Tag Archives: panfleto

Panfleto internacionalista de un supuestamente “peruano” a otros supuestamente “chilenos”


Desde la región peruana un compañero nos envía el siguiente escrito, mientras los estados chileno y peruano orquestan una teleseria mediática en donde las batucadas militares aún suenan tímidamente, pero siempre al ritmo de intereses que no son precisamente los nuestros.
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Requiem for the Passing Moon


Hans Niemeyer

Hans Niemeyer was arrested on November 30, 2011 near a BCI Bank after an explosive attack. Held in preventive prison under the terrible Anti-terrorist Law, he was charged for another 3 attacks. After a year in prison, Hans was granted house arrest and went underground on December 7, 2012 after his legal process was skillfully paralyzed. On April 26, 2013, he was arrested by the Investigative Police (PDI). Hans was sentenced in July 2013 to 5 years in prison, and since then has carried out multiple hunger strikes, the latest (es) in solidarity with Monica Caballero, Francisco Solar, Sebastian Oversluij, and Matias Catrileo.

Requiem for the Passing Moon

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“Solidarietà a fior di pelle”: Scritti dal carcere ed opuscoletto


compagni che hanno organizzato l’iniziativa “Solidaridad a Flor de Piel” ci fanno avere tramite mail i loro ringraziamenti a chi ha partecipato all’iniziativa, più le lettere dei compagni dalle carceri cilene e l’opuscolo distribuito sempre nella stessa iniziativa:
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