Tag Archives: Giannis Naxakis

Athens -Update on the trial for the double robbery in Velvedo Session 6,Session 7.


Update on the trial for the double robbery in Velvedo
Session 6.
Tuesday 4/3/2014
Three witnesses were examined today. The manager of Agrotiki bank (now A Pireus bank branch), a dentist who the participants in the double robbery found on the way towards Veria and took him with them and a retired employee of the national electricity company, who was an eye witness to the second robbery in the Velvedo post office.

Continue reading Athens -Update on the trial for the double robbery in Velvedo Session 6,Session 7.

Μπροσούρα αλληλεγγύης στους αναρχικούς που διώκονται για το Βελβεντό


Περιλαμβάνει τα εισηγητικά κείμενα της εκδήλωσης που πραγματοποιήθηκε στις 22.11.2013 στο Πολυτεχνείο και τις τοποθετήσεις των συντρόφων κατά την έναρξη της δίκης στις 29.11.2013 στην ειδική αίθουσα των φυλακών Κορυδαλλού.



Χρονικό της υπόθεσης
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Text concerning the hunger-thirst strike of anarchist hostages of the 4th wing of Koridallos prisons. Athens – Greece

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The following text is a presentation of what followed the incident with and also some general thoughts surrounding the institution of incarceration and how we stand across it as anarchists. Our desire was for it to come out earlier, but our transfer to another wing, the beating of Giannis by the CCF and various other prison matters delayed it.

Continue reading Text concerning the hunger-thirst strike of anarchist hostages of the 4th wing of Koridallos prisons. Athens – Greece

Atene: Aggiornamento sul processo e dichiarazioni dei compagni accusati


Un altro processo-terrore è iniziato oggi, 3 Febbraio 2014, nel carcere di Korydallos, con 7 compagni anarchici accusati di partecipazione alla CCF e rapine a Pirgetos e Filota. 5 dei compagni sono già stati accusati di far parte della CCF, sebbene anche gli stessi prigionieri membri della CCF hanno più volte negato il loro coinvolgimento. L’antiterrorismo cosi come i giudici comunque insistono di proposito nel presentarli come membri della CCF.
Continue reading Atene: Aggiornamento sul processo e dichiarazioni dei compagni accusati



Translated by Act for freedom now!
There are times when the provocations of the free life we hunt for in this boxed world inevitably bring us before small or large dilemmas. If there is however some beauty in this world, it is definitely not in the streets where the hesitant crowd moves, but in the paths which unpredictably escape from our perceived field. The ambush and beating I got was an unexpected consequence of a decision I made and it was definitely an incident which hurt me. But words in here will not be consumed on this part, because maybe words are enough to describe such an incident, but are definitely not enough to answer it in any way. Remaining on the part of their text therefore, my desire was from the first moment to answer very simply and calmly to their claims in the sequence they were written in. I had begun immediately actually, a few days after the attack, and I had gone quite far. However, after reading their text again and again I simply couldn’t take it.
How do you answer such a delirium of lies without falling to their level?


A new terror-trial has begun in Koridallos prisons 3/2/14 Athens – Greece


Translated by Act for freedom now!
One more terror-trial began today at Koridallos prisons, with 7 anarchist comrades accused of participation in the CCF and for the robberies in Pirgetos and Filota. 5 of the comrades have been accused of being part of the CCF before, although they as well as the imprisoned members of the CCF have repeatedly stated that they have nothing to do with the organization. The anti-terrorist force as well as the juridical mechanisms however, intentionally insist on presenting them as members of the CCF.

Continue reading A new terror-trial has begun in Koridallos prisons 3/2/14 Athens – Greece

Prigione di Koridallos, Atene: Aggiornamento sulla 4 udienza per il caso della doppia rapina a Velventòs-Kozani (20 Gennaio 2014) Atene: Dichiarazione di Nikos Romanos alla prima udienza (3/2/2014) del tribunale speciale del carcere femminile di Koridallos


Prigione di Koridallos, Atene: Aggiornamento sulla 4 udienza per il caso della doppia rapina a Velventòs-Kozani (20 Gennaio 2014)

Dopo le procedure di rito per avvocati e accusa, l’avvocato A. Paparousou ha chiesto di intervenire per fare una dichiarazione riguardo al suo cliente A.-D. Bourzoukos. Il suo cliente, oltre al presente processo, è accusato di azioni avvenute nel 2012 verso le quali non ha alcuna implicazione e per le quali un secondo mandato d’arresto è stato spiccato a suo carico.
Continue reading Prigione di Koridallos, Atene: Aggiornamento sulla 4 udienza per il caso della doppia rapina a Velventòs-Kozani (20 Gennaio 2014) Atene: Dichiarazione di Nikos Romanos alla prima udienza (3/2/2014) del tribunale speciale del carcere femminile di Koridallos

Athens – 4th Session for the robbery in Velvedo, which takes place in the terror-court of the female prisons of Koridallos.


After the standard reading of the absent book for advocates of defence and prosecution, advocate A.Paparousou asked to speak in order to make a statement concerning her client A.D.Bourzoukos. Her client, besides the case on trial, is accused of acts that took place in 2012 in which he had no implication and a second arrest warrant was put out in his name. In this are mentioned the acts for which he is accused and are the same as the ones examined in the case on trial. This is a practise which is applied by the anti-terrorist force in the recent years, noted the advocate.

Continue reading Athens – 4th Session for the robbery in Velvedo, which takes place in the terror-court of the female prisons of Koridallos.

Atene, Grecia: Dichiarazione letta al processo da Nikos Romanos e Giannis Michailidis (29/11/2013) it/es


Oggi inizia il teatro delle ombre che voi chiamate processo. È più che evidente che si tratta di un processo dove si stanno giudicando gli anarchici rivoluzionari che hanno rigettato il sistema e i suoi benefici per passare all’attacco contro di esso. Perciò hanno operato decine di questi “colpi di stato speciali” per affrontarci. Tribunali speciali, trasferimenti speciali, leggi speciali antiterroriste, “protezione” speciale da parte della polizia. Tutti questi esempi sono delle ammissioni segrete che vengono nascoste dietro la flessibilità e i duplici discorsi che ci offre il sistema ma in realtà sono cosi codardi che coprono tutta questa parodia con argomenti ancora più ridicoli, negando di ammettere l’ovvietà.
Continue reading Atene, Grecia: Dichiarazione letta al processo da Nikos Romanos e Giannis Michailidis (29/11/2013) it/es