El sábado, 22 de marzo de 2014, al mediodía, un grupo de casi 50 personas provenientes del movimiento anarquista y varias tendencias izqiuerdistas se reunieron en la estatua central de la Águila, en el barrio de Beşiktaş (en el lado europeo de Estambul) para okupar conjuntamente una antigua esquela griega, que se encuentra en los alrededores, y está abandonada y vacía por más que 40 años. Lxs activistas intentaron liberar el espacio e transformarlo en un centro social no-comercial.
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Tag Archives: turkey
Letter to a Turkish Anarchist (2003)
Ted Kaczynski
Ted Kaczynski wrote this letter in reply to a Turkish anarchist, Kara, who sent him a series of questions as an interview for her zine. Rather than include Kara’s letter, I have quoted only the questions which Kaczynski answered. Spelling and typographical errors, apparently introduced in transcription, have been fixed. Kara’s English has been corrected. Section headings have been added.
Continue reading Letter to a Turkish Anarchist (2003)
Anarchism in Istanbul
Ekmek, adalet, özgürluk! Anarchism in Istanbul by David Kimball
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Cena di primavera a sostegno dei prigionieri in lotta (lettera di Bahar-dicembre 2013)
Menù vegetariano
Festeggeremo la liberazione del compagno Bahar che dedica questa cena ai compagni in carcere in Italia.
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1986-1996: Anarchism in Turkey
A brief history of the still-young anarchist movement in Turkey.
The anarchist movement came to the political scene of Turkey not very many years ago. The publication of Kara a monthly magazine, was the starting point of anarchism in Turkey in 1986. Before the publication of this monthly magazine, there had not been any anarchist periodical or any anarchist circle which attempted to express itself. Of course that does not mean that there haven’t been any anarchists in the Geo-political borders of Turkey. An important point to note is that before Kara, anarchist circles or individuals never tried to become a political movement in Turkey.
Continue reading 1986-1996: Anarchism in Turkey
Turchia: manifestazioni per la scarcerazione di Ocalan
Sabato tutta la Turchia è stata percorsa da cortei della popolazione curda che chiedeva l’immediata scarcerazione del ex-leader del PKK Abdullah Ocalan.
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Detenuti del PKK: ‘I nostri amici vengono lasciati morire in carcere’
Il ramo di Diyarbakir delle Associazioni della Federazione di Aiuto per le Famiglie dei Prigionieri (TUHAD-FED) ha richiamato l’attenzione sulla situazione dei detenuti malati nelle carceri turche nel quarto giorno della manifestazione di protesta messa in essere venerdì davanti al Carcere Chiuso di Tipo D di Diyarbakir.
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Kurdistan Anarchist Forum
In Volume Three of Anarchism: A Documentary History of Libertarian Ideas, I included a section on Kurdish anarchism, which included a 1999 piece by Kurdish anarchists arguing for anarchism as an alternative to a Kurdish state, and a 2011 interview with a Kurdish activist regarding the subsequent development of a “democratic confederalist” movement in Kurdish areas which draws on the ideas of Murray Bookchin.
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Istanbul: New Squat ‘Don Quixote’
So, why did we occupy this building?
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Letter to a Turkish anarchist
Ted Kaczynski
Ted Kaczynski wrote this letter in reply to a Turkish anarchist, Kara, who sent him a series of questions as an interview for her zine. Rather than include Kara’s letter, I have quoted only the questions which Kaczynski answered. Spelling and typographical errors, apparently introduced in transcription, have been fixed. Kara’s English has been corrected. Section headings have been added.
Continue reading Letter to a Turkish anarchist