Tag Archives: elf

Conoscerli per isolarli: destre nell’ecologismo e nell’animalismo. Prima parte


Nella puntata di martedì 11 novembre abbiamo dato particolare spazio al primo di una serie  di approfondimenti sulla presenza delle destre nell’ecologismo e nell’animalismo e non solo.  Una diretta  con una compagna di Antispefa, un collettivo che, tra  altre tematiche interessanti, cura  una mappa antifa (in continuo aggiornamento e a cui sarebbe bene collaborare)  con uno specifico  riferimento anche  alle lotte sopracitate.
Continue reading Conoscerli per isolarli: destre nell’ecologismo e nell’animalismo. Prima parte

Inghilterra: laboratorio Green della Glaxo in fiamme


Nuovo laboratorio della GlaxoSmithkline da 16 milioni di sterline completamente distrutto. Nottingham, 14 settembre I vigili del fuoco confermano che il fuoco continuerà a covare per altre 24 ore al laboratorio di chimica dell’Università di Nottingham. Questo edificio sarebbe entrato in funzione all’inizio del 2015 ed era stato finanziato con 12 milioni di sterline dalla multinazionale farmaceutica GlaxoSmithKline.
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Setting Fires With Electrical Timers- An Earth Liberation Front Guide


From the introduction:

Electrical timers are superior to delays that use candles, incense or cigarettes. Electrical timers have significantly longer delay times. When electrical timers are carefully constructed, they are more reliable. Each one can be tested repeatedly until you are certain that it will work. Electrical timers are easily protected from wind and
rain, whereas even a mild breeze can be a problem for candles and incense.
Continue reading Setting Fires With Electrical Timers- An Earth Liberation Front Guide

ELF in Australia Vandalizes National Park and Wildlife Service Vehicles

We claim responsibility for the attack on the National Parks and Wildlife Service on the morning of Thursday 18th September.

NPWS were targeted for their part in the war on wildlife, with an extended history, and a continuing habit of dumping 1080 poison (sodium fluoroacetate) into wild places, all under the public guise of ‘conservation’. Killing and destroying indiscriminately, how many more lives and lands must be destroyed by this groups insane, ecocidal visions and experiments?

To express our outrage, under the cover of night, we entered their depot on Darug/Gundungurra Country (Blackheath, NSW). During our short visit, two vehicles were set upon leaving tyres slashed, windscreens smashed and a little additive into the fuel, just to sweeten the deal.

If you choose to continue to use this land as your dumping ground, you will encounter us again. Our rage will only burn bigger and stronger.

In defense of predators. In defense of wildness.



New Book Wish List for ELF Prisoner Justin Solondz


ELF prisoner Justin Solondz has a new book wish list up on Amazon. Show your support by sending him a book!

Justin is serving seven years for a 2001 firebombing of the University of Washington’s Center for Urban Horticulture, an action claimed by the Earth Liberation Front. A target of the FBI’s Operation Backfire, Justin was indicted in 2006, and plead guilty to a single count of conspiracy and a single count of arson in December, 2011. He is set to be released on August 31, 2017.

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Former ELF/Green Scare Prisoner “Exile” Now a Fascist


It’s been an open secret for months that Nathan Block (better known as “Exile”), a former Green Scare prisoner who served a number of years in prison for several Earth Liberation Front actions, has become a fascist. This has been known not just through numerous personal accounts from Olympia, but from copious postings on his tumblr blogLoyalty Is Mightier Than Fire (Exile has confirmed to local anti-fascists that the blog is his).

Continue reading Former ELF/Green Scare Prisoner “Exile” Now a Fascist