Tag Archives: eco

E’ uscito “L’imbarazzo della scelta”: opsucolo contro MUOS e industria bellica


L’ordine sociale forma un blocco. Un blocco della stessa fusione. È possibile, a seconda della tinta, dare ad ogni filone un nome diverso. Vi si trova il filone del capitalismo, il filone del clericalismo, il filone del militarismo e molti altri ancora. Ma non è possibile assestare una picconata ad un determinato filone senza intaccarne un altro, da tanto si incrociano, si mescolano e si mischiano. Provengono tutti da una medesima colata.

Albert Libertad

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A propósito de las catástrofes “naturales”


En las últimas semanas, distintas partes del mundo han sido asoladas por graves desastres… Terremoto en China, inundaciones apocalípticas en Birmania, y una erupción volcánica en el sur de Chile. Los más afectados han sido los proletarios de estas latitudes, con un saldo de miles de muertos y danmificados (casas y vidas destruídas, precisamente de los sectores más explotados de la población).
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A Critique, Not a Program: For a Non-Primitivist Anti-Civilization Critique


 Wolfi Landstreicher


So the anarchist individualist as I mean it has nothing to wait for […] I already considered myself an anarchist and could not wait for the collective revolution to rebel myself or for communism to obtain my freedom.

— Renzo Novatore
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Uno sguardo sull’esperienza delle “campagne”


Cambiamenti e nuove prospettive


Costantino Ragusa


Prima che qualcuno di noi s’imbarchi in una lotta per gli animali, dovremmo prenderci del tempo per soffermarci a riflettere su cosa vogliamo ottenere ed esprimere con il nostro agire. Quello di “liberazione” è un concetto molto diverso da “diritti animali” o “benessere animale”.
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This great invention isn’t necessary to support a part of the body, but, if anything, a part of the mind. The mobile or cellular phone (this ill-omened name hits the mark so well), this indispensable tool linked to individuals in such a blatantly unhealthy manner, is not just electromagnetic toxicity, nor just a revolution in interpersonal relationships, nor even just a stupid consumerist gadget that fattens the usual pocketbooks as always.
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Actions Speak Louder Than Words


Derrick Jensen


ctions Speak Louder Than Words (1998)

Every morning when I wake up I ask myself whether I should write or blow up a dam. I tell myself I should keep writing, though I’m not sure that’s right. I’ve written books and done activism, but it is neither a lack of words nor a lack of activism that is killing salmon here in the Northwest. It’s the dams.
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Against Mass Society


from Green Anarchy #6

Many people desire an existence free of coercive authority, where all are at liberty to shape their own lives as they choose for the sake of their own personal needs, values, and desires. For such freedom to be possible, no individual person can extend his or her sphere of control upon the lives of others without their choosing. Many who challenge oppression in the modern world strive toward their conception of a “free society” by attempting to merely reform the most powerful and coercive institutions of today, or to replace them with “directly democratic” governments, community-controlled municipalities, worker-owned industrial federations, etc.
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Mapanyukki: Riots and attacks against police in resistance to land eviction (Indonesia)


325 receives and transmits:

… Yesterday when I was cooking, me and subcommandante ***** heard about some eviction quite near to Pandan Raya, in Mapanyukki. We heard in the radio that two of the police were severely injured by molotov cocktails and we rushed to the place.
Continue reading Mapanyukki: Riots and attacks against police in resistance to land eviction (Indonesia)