Tag Archives: Giannis Naxakis

Athens Letter from detained anarchist comarde Giannis Naxakis (2013)


Translated by Actforfreedomnow/boubourAs
A month after my arrest I still remain sunken in thoughts trying to find moments of calm and clarity, so I can finally put the pen down to write a couple of words. My mood changes at the speed of light, it goes up and down non-stop and is finding it hard to find a steady point to hold on to. The account of what happened in Nea Filadelfia sickens me, the renewed conclusions that come out hurt me, the realization of what exactly happened kills me.
Continue reading Athens Letter from detained anarchist comarde Giannis Naxakis (2013)

Solidarity Poster from Thessaloniki about the appellate court of comrades G.Naxakis and G.Sarafoudis


“… In many languages, idioms, symbols, we refer to those missing. And
every sorrow and every rage acquires a name, a face, a history, a void
that hurts and shames.
The world and its history is full of absences. And absences become a
mumble, a powerful word, a cry or a scream.
We do not scream for repentance. We do not cry for mercy. We do not
complain about resignation.
We do these things in order for those who are missing to be able to find
their way back. So they know that they are here, even if they are
missing. So they do not forget that we do not forget, we always
Continue reading Solidarity Poster from Thessaloniki about the appellate court of comrades G.Naxakis and G.Sarafoudis

Athens – Appellate court for the case of the robbery in Pirgetos with accused anarchist comrades G.Sarafoudis-G.Naxakis on October 9th.


Appellate court for the case of the robbery in Pirgetos with accused anarchist comrades G.Sarafoudis-G.Naxakis on October 9th.
On Friday October 9th begins in the appellate court of Loukareos the
second degree trial with accused anarchists G.Sarafoudis and G.Naxakis
concerning the robbery that was carried out in 2011 in Pirgetos, Larisa.
In the first trial they both had been convicted with the same sentence
of 16 years for robbery, upgraded for both however in the context of
terrorism with DNA found on two movable objects as evidence.

We stand in solidarity with our two comrades.





A few words by anarchist Giannis Naxakis concerning the incidents that took place in Domokos prisons on Wednesday 25.3.15

Gruel Rations

The suffocating and authoritarian world reserved for us its most vicious
reality, the experience of living in physical incarceration, the tough consequence
of a dangerous adventure. Living the existing dystopia, we come up against the horror of the smell of death
more and more often, more and more subtly.
Suicide in prison is the fact that speaks better than anything concerning this institution. This time however some of us in this prison-symbol of the institution, when hearing of the suicide of this prisoner of Pakistani origin who had stated his concerns, showed a sign of life by trashing the area of the wing, releasing in this way also much of the oppression accumulated inside us, having come to live in the opposite extreme of our desires.

Continue reading A few words by anarchist Giannis Naxakis concerning the incidents that took place in Domokos prisons on Wednesday 25.3.15

Grèce : Émeute des prisonniers de Type C à Domokos et quelques mots de Giannis Naxakis


NdNF : Le mardi 24 mars dans la soirée, un prisonnier pakistanais détenu dans l’aile E2 (de type C) de la prison de Domokos, qui avait demandé son transfert à l’hôpital, s’est suicidé au mitard. En apprenant la nouvelle, les détenus de l’aile E1 ont cassé toutes les caméras et ont fait d’autres dégâts dans toute l’aile. C’est le deuxième détenu qui meurt à la prison de Domokos en moins de deux mois à cause du manque de soins médicaux.
Le monde étouffant et autoritaire nous a réservé sa plus brutale réalité, l’expérience de l’enfermement physique, la dure conséquence d’une aventure dangereuse. Vivant une dystopie réelle, nous faisons face à l’horreur de l’odeur de la mort toujours plus souvent, toujours plus imperceptiblement.
Continue reading Grèce : Émeute des prisonniers de Type C à Domokos et quelques mots de Giannis Naxakis

Aggiornamenti dalla Grecia




L’anarchico  Fivos Charisis(ndt:  della Rete dei prigionieri in lotta,in sciopero della fame dal 2 marzo per  l’abolizione dell’articolo 187  e dell’articolo 187A , della legge sul travisamento, della legge sulle prigioni di tipo C, del rilascio del membro della 17 Novembre Savvas Xiros per ragioni di salute oltre ad altre richieste)in sciopero della fame dal 2 marzo,è stato trasferito all’ospedale  Tzanio al Pireo.Il suo stato di salute risulta seriamente deteriorato,ha perso circa il 13%del peso corporeo, ed ha varie complicazioni dovute allo sciopero della fame ed alla sua storia clinica di asma bronchiale.
Continue reading Aggiornamenti dalla Grecia

Greece: Statement signed by all the prisoners in the E1 wing of Domokos type C prison


We, all the prisoners currently held in the E1 special wing in the prison within the prison, the type C prison of Domokos, declare that as of today February 27th 2015 we are going to abstain from prison meals and refuse to enter the cells at noon.
Continue reading Greece: Statement signed by all the prisoners in the E1 wing of Domokos type C prison

Grecia. Trasladado Xiros a Domokos y nuevas órdenes de detención


Tras ser detenido el compañero Christodoulos Xiros es llevado inmediatamente a la prisión de Korydallos, para durante estos días ser trasladado a la prisión de máxima seguridad de Domokos, adaptada para mantener el nuevo régimen de aislamiento Tipo-C.

La propuesta del Estado policial griego, busca construir y forjar una nueva Stammhei, reeditando los distintos proyectos represivos y tumbas para guerrilleros buscando aniquilar sus vidas, sus relaciones y las proyecciones propias de la lucha, como en su momento el CAS surgió en Chile.

De apoco han ido transfiriendo y repletando el modulo especial de Domokos con compañeros anarquistas, y también con prisioneros rebeldes.
Continue reading Grecia. Trasladado Xiros a Domokos y nuevas órdenes de detención