Tag Archives: interview

Entrevista con John Curtin, veterano del Frente de Liberación Animal (ALF)


John Curtin es una de las personas que estuvieron implicadas en campañas, manifestaciones y acciones directas contra la explotación animal en Inglaterra durante los años 80s y 90s, aquí presentamos una entrevista hecha por Rabia y Acción y traducida con la ayuda de Acción Vegana.
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Between the Hunters and the Wild: An Interview with Manchester Hunt Sabs


We are happy to share with everyone an interview with Manchester Hunt Sabs! With the growing opposition to hunts in North America around government culls, and the recent rise in organized hunting, they spoke with us to share some tips and information about hunt sabbing, and how people can keep up the fight to defend the wild in their own backyards!
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Interview mit ABC Belarus 2014 (A-Radio berlin)


Seit dem 8.4.2014 ist eine deutschsprachige Version unseres aktuellen Interviews mit Anarchist Black Cross Belarus online. Unter dem autoritären Regime von Lukashenko herrschen in Belarus äußerst repressive Zustände. Neben anderen politischen Gefangenen ist immer noch eine Handvoll Anarchisten in Haft. Aktuell kommen womöglich zwei Antifaschisten aus Brest hinzu. Im folgenden Interview könnt ihr mehr dazu erfahren.
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Interview with Mark Barnsley for “Direkte Aktion” (2003)


You´ve been to prison two times. Both seem strange at first sight. How comes that a 19 year old anarchist is caught with plastic explosives? How did you get 8 years of prison for defending yourself, your friend and child against a mob of drunken highly aggressive students?
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Interview with ABC Belarus 2014 (english) A Radio Berlin


We pre­sent an in­ter­view with a mem­ber of the An­ar­chist Black Cross (ABC) in Belarus about the an­ar­chist pri­so­ners in the coun­try, the si­tua­ti­on in Belarus and the neigh­bou­ring coun­tri­es and the pl­an­ned in­fo­tour through parts of Eu­ro­pe star­ting in April 2014.
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Interview with Eric McDavid (2011)



Jeffrey Luers

Jeff Luers set fire to three SUVs at a car dealership in Eugene, OR during the summer of 2000 in response to the environmental devastation that he saw occurring on a global scale. The court levied an egregious sentence to make an example out of him, to send a clear message to others who might share Jeff’s outrage and will. In 2004 Jeff was three years into his 22+ sentence. That year his support crew announced that June 11th was the International Day of Solidarity with Long-term Anarchist Prisoner Jeff “Free” Luers.
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Discussion avec Laudelino Iglesias suivie de quelques lettres

Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park, South Africa - Photo by Hannes Lochner

Surmonter les peurs

Certainement, nous subissons des formes de contrôle et de répression
qui produisent beaucoup de peurs. Mais nous ne pouvons et ne
devons pas laisser ces peurs nous paralyser. Parce que c’est précisément ce à quoi vise le système qui nous exploite et nous opprime.

La peur est subjective, chaque personne l’expérimente et l’exprime
de manière différente. Mais la peur peut être raisonnée, ce qui nous
rend plus prudents et aiguise notre intelligence et notre imagination.
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Comunicado ante la detención de Juan Aliste (julio 2010)


Comunicado ante la detención de Juan Aliste en B.s.

Frente a la reciente detención de Juan Aliste en Buenos Aires, Argentina, hecho profusamente difundido por los aparatos de propaganda del kapital, kisiera señalar hoy, desde la sexión de Máxima Seguridad de la C.A.S., en Stgo de Chile lo siguiente:
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