PDF: MFAH, Blackmail 3 & The SHAC Model
Continue reading Militant Forces Against HLS (MFAH), Blackmail 3 & The SHAC Model – November 2014 re-release
Tag Archives: pamphlet
“Since the Bristol Riots” – Communiques from the FAI, ELF and other attacks (April 2011 – October 2014)
[Updated 8/11: Missed communiques and corrections. Original link will update within a few days.]
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Technological Slavery: The Collected Writings of Theodore J. Kaczynski, a.k.a. “The Unabomber”
The ideas and views expressed by Kaczynski before and after his capture raise crucial issues concerning the evolution and future of our society. For the first time, the reader will have access to an uncensored personal account of his anti-technology philosophy, which goes far beyond Unabomber pop culture mythology. The book includes a corrected edition of the “Unabomber Manifesto,” and Kaczynski’s critique of Anarcho-primitivism, and essays regarding “The Coming Revolution.”
Kaczynski – Technological Slavery.pdf | 7.52 MB |
The Prison Writings Of John Bowden
The collected writings of the long-term prison resister John Bowden, who has regularly been victimised and denied parole by the British prison system for his links with ABC groups, have recently been made available by ABC Hurricane, and can be downloaded from their blog:
PDF: Screen Version
PDF: Print Version A4
Critical Thinking as an Anarchist Weapon
Wolfi Landstreicher
The development of an anarchist practice that can act intelligently requires a capacity to analyze the situation in which we are struggling in terms of our desires and our principles. In other words it requires the practice of theory. In order to avoid the transformation of our theoretical endeavors into ideology — the reification of ideas into dominating concepts that control and direct our thinking — it is necessary to grasp certain tools, particularly those that allow us to think critically.
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İstanbul Anarşi İnisiyatifi’nden ‘Sokaklar Unutmaz’ broşürü
“Bu broşür çalışması Gezi Direnişinin yıl dönümü olan 31 Mayıs’ta gün yüzüne çıkacaktı ancak gözaltılar nedeniyle bugün dağıtımına başladık.
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Broszura: „Projekt Feniks” – Konspiracyjne Komórki Ognia/FAI (wersja PDF – PL)
Jako nasz wkład do „Międzynarodowego Tygodnia Solidarności z Uwięzionymi Anarchistami” (20-30 sierpnia 2014 r) prezentujemy nową broszurę poświęconą insurekcyjnemu „Projektowi Feniks”.
Continue reading Broszura: „Projekt Feniks” – Konspiracyjne Komórki Ognia/FAI (wersja PDF – PL)
ACTIVISM IS MY REVENGE! is a new 32 page pamphlet from Leeds Anarchist Black Cross. It is published at a time when repression is both widespread and increasing, and when resistance to that repression will inevitably lead to more and more people going to prison. Also at a time when the lengths, and depths, that the State will go to in terms of infiltrating and spying on our movement has been increasingly revealed. In the wake of this, while some are cowed or intimidated, ACTIVISM IS MY REVENGE! gives a bold ‘two fingers’ to the cops.
Continue reading ACTIVISM IS MY REVENGE! (Mark Barnsley)
Setting Fires With Electrical Timers- An Earth Liberation Front Guide
From the introduction:
Electrical timers are superior to delays that use candles, incense or cigarettes. Electrical timers have significantly longer delay times. When electrical timers are carefully constructed, they are more reliable. Each one can be tested repeatedly until you are certain that it will work. Electrical timers are easily protected from wind and
rain, whereas even a mild breeze can be a problem for candles and incense.
Continue reading Setting Fires With Electrical Timers- An Earth Liberation Front Guide