Tag Archives: Bakunin M.

What is Authority?

El pogrom de Rusia en 1881-1882

Mikhail Bakunin


What is authority? Is it the inevitable power of the natural laws which manifest themselves in the necessary linking and succession of phenomena in the physical and social worlds? Indeed, against these laws revolt is not only forbidden – it is even impossible. We may misunderstand them or not know them at all, but we cannot disobey them; because they constitute the basis and the fundamental conditions of our existence; they envelop us, penetrate us, regulate all our movements, thoughts and acts; even when we believe that we disobey them, we only show their omnipotence.
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Escritos de filosofía política I y II – Mijaíl Bakunin (libro)


Mijail Bakunin es una figura única entre las personalidades revolucionarias del siglo XIX. Este hombre extraordinario combinó en su naturaleza el intrépido pensador socio filosófico con el hombre de acción, mezcla rara vez encontrada en un mismo individuo. Siempre estaba preparado para utilizar cualquier oportunidad de remodelar alguna esfera de la sociedad humana.
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L’ipocrisia religiosa (1871)


Michail Bakunin

Gli ipocriti religiosi, i tartufi hanno un bel dire: non vi è possibilità di transazione o di compromessi con Dio. Dal momento che si proclama la sua esistenza, esso vuol essere tutto, invadere tutto, assorbire tutto. Se esso esiste, tutto deve scomparire, esso è solo e da solo vuole occupare i cuori dei suoi sudditi, la cui stessa esistenza, a rigore, sarebbe già in contrasto con il suo essere; così di tutte le religioni conosciute, il buddhismo mi sembra la più conseguente perché il suo culto non ha altro scopo che il progressivo annichilimento degli individui umani nel niente assoluto, in Dio. È certo che se Dio avesse una esistenza reale, né il mondo né di conseguenza i credenti sarebbero mai esistiti.
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What is the State


Michael Bakunin (1871)

n March 1871, just after the proclamation of the Paris Commune, Michael Bakunin prepared a summary of his revolutionary principles, setting forth his critique of authority, his social conception of freedom, and his critique of the State. I included similar material from Bakunin in Volume One of Anarchism: A Documentary History of Libertarian Ideas, but the following passage on the State succinctly sets forth Bakunin’s position.

What is the State?
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Authority and Civilization


Within the greater anti-civilization milieu, two major factions have been vocally distinguishing their approaches from one another: the anarcho-primitivists and the Deep Green Resistance movement. Occasionally this effort towards differentiation has been based on honest disagreement about theory and practice. More commonly, it has been a tit-for-tat based mostly on personality conflict. During the brief period of its existence the Internet has often proved to be a safe haven for mean-spirited personal attacks. Insofar as concerns are raised about the actions of certain public persons in a critical spirit, they can contribute to a critical discourse. This is my intention, not to sling mud simply for cursory amusement.

Anarchists have voiced a number of legitimate criticisms of the Deep Green Resistance crowd. Among these are the cult of personality and careerist methods of Derrick Jensen and the anti-trans prejudice and cop-calling of Lierre Keith. Other potentially problematic aspects of Deep Green Resistance are not necessarily so obvious and are in need of careful critical inspection. For their part the DGR have called into question several aspects of anarchist thought and practice. But how salient are these criticisms? Are they based in honest disagreements on theoretical and tactical differences?
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God and the State


Bakunin (1882)

 – I –

Who are right, the idealists or the materialists? The question once stated in this way hesitation becomes impossible. Undoubtedly the idealists are wrong and the materialists right. Yes, facts are before ideas; yes, the ideal, as Proudhon said, is but a flower, whose root lies in the material conditions of existence. Yes, the whole history of humanity, intellectual and moral, political and social, is but a reflection of its economic history.
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La Instrucción Integral – Mijaíl Bakunin



La primera cuestión que hemos de considerar hoy es ésta: ¿Podrá ser completa la emancipación de las masas obreras mientras reciban una instrucción inferior a la de los burgueses o mientras haya, en general, una clase cualquiera, numerosa o no, pero que por nacimiento tenga los privilegios de una educación superior y más completa? ¿Plantear esta cuestión no es comenzar a resolverla? ¿No es evidente que entre dos hombres dotados de una inteligencia natural más o menos igual, el que más instruido sea, cuyo conocimiento se haya ampliado por la ciencia y que comprendiendo mejor el encadenamiento de los hechos naturales y sociales, o lo que se denominan las leyes de la naturaleza y la sociedad, comprenderá con más facilidad y más ampliamente el carácter del medio en el que se encuentra, que se sentirá más libre, que será prácticamente tan hábil y fuerte como el otro? Quien sepa más dominara naturalmente a quien menos sabe y no existiendo en principio entre dos clases sociales más que esta sola diferencia de instrucción y de educación, esa diferencia producirá en poco tiempo todas las demás y el mundo volverá a encontrarse en su situación actual, es decir, dividido en una masa de esclavos y un pequeño numero de dominadores, los primeros trabajando, como hoy en día, para los segundos.
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