre si è svolta un’altra udienza del processo riguardante i fatti del 15 Ottobre 2011. Come da programma sono state ascoltate le difese degli imputati, le quali, anche attraverso il ricorso a materiali video, hanno sostenuto la tesi dell’infondatezza delle prove portate dal Pm Minisci nell’accusa di devastazione e saccheggio a carico dei manifestanti. Continue reading Resoconto dell’udienza del 16/11 nel processo contro chi ha partecipato al corteo del 15 ottobre 2011→
Zapzalap est une émission diffusée sur Radio Campus Lille depuis septembre 2009.
Dédiée à la critique sociale, c’est chaque semaine une heure consacrée à un thème, travaillé, monté et pré-enregistré collectivement. Continue reading Soutien à Zapzalap !→
Our discussion deals with self-propagating systems. By a self-propagating system (‘self-prop system’ for short) we mean a system that tends to promote its own survival and propagation. A system may propagate itself in either or both of two ways: The system may indefinitely increase its own size and/or power, or it may give rise to new systems that possess some of its own traits.
The most obvious examples of self-propagating systems are biological organisms. Groups of biological organisms can also constitute self-prop systems; e.g., wolf packs and hives of honeybees. Particularly important for our purposes are self-prop systems that consist of groups of human beings. For example, nations, corporations, labor unions, and political parties; also some groups that are not clearly delimited and lack formal organization, such as schools of thought, social networks, and subcultures. Just as wolf packs and beehives are self-propagating without any conscious intention on the part of wolves or bees to propagate their packs or their hives, there is no reason why a human group cannot be self-propagating independently of any intention on the part of the individuals who comprise the group.