Tag Archives: Antifa

Augustus Sol Invictus Coming to Chicago


For those who have been watching this saga unfold, things are becoming more and more difficult for neo-fascist politician Augustus Sol Invictus.  Running for Marko Rubio’s seat in the Senate, this candidate is running with the Florida Libertarian Party(against their general wishes).  He is a Thelemite pagan, which is the part that many focus on, who argues in favor of hierarchy, nationalism, various types of eugenics, and taking power with a show of strength.
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Operation Equinox Nefolk Tour Continues to Be Confronted by Antifa


The popular Neofolk bands that have joined the Operation Equinox Tour have had quite a bit of trouble from anti-fascist rabblerousers since the shows began.  The tour is being co-sponsored by the far-right Heathen Harvest, which we covered previously in our look deep into their politics and the fascist sympathies of most the bands on this tour’s bill.  The tour’s main sponsor, Annihilvs Power Electronix, is the face that many of the venues actually know, so when confronted many of the stage managers actually did not know about the Heathen Harvest connection (though the bands were already publicly controversial).
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“Nazi Cabbie” Gabriel Diaz Caught Attempting to Infiltrate Antifa


(Gabriel Diaz: National Socialist Infiltrator and Stooge for the National Socialist Movement)

About a year ago, Anti-Fascists around the country started seeing a man calling himself Mohammed coming out to demonstrations against Neo-Nazis and Klan as well as Anti-Fascist/Leftist events and conferences and trying to get involved in the Anti-Fascist movement.
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Piden 86 años de prisión para los antifascistas detenidos tras el concierto nazi del Hogar Social [Zgz]


El Ministerio Fiscal y la Policía Nacional solicitan doce años de prisión para tres de ellos, y diez para los cinco restantes, todos ellos supuestamente involucrados en los altercados tras el concierto nazicelebrado en el Hogar Social en febrero de 2015. La Fiscalía les acusa de atentado y desórdenes públicos, y la Policía Nacional, además de estos delitos, pide también que sean condenados por lesiones. La suma total de los años solicitados para todos ellos es de ochenta y seis años de prisión, algo que la Plataforma Antifaixista de Zaragoza ha calificado como una “auténtica barbaridad que solamente puede responder a un intento de criminalización del movimiento antifascista y una agresión a la lucha por la convivencia sin fascismo ni racismo”.
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Sweden: Kungsan 15 International Call For Solidarity


Thirteen antifascists in Stockholm, Sweden, have been served with prison sentences after riots connected to a protest in Kungsan against a Swedish nazi party during the elections in 2014. On the day over 12 000 people had gathered in Kungsan for the antifascist protests and when the police tried to disperse the crowd using pepperspray and batons, a lot of people stood their ground in attempt to hold the police back. In the aftermath the swedish security police, SÄPO, singled out 15 people who they claimed to be active in the antifascist movement. 13 where sentenced to prison and will now have to face over €35 000 in fines, damages and trial costs.
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600 Thousand Euros from the European Parliament to Roberto Fiore’s neo-Nazis


(Roberto Fiore)

600 Thousand Euros from the European Parliament to Roberto Fiore’s neo-Nazis

The pan-European party, whose president is the leader of the Italian far-right party Forza nuova (The New Power) and whose members are Holocaust deniers and white supremacists, is on the list of those that will be generously supported by Brussels.
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ITALIE – Combattre l’extrême droite dans la lutte pour les animaux et la nature !


Le Collectif Antispéciste et Antifasciste de Milan a élaboré un dossier en italien et en anglais pour analyser les branches de l’extrême droite qui tentent de s’infiltrer dans la cause animale et dans l’écologie. Nous vous invitons à le lire !

Pour lire le dossier en anglais cliquez ici !

Pour lire le dossier en italien cliquez là !

Antispecisti Antifascisti Milano

Panthères Enragées

Nuit Debout Lyon attaqué par l’extrême droite : les assaillants repartent en courant


Vendredi 22 au soir des groupes d’extrême droite lyonnais ont essayé d’attaquer le rassemblement de Nuit Debout place Guichard par deux fois. Après avoir lâchement attaqué deux personnes isolées, ils repartiront en courant -comme à leur habitude- devant le reste du rassemblement qui se préparait à les affronter en rang serré…

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Reims : le festival du film antifasciste fête ses 10 ans


Du 3 au 18 mai 2016, le Collectif de Lutte Antifasciste (CLA) et ses 16 partenaires présentent la 10ème édition du Festival du film antifasciste de Reims… et sa région. D’édition en édition, le Festival rencontre un succès croissant et s’enrichit tant dans le contenu de sa programmation que sur le plan géographique. L’édition 2014 avait vu le Festival s’étendre de Reims à Reims Métropole. Pour son 10ème anniversaire, le Festival ira encore plus loin… jusqu’au cinéma Le Palace d’Epernay.
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