Tag Archives: Jean Weir

Pourquoi je démissionne du syndicat


En 1981, Jean était syndiqué CGT à Saulnier-Duval, l’une des principales usines métallurgiques de la région nantaise, au sein de laquelle il subsistait encore des rétifs parmi les damnés de la chaîne de montage, plus de dix ans après Mai 68. D’où l’ambiance faite de réticences au travail, de coulages larvés de la production, parfois même de sabotages. Avec quelques autres complices, Jean diffusa largement cette lettre ouverte devant bon nombre d’usines en Loire-Atlantique, en commençant par Saulnier-Duval, et après avoir expliqué les raisons de sa démission en assemblée générale, sous les cris de haine des staliniens.
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Abbandoniamo tutte le protesi ed avventuriamoci negli abissi di un mondo senza limiti


La vita ha disertato il labirinto senz’anima delle attività giornaliere dell’uomo. Così apparentemente ecumeni cale, così apparentemente volatile, essa non è così a buon mercato. I tentativi di incontrarla da parte degli schiavi della democrazia non sono rimasti che tali. Le scelte apparenti nelle vetrine dei negozi del capitale si riducono ad una sola: puoi abitare nella palude con le rane, sguazzare nel pantano globale della partecipazione ed aiutare a diffondere la melma finché anche i tuoi sogni diventeranno grigi. O te ne puoi andare. Prendere il volo con i vagabondi dello spirito, lasciare che il bagliore della libertà incendi le tue passioni, accenda il tuo spirito, ti illumini la mente. Abbandonare tutte le protesi ed avventurarti negli abissi di un mondo senza limiti.
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Throw away all the prostheses and venture into the abyss of a world without limits.


Life has deserted the soulless labyrinth of man’s daily doings. So seemingly ecumenical, so apparently volatile, she is not so cheap. Attempts to encounter her by the slaves of democracy remain just that. The apparent choices in the shop windows of capital come down to one: you can inhabit the swamp with the frogs, wallow in the global quagmire of participation and help spread the mud till even your dreams become grey. Or you can go. Take flight with the vagabonds of the spirit, let the glow of freedom ignite your passions, kindle your spirit, illuminate your mind. Throw away all the prostheses and venture into the abyss of a world without limits.

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Palestine, mon amour


Alfredo M. Bonanno

No one can understand what is happening in the land of Palestine, not even those who have followed the bloody course of events involving the people who have lived there for so long. They face each other with hatred and suspicion, not just men and women, children and old people, but the very dust of the roads and the mud that covers them on rainy days, the asphyxiating heat and the stench of the sultriness.
There is no prospect of peace in sight. The ideal solution, at least as far as all those who have the freedom of peoples at heart can see, would be generalised insurrection. In other words, an intifada starting from the Israeli people, that is capable of destroying the institutions that govern them and of proposing peace based on collaboration and mutual respect with the Palestinian people directly, without intermediaries. But for the time being this perspective is only a dream. We must prepare for the worst.
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Per un mondo assolutamente altro


Una vita sfrenata, un viaggio nell’altro assoluto, richiede la totale distruzione non solo del “mio” lavoro, ma anche del vero concetto di lavoro ed economia in quanto basi delle relazioni umane. Jean Weir

Se il progetto anarchico può risultare incomprensibile a quelli che hanno imparato ad accettare la necessità di essere governati e a preferire la sicurezza alla libertà, questo progetto inteso nella sua totalità, come completo rovesciamento di tutte le relazioni sociali basate sull’obbligo e sulla forzatura, può essere incomprensibile persino per molti anarchici. L’idea della distruzione del lavoro va frequentemente incontro a incomprensioni. E ciò succede in più di una forma.
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Passion for Freedom – AudioZine


Passion for Freedom : An Interview with Jean Weir –Read – Imposed – Torrent – Archive – YouTube

Originally published in issue 8 of the magazine 325. , this interview with Jean Weir (of Insurrection magazine and Elephant Editions) features a critical and humble reflection on prison, insurrection, and anarchist publishing.

“We must never forget that — beyond the anecdotes and reminiscences, prison consists of so many reinforced boxes that millions of people all over the world are locked up in day and night. The latter are hostages of the State and live at the mercy of a hierarchy of vile cowards 24 hours a day.”



El siguiente texto fue traducido de la revista 325 Nº8 de septiembre de 2010.


Con mucho gusto, presentamos estas preguntas a la compañera anarquista de Elephant Editions Jean Weir. Jean hace traducciones y publicaciones y participa desde hace mucho tiempo en actividades anarquistas a nivel callejero. Ella es muy divertida, con los pies en la tierra, tiene un carácter fuerte e incansable, esta llena de vida y corazón….




Whatever can such a promise mean, made as it was at the time of the collective illusions inspired by Berlusconi’s electoral propaganda.
In practical terms, nothing. Not just because it is impossible, but because it goes against economic logic itself.

Let us explain.
For capitalism, work is a commodity, and because it is derived from activity carried out in exchange for a wage, man himself becomes a commodity. So a work market actually exists. Work has a price (wages), and there is a direct relationship between lack of work (unemployment) and the level of market prices.
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