taksim’de iki yıldan fazladır her Çarşamba market ve manavların çöpe ayırdığı yenebilir sebzeleri değerlendirerek herkesle paylaşan Bombalara Karşı Sofralar grubu, Mart ve Nisan boyunca sofraların yanı sıra üretim-tamir veya deneyim paylaşımına dayalı çeşitli etkinliklerin yapılacağını duyurdu.
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Tag Archives: Food Not Bombs
Přijd na benefiční koncert pro sociální prádelnu! Nebo na poslední koncert C do Tábora…
Anti-Election Action – Baliwag Bulacan Philippines
20 January 2016 – the anti-election campaign initiated by Local Autonomous Network (LAN) was hosted by Food Not Bombs (FNB) crew in Baliwag Bulacan. Anarcho punks and FNB volunteers of the said locality conducted series of activities from food preparation, food sharing, inter-action with street children and homeless people. Due to lack of materials, T-shirt printing was cancelled LAN volunteers provided silk screen to the local volunteers for them to continue the activity in their convenient time. While FNB crew was busy distributing food, Mag-isa collective installed its Radyo Kalye facility; host of volunteers from Safehouse Infoshop and street children conducted spontaneous program which effectively catched public’s attention.
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Philippines: An Anti-Election piece & Food Not Bombs Action
The mud-slinging, the ridiculous character assassinations, and cyber-bullying being done by followers of the politicians aspiring for the 2016 Philippine presidency are indicators that it is all a sham recycled from several decades ago. This is why I stand by my opinion that there are better things to do to change the country than voting. This is because, whoever wins, a large part of the country’s population will still go hungry and their lives will barely change. An empty stomach, lack of shelter, and no access to proper health care can’t wait another six years.
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Killed by Brno vol. 13
United Crusties present:
Killed By Brno vol. 13
Sobota 12. 12. 2015
Brno @ Yacht
Už potřinácté v zimě zpátky na Yacht s osmi kapelama (nejen domácíma) na programu, společnou vegan večeří, freeboxem, Food Not Bombs atd.
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Against ‘Anarcho-Charity’: For actions of solidarity – not pity
This article appears in the upcoming issue of Modesto Anarcho, a journal published by anarchists in the Central Valley of California. Out in Jan. 2007! More info: www.geocities.com/anarcho209
> Recently, after the disbanding of D.A.A.A. Collective, many of us have been discussing, as have others around us, the poverty and reformism regarding the nature of such activities as Food Not Bombs, Really Free Markets, and other memes that basically amount to “anarcho-charity”?.
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Contre la charité – Une critique de ‘‘Food not Bombs’’

Continue reading Contre la charité – Une critique de ‘‘Food not Bombs’’
Naga City: Food Not Bombs Solidarity Action (Philippines)
WEGETARIADA impreza zamiast bomb | 23.05.2015 | benefit na Food Not Bombs | Szczecin
{for english version please scroll down}
W nawiązaniu do najlepszych tradycji szczecińskiej alternatywy z lat 90. zapraszamy na pierwszą – po wielu latach – edycję Wegetariady! Gwoździami programu będą: wegańska strawa, masa niezależnej muzyki, warsztaty dla dzieci, barterowe giełdy, projekcje filmowe i wiele innych.
Continue reading WEGETARIADA impreza zamiast bomb | 23.05.2015 | benefit na Food Not Bombs | Szczecin
Benefit na časopis Klíčení (21.3. / Hradec Králové)
21. března 2015 od 20:00 v Klubu č. p. 4 (Hradec Králové)
Benefiční večer, jehož plný výdělek půjde na tisk dětského časopisu KLÍČENÍ.
Zahrají kapely:
VIA (emo hardcore)
POTMĚ (rap bez servítek)
MORROW (metal core)
OiOiPiratoi (fokl)
Na místě bude bohaté distro a o jídlo se postará místní FOOD NOT BOMBS Hradec Králové