Tag Archives: ALF

NEW PRISONER: Richard Klinsmeister (ALF-sweden)


Karl Häggroth
Box 213
596 21 Skänninge

Richard Klinsmeister
Box 22113
501 14 Borås

Ebba Olausson
Box 61
651 03 Karlstad

In June 2014, Karl and Ebba were each sentenced to 2 1/2 years in prison, and Richard received a sentence of one year and nine months, for actions against the fur industry.

Support website: www.facebook.com/freetheswedishARprisoners

After Prison Zine


Welcome to the ‘After Prison’ zine project. Through sharing stories of life after prison from former earth & animal liberation prisoners we hope that activist communities will develop a more thorough understanding of what former prisoners face on the outside. This project is also for those former prisoners still facing restrictions on whoresilienceweb they can interact with, so they can read of others’ experiences. All interviews and writings can be read on this website, or downloaded in zine format. Please share & distribute!
Continue reading After Prison Zine

Solidarity with Karl Häggroth, imprisoned animalist comrade (Sweden)


Our comrade Karl was sentenced with Ebba to prison for animal rights activities, send him all the support you can! You can also send him magazines and books! Karl is a strong anti-racist, anti-fascist, anti-capitalist, animal-rights warrior who did what he could to combat the disgusting fur industry in Sweden and other oppressions. Situation is tough for the prisoner so we urge people to send support. Postcards, letters, etc.

Karl Häggroth
Box 3
701 40 Örebro