Tag Archives: Palestine

Pioggia di diserbanti su Gaza, Israele conferma «operazione di sicurezza»


Nei giorni scorsi aerei israeliani hanno irrorato con gli erbicidi almeno 150 ettari di terreni fertili palestinesi, distruggendo le coltivazioni di centinaia di famiglie. Si temono rischi per la salute della popolazione. ONU: nel 2015 sono morti in scontri e attacchi 170 palestinesi e 27 israeliani.

“Day of Anger” in Gaza confronts occupation forces on 48th anniversary of PFLP’s founding (en/it)


Hundreds of cadres and supporters of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine confronted Zionist occupation forces on all the border areas of the Gaza Strip from the north to the south on Friday, December 11, in response to the call of the Front to confront the occupier on its anniversary, to make the anniversary one of intifada and uprising.
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Palestina. L’Intifada continua

intiIn tutti i territori palestinesi occupati prosegue la rivolta popolare e ogni giorno le cronache raccontano di scontri, incursioni e resistenza. Dalle prime settimane di ottobre oltre 110 sono stati i palestinesi uccisi, 19 gli israeliani.

Solo durante il fine settimana appena trascorso a Gerusalemme un palestinese è stato ucciso nei pressi di Damascus Gate, mentre un altro veniva colpito a morte al vicino check-point di Hizma. Nelle stesse ore, vicino all’insediamento di Ofra, nella zona di Ramallah, un altro veniva ucciso in auto mentre, appena un’ora prima, nel villaggio di Abud, soldati israeliani colpivano a morte un altro giovane. In tutti i casi le vittime erano accusate di essere in procinto di attaccare soldati o civili israeliani. Sempre con le stesse accuse, stavolta nei pressi di Hebron, venivano uccisi altri due palestinesi.

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Palestine, mon amour


Alfredo M. Bonanno

No one can understand what is happening in the land of Palestine, not even those who have followed the bloody course of events involving the people who have lived there for so long. They face each other with hatred and suspicion, not just men and women, children and old people, but the very dust of the roads and the mud that covers them on rainy days, the asphyxiating heat and the stench of the sultriness.
There is no prospect of peace in sight. The ideal solution, at least as far as all those who have the freedom of peoples at heart can see, would be generalised insurrection. In other words, an intifada starting from the Israeli people, that is capable of destroying the institutions that govern them and of proposing peace based on collaboration and mutual respect with the Palestinian people directly, without intermediaries. But for the time being this perspective is only a dream. We must prepare for the worst.
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Demonstration in Lannemezan (France) on 24 October 2015 for the liberation of Georges Abdallah ! (en/es/it/fr)


Georges Ibrahim Abdallah, a 64 year-old Lebanese communist, was arrested in Lyon (France) on 24 October 1984 and sentenced to life imprisonment for actions for which the Lebanese Armed Revolutionary Factions (LARF) claimed responsibility.

In 1978 he fought with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) to push back the Israeli invasion of the Lebanon.
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