Tag Archives: 2012
Letter from Babis Tsilianidis. (2012)
On July 18th 2012 the trial takes place in which I am accused of a robbery in the economy sector of Ahepa hospital in the summer of 2010.
In the text that my comrades and I published our first trial (for the arson of vehicles of the national electricity company), we mentioned the decisions we had taken concerning how we would act at our trials, as well as the reasons that led us to them.
Continue reading Letter from Babis Tsilianidis. (2012)
MARFIN CASE, 2010 (Athens-Greece)
Struggle Against Any State Machination.
The nation-wide strike on May 5th 2010 against the 1st memorandum will go down in the history of social/class struggle as one of the most massive and combative demonstrations, during which up to half a million protesters clashed for several hours with, the riot police in Syntagma Square, in front of the greek parliament, determined to resits against the plans of the local and international domination. The signing of gradual transition to the contemporary “State of Emergency”, in this suffocating context of crisis and social plunder.
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Marco Camenisch – Comunicato n°1 e n°2 su Op.Ardire e sciopero della fame (2012)
Nota Di ABC Berlin: L’anarchico Marco Camenisch, prigioniero in Svizzera, ha elaborato una prima lettera sull’ “Operazione Ardire”. E’ uno degli accusati, da questa costruzione frenetica contro gli anarchici in Italia, Svizzera, Germania e Grecia.
Di seguito una traduzione delle parole di Marco (che diamo con il nostro massimo impegno):
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Switzerland: Revolutionary greetings from imprisoned anarchist Marco Camenisch, on the occasion of the event for the Revolutionary Struggle case (Athens, 7–8 June 2012)
From Switzerland I send my warmest revolutionary salutes to you, comrades, on the occasion of your event-festival on the 7th and 8th of June in Greece!
Continue reading Switzerland: Revolutionary greetings from imprisoned anarchist Marco Camenisch, on the occasion of the event for the Revolutionary Struggle case (Athens, 7–8 June 2012)
Yuan’e Hu (it/fr)
È giovedì 2 agosto 2012 e come quasi ogni giorno fin dal suo difficile arrivo sul territorio francese, otto mesi prima, Yuan’e Hu è là, sul marciapiede di Belleville. Come molte centinaia di altre cinesi di una quarantina d’anni, ha lasciato la sua vecchia vita, sua figlia, la sua famiglia ed i suoi amici per la grande traversata. L’Europa e le sue promesse, la promessa di un salario “decente”, di condizioni di lavoro meno dure, di una “libertà” messa in scena dai rari media occidentali che non vengono filtrati dal Partito Comunista Cinese.
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Athens-Thessaloikni, Greece – DOES WORK LIBERATE? Solidarity poster for anarchist Rami Sirianos and comrade Kleomenis Savanidis (2012)
17/01/2012 –
Work penetrates and determines our whole existence. Time flows merciless at her rhythm as we commute through identical depressive surroundings at an ever increasing pace. Working time…productive time…free time…Every single one of our activities falls within her context: acquiring knowledge is considered an investment for a future career, joy is transformed into entertainment and delves into an orgy of consumption, our creativity is crushed within the narrow limits of productivity, our relationships -even our erotic encounters- speak the language of performance and usability… Our perversion has reached such a point that we search for any form of work, even voluntary, in order to fill our existential void, in order to “do something”.
We exist to work, we work to exist.
Continue reading Athens-Thessaloikni, Greece – DOES WORK LIBERATE? Solidarity poster for anarchist Rami Sirianos and comrade Kleomenis Savanidis (2012)
Carta desde la clandestinidad por la reciente salida bajo fianza de Mario López de la cárcel
29 de diciembre 2012
A mi hermano Mario,
Seis meses han pasado desde que te secuestraron esa noche de mala suerte, desde que te torturaron y te amenazaron, desde que hostigaron a tu familia y a tus amigxs. Durante seis meses lo intentaron todo para poder romper con tu espíritu ácrata – encerraron tu cuerpo dentro de cuatro paredes y un sinnúmero de rejas, lejos de los bosques salvajes donde perteneces, pero no les pasaba por la mente que en cada momento ibas a estar con tus compañerxs afines alrededor del mundo. Te dejaron aguantando el dolor pero tus ganas de luchar siempre ganaron.
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Primera carta de la compa Felicity (primera carta de la compa Felicity) 2012
Compañerxs, amigxs,
Me hubiera gustado poder escribir antes, pero por varias circunstancias no he podido hasta ahora. Quiero enviar un gran saludo y decir gracias a todxs lxs que se preocuparon por mi y por mi situación, a quienes han mostrado solidaridad con Mario y conmigo. En estos momentos difíciles significa mucho tener gente solidarizándose desde cerca o de lejos, aun sin conocerme. Les mando un gran abrazo ácrata a todxs.
Continue reading Primera carta de la compa Felicity (primera carta de la compa Felicity) 2012
Bruxelles d’en bas ne se rendra pas ! (2012)
L’ordre doit régner, c’est l’obsession de tout pouvoir. Endiguer et anéantir le désordre, comme celui qui existe encore dans cette capitale de l’Europe, un désordre qui nous permet de respirer encore un peu dans un monde asphyxié, est alors une préoccupation permanente. Ça passe ou ça casse.
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