Tag Archives: interview

Greece: Interview with Christos Tsakalos on 105FM


Interview (in greek) with Christos Tsakalos, imprisoned member of CCF, FAI-IRF, on Friday 28/2, at 17:00, on 105FM.

The comrade will talk about current events, such as Christodoulos Xiros’ escape from Koridallos prison, the high security prison that will be put in operation in Domokos (Greece), the internal contentions which happen between imprisoned anarchists sometimes, the stream of New Anarchy, the anti-civilization tension of anarchy and the informal international network of direct action cells of FAI-IRF, through a historical presentation.

You can listen live here.


Una conversazione con il collettivo editoriale di Infierno (Conspiración Ácrata) 2012


Conspiración Ácrata – Una conversación con el colectivo editorial de Infierno

Una cosa es tener armas y otra cosa es ser un grupo armado…

Infierno” es una publicación anarquista por el desmadre y la revuelta realizada por compañerxs afines de Barcelona en la regiónde Catalunya, que hasta ahora llevan editados 5 números.

Tras hace un tiempo haber establecido comunicación con ellxs, tomamos la iniciativa de realizarles

un breve cuestionario con la finalidad de contribuir al debate actual del cual hacíamos hincapié en el numero pasado de Conspiración Ácrata, pero también con la finalidad de conocer mas aun como es la escena narquista en Barcelona ya sea insurreccional o al anarquismo de acción, o bien contraria al tipo de anarquismo que aboga por la legalidad, permisividad, organización centralista, etc.

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Entrevista A Jose Sobre Su Experiencia En Las Cárceles Para Niños

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A sus 10 años Jose fue internado con sus hermanos en un centro de “protección” –auténticas Cárceles para niños-. Ante un problema económico familiar la respuesta institucional es el internamiento, la separación de padres e hijos… y posteriormente la separación entre hermanos. A los 12 entra en el centro terapeútico “Picón del Jarama”, donde paradójicamente aumenta su ansiedad, su angustia… se le medica, se le hace aislamientos de hasta 72 horas, se le incomunica de su familia…

La Odisea de este muchacho, como la de muchos otros, solo acaba al cumplir los 18. Momento en que el sistema de protección le deja de protejer.

Los sonidos de mi barrio




Pestifera la mia vita – Intervista a Claudio Lavazza

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Questa è la registrazione di un’intervista telefonica che Guido, un compagno della Cassa Antirep delle Alpi Occidentali , ha fatto a Claudio Lavazza lo scorso anno. La rendiamo pubblica adesso in concomitanza con la pubblicazione, in versione italiana, della sua autobiografia, “PESTIFERA la mia vita”. <<Chi è Claudio Lavazza lo si intuisce fin dalla prima pagina del suo libro: le azioni di cui è accusato parlano chiaro. Un ribelle, un…

Nosotrxs, Lxs Antidesarrollistas.


(Dibujo Realizado por Quino)

Nota: Al final del texto esta el link dejado por lxs compas de Editorial Germinal para descargar el libro Perspectivas Antidesarrollistas de Miguel Amoros. Aprovechamos de saludar y agradecer a lxs compas por el PDF para descargar. 

Extraido de Cultura y Anarquismo

La fe en el crecimiento económico ilimitado como solución a los males sociales ha sido inherente al régimen capitalista, pero no fue hasta los años cincuenta del siglo pasado cuando dicha fe, bajo el nombre de desarrollismo, se convirtió en una política de Estado. A partir de entonces, la Razón de Estado fue principalmente Razón de Mercado.
Continue reading Nosotrxs, Lxs Antidesarrollistas.

Open Letter From Jeffrey Luers (& other texts + interview)

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The radical environmental movement along with the animal liberation struggle has often stood on the fringes of social justice movements. There was a time not to long ago when these struggles were dismissed by the larger left leaning social justice movement as non-essential. I went to prison at such a time.
Continue reading Open Letter From Jeffrey Luers (& other texts + interview)

Interview with Debbie from the Blackmail 3 Case


We are very happy to have the opportunity to share with you all an interview we did with Debbie of the Blackmail 3 case in the UK. From their support site:

On the morning of 6th July 2012, several teams of police raided the homes and business premises of three people arresting them on suspicion of “conspiracy to blackmail”, in relation to animal testing laboratory, Huntingdon Life Sciences. The person in the UK is accused of committing this between 2001-2011 and the 2 people in Holland between November 2008-December 2010. In recent years this charge has been deliberately used against campaigners due to its good conviction rate and because it carries a maximum sentence of 14 years in prison. This is the third UK conspiracy to blackmail trial involving people accused of campaigning against HLS.
Continue reading Interview with Debbie from the Blackmail 3 Case

Interview with Homes Not Jails! (en/fr)


The Homes not Jails (HNJ) San Francisco chapter was formed in 1992 in response to the reality that while there are huge numbers of homeless folks on the streets, vacant houses in the city go empty for months or years. Through covert housing takeovers, public building occupations, and direct action, HNJ aims to fulfill the basic human right to free and safe housing for all. As they case the streets for houses to put people up for the night, HNJ is influenced by slogans like ‘property is robbery’ and ‘property is violence’: “There’s people out in the streets every night that are being hurt- people that are starving, dying, getting harassed by police…how is that not violence when there are all these homes that are owned but not being used?”
Continue reading Interview with Homes Not Jails! (en/fr)

“Le Fiamme della Vittoria”, Rod Coronado intervista Melanie Arnold


Da oggi proponiamo una nuova categoria del blog : “articoli e traduzioni”.
Nel corso della storia di questo movimento si sono prodotti innumerevoli documenti, riviste, fanzine o newsletters, a loro volta piene di articoli, interviste ed analisi. Molto di quanto fatto è stato perso, molto altro viene recuperato e digitalizzato, nel tentativo di dare nuova vita a quelle pubblicazioni, a non perderne l’importante contributo e fondamentale testimonianza.
Continue reading “Le Fiamme della Vittoria”, Rod Coronado intervista Melanie Arnold