Continue reading Greece: Text written by the anarchist hunger striker Spyros Mandilas {en/es/it/gr}
Tag Archives: Spyros Mandylas
Greece: New update on the anarchist hunger striker Spyros Mandylas
The application filed by the comrade – hunger striker Spyros Mandylas arrived today in Thessaloniki by fax, it was registered and then reached the official responsible for determining the hearing process. The medical reports that exist for comrade Spyros Mandylas were also enclosed. The application will be reviewed by the appeals prosecutor in order for him to determine the date of the hearing on the demand. The secretary will put the case into his account by priority.
Continue reading Greece: New update on the anarchist hunger striker Spyros Mandylas
Greece: Radio show about the hunger strike of anarchist Spyros Mandylas
On Sunday 26/04 at 17:00 there will be a radio show (in greek) on the Radio-zones of Subversive Expression about the hunger strike of comrade Spyros Mandylas, on which he is on since 14/03, demanding his release.
Greece: Update on the anarchist hunger striker Spyros Mandilas
Anarchist comrade Spyros Mandylas, who is on the 21st day of hunger strike (since 14/3), has lost 10 kg. The comrade continues his hunger strike until his release and the payment of the bail amounting to 5,000 euros byhis co-defendants in the case “Thessaloniki squats“. The comrade supports all the other hunger strikers.
Immediate satisfaction of the demands of all hunger strikers
Strength to all hunger strikers
Greece: Text by anarchist prisoner Spiros Mandylas about his new arrest and his hunger strike
From Tuesday 10/3/2015 I have been arrested and imprisoned in Korydallos prison.
My new arrest is because of the “civil war between anarchists” in Thessaloniki, which is the innner-movement conflicts that took place in the city in 2012. Days before the beginning of the trial I made my intention on the adjournment clear since, on the one hand, I already have another trial in progress about the “Phoenix” Project, in Korydallos prison and,on the other hand, my lawyer Fragkiskos Ragkousis was having, in the meantime, important trials in progress and couldn’t attend (mine). So, we asked for an adjournment from the headquarters of the court. What happened was, on the one hand, the headquarters to regularly go on with the procedure and, on the other hand, the accused ones to validate the trial through their presence. That is to say that the trial was regularly carried on with undercover cops and judges mentioning me all the time with no counterargument. So, this was when I published an open letter in which I clear things up and illustrate that anyone of my co-defendants who sanctions the trial through his presence, hands me over to the appetites of the counter-terrorism agency and the judges.
Continue reading Greece: Text by anarchist prisoner Spiros Mandylas about his new arrest and his hunger strike
Grecia: Lettera aperta di Spyros Mandylas riguardante il processo dei fatti del 2012 a Salonicco (it/en/gr)
Oggi, Giovedi 26 febbraio, il processo relativo ai conflitti di movimento interni del 2012 a Salonicco è proseguito dopo una pausa.
Da parte mia, è fin troppo chiaro già dal primo momento, il fatto che il processo non può avere luogo in questo periodo, perché il mio avvocato Fragiskos Ragousis ha qualche impedimento ed io sto già affrontando il processo relativo al progetto “Phoenix”, che si svolge ad Atene.
Oggi, il giudice ha deciso di avviare il processo anche senza la presenza di un avvocato. Va notato che in questo processo sono accusato di reati riguardanti esplosioni, possesso e uso di esplosivi, ecc
Così, comprensibilmente, un tale processo non può proseguire se il principale imputato ha obiezioni forti.
Continue reading Grecia: Lettera aperta di Spyros Mandylas riguardante il processo dei fatti del 2012 a Salonicco (it/en/gr)
Salonicco [Grecia]: Arreastato il compagno Spyros Mandylas
Il compagno Spyros Mandilas è stato arrestato oggi pomeriggio e domani comparirà davanti al PM, che deciderà se sarà detenuto o meno. Adesso si trova rinchiuso nella questura di Salonicco, dove ha rifiutato di sottomettersi al controllo corporeo, cosa che ha fatto infuriare gli sbirri. E’ forte e di buon umore.
Continue reading Salonicco [Grecia]: Arreastato il compagno Spyros Mandylas
Oggi, Giovedi 26 febbraio, il processo relativo ai conflitti di movimento interni del 2012 a Salonicco è proseguito dopo una pausa.
Da parte mia, è fin troppo chiaro già dal primo momento, il fatto che il processo non può avere luogo in questo periodo, perché il mio avvocato Fragiskos Ragousis ha qualche impedimento ed io sto già affrontando il processo relativo al progetto “Phoenix”, che si svolge ad Atene.
Oggi, il giudice ha deciso di avviare il processo anche senza la presenza di un avvocato. Va notato che in questo processo sono accusato di reati riguardanti esplosioni, possesso e uso di esplosivi, ecc
Così, comprensibilmente, un tale processo non può proseguire se il principale imputato ha obiezioni forti.
Greece: Open letter by Spyros Mandylas concerning the trial about the conflict within the movement in 2012 in Thessaloniki (en/gr)
Inter Arma received and translated:
Today, Thursday 26th of February, the trial concerning the inner-movement conflicts of 2012 in Thessaloniki was continued after a break.
From my side, it became clear from the first moment, the fact that the trial cannot take place at this time because my lawyer Fragiskos Ragousis faces some impediment and I am already on the trial concerning “Phoenix” project which takes place in Athens.
Continue reading Greece: Open letter by Spyros Mandylas concerning the trial about the conflict within the movement in 2012 in Thessaloniki (en/gr)
Athens, Greece: Spyros Mandylas and Andreas Tsavdaridis were released from prison! (en/it)
Spyros Mandylas and Andreas Tsavdaridis were released from prison on January 12, 2015 owning to the expiry of the maximum 18-month period of pretrial detention.
The two anarchists were arrested on July 11, 2013 in Thessaloniki and then sent to pretrial detention in Koridallos prison, in Athens, on terrorism charges. Tsavdaridis has assumed responsibility for sending a parcel bomb (as FAI-IRF cell under the name Commando Mauricio Morales) to Dimitris Chorianopoulos, ex-commander of the anti-terrorist police unit, while Mandylas (participant in Nadir, ex-squat in Thessaloniki) has denied all charges against him. As of June 4, 2014 both comrades stand trial in the special courtroom of Koridallos women’s prison, alongside the ten imprisoned members of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire. Andreas Tsavdaridis and Spyros Mandylas are accused of alleged participation in the CCF, attempted homicide of that ex-commander of the anti-terrorist force, and attempted explosion and possession of explosives (in connection to the same incendiary package mailing, action claimed in Greece as part of the “Phoenix Project”).
Continue reading Athens, Greece: Spyros Mandylas and Andreas Tsavdaridis were released from prison! (en/it)