Tag Archives: prisons

Furia De Radio 10-V2016. Sobre Las Luchas Que Están En Marcha Ahora Mismo En Cárceles Madrileñas Y Sobre Las Jornadas Anticarcelarias En Cartagena Y Murcia Del 21 De Mayo Al 5 De Junio


En esta edición de Furia de Radio, programa que se emite en Irola Irratia de Bilbao, además de poner buena música y ofrecernos algunos comentarios sobre ella, hablan con una persona de las que organizan las próximas jornadas anticarcelarias en Cartagena y Murcia del 21 de Mayo al 5 De Junio  que nos explica su planteamiento, y con un compañero del Grupo Pro Presxs de Madrid, que nos informa de las últimas situaciones de conflicto declarado que se están dando en cárceles madrileñas.
Continue reading Furia De Radio 10-V2016. Sobre Las Luchas Que Están En Marcha Ahora Mismo En Cárceles Madrileñas Y Sobre Las Jornadas Anticarcelarias En Cartagena Y Murcia Del 21 De Mayo Al 5 De Junio

Black & Pink Newspaper (Prison Abolition Now!)


The Black and Pink Newspaper has been distributed free of charge to a rapidly growing list of LGBTQ prisoners around the country since 2010! In October 2015, it was sent to over 8,200 prisoners.  Each issue is full of submissions from our incarcerated members, along with relevant news, history, and opinions from the free world and a letter from Rev. Jason Lydon.  We recently included a calendar so that prisoners in solitary confinement can keep track of which day it is.  Periodically, the newspaper includes a form for prisoners to update their PenPal listing.  Each month, we ask prisoners to reply to a feedback question via mail to inform our organizing efforts.
Continue reading Black & Pink Newspaper (Prison Abolition Now!)

Attacchiamo su tutti i fronti


Belgio: prigioni in rivolta, quartieri sotto tensione, sfruttati in collera…

«Si viene rinchiusi come topi. L’igiene è vergognosa e le celle fanno schifo». È dall’inizio dello sciopero dei secondini, che dura da 13 giorni, che i detenuti non escono dalle loro celle. Niente docce, niente aria, niente visite, nessuna attività, a volte neanche cibo o medicine. Molti cadono malati, preda di infezioni e di raptus. Sepolti vivi, 24 ore su 24, vengono lasciati marcire.

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Belgium – A small chronology of the riots spreading the Belgian prisons, where guards are on strike for more than two weeks now…


On Monday 25th of April, the prison guards of all prisons in the French speaking parts of Belgium went on strike, in total 21 prisons. The prisoners are confined in their cells. All activities, like the walk, shower, visit, legal counsel, are canceled. The police took over the control of the prisons to assure security.
After one week of guards on strike, and with conditions rapidly deteriorating inside, incidents start to spread in many prisons. In some prisons, the situation could be called catastrophic. Prisoners only receive food once a day, didn’t go out of their cells in more than ten days, hygienic conditions are terrible with infections and diseases spreading.
May 3. In the prison of Tournai, tensions rise and prisoners start to destroy cells.
Continue reading Belgium – A small chronology of the riots spreading the Belgian prisons, where guards are on strike for more than two weeks now…

Building Bridges with Nebraska Prison Rebels


Below is a list of Nebraska prison rebels who were willing to have their names and addresses released in hopes of building connection with those on the outside. This information is also available in poster format. This list represents just a few of the many rebellious prisoners who took a stand on Mother’s Day, 2015. Print and distribute the poster and, as always, build those links between outside and inside. Happy Mother’s Day!

Continue reading Building Bridges with Nebraska Prison Rebels

They took their time already: Wild Reaction responds to “Destruye las prisiones” (es/en)


Traducción al inglés del texto “Ya se habían tardado: Reacción Salvaje en respuesta a Destruye las prisiones”. Texto que data del 26 de febrero de 2015, y que sin duda fue uno de los más importantes aportes al naciente eco-extremismo.

Traducción a cargo de Palmer Amaranth.

Disponible en español aquí:


Continue reading They took their time already: Wild Reaction responds to “Destruye las prisiones” (es/en)

Belgian prisons in revolt, the State sends the army inside


(Uprising in the prison of Merksplas, Antwerp)

A small chronology of the riots spreading the Belgian prisons, where guards are on strike for more than two weeks now…

On Monday 25th of April, the prison guards of all prisons in the French speaking parts of Belgium went on strike, in total 21 prisons. The prisoners are confined in their cells. All activities, like the walk, shower, visit, legal counsel, are cancelled. The police took over the control of the prisons to assure security.
Continue reading Belgian prisons in revolt, the State sends the army inside