Llegan las vacaciones, y muchas actividades para amigxs, hermanxs, y compas presxs van en caida. Es necesario qe las actividades solidarias no se tomen descanso.
Lxs cabrxs están presxs todo el año.. todos los días.
Para esta jornada, logramos obtener por parte de la misma directora, el documental “Los Ojos De América” , esperado por muchxs, y qe con mucho amor, nos permitió proyectar de manera exclusiva para la actividad por lxs cabrxs. Les contamos, qe esta será la primera y única proyección hasta el momento de su estreno oficial en el territorio chileno. Continue reading Santiago: Jornada solidaria y proyección del documental inédito “Los Ojos de América”→
For the past two weeks, the French state has slowly but surely been evicting, clearing and levelling a large swathe of the Jungle camp, in turn creating a stretch of “no man’s land” between the highway to the port and the residents of the Jungle. Adding to the already bleak, militaristic landscape of razor wired fences, the permanent prescence of police and smog billowing from the surrounding factories; jungle residents now find themselves behind 10ft embankments of sand and rubble, reminiscent of World War I trench warfare. Continue reading Going Over The Top. . .→
(Convoy of 400 tractors on recent demo in support of the ZAD. Sign says ‘vegetables not tarmac’)
This article is about developments in the ZAD (‘Zone to Defend’), the site in Western France of a 9+ year occupation against the construction of the Notre-Dame-des-Landes airport by French construction giant, Vinci.
Things have been heating up in France following the decision by a Nantes court to press ahead with the eviction of the last remaining official residents on site, who refused to sell their land. The court ruled that, of the residents, the farms and three families could be evicted straight away, but gave a two month delay to the eight other families. With this legal hurdle out of the way, it looks likely that attempts will be made to evict the occupations in the coming weeks. Continue reading Get ready: Callout to mobilise against eviction of the ZAD→
El día viernes 29/1 un grupo anónimo levantó barricadas en santiago en el contexto de la convocatoria internacional por la liberación animal, en la cual se han desarrollado diversas acciones propagandísticas por el cierre de las cárceles/zoológicos.
On Thursday night in Newtown an altercation occurred outside of Black Rose anarchist infoshop involving Ralph Cerminara (Australian Defence League/Left Wing Bigots & Extremists Exposed Facebook page) and Dan Evans (Reclaim Australia and principal organiser of the February 6 PEGIDA rally in Canberra) on the one hand and two or three people at the infoshop on the other.
Yesterday (21.01.2016) RWE security guards hit activists with a car as the latter were defending the ancient forest against logging operations (see video below). Two activists were kidnapped. One was successfully de-arrested, the other, Fledermaus, was beaten and handed over to the police, accused of assault, and will likely stay imprisoned in Aachen for the next 3-4 weeks at least. The arrestee was not given medical treatment and is suffering from severe back pain, whilst not revealing his identity to the authorities. Continue reading Hambach Forest, Germany: RWE security guards run over activists as resistance intensifies→
Mentre a Roma, Milano, Trieste, Livorno, Sassari e Cagliari ieri si manifestava contro la guerra, l’imperialismo, la militarizzazione e le spese militari, a Modena le forze antifasciste hanno contestato in maniera determinata la provocazione di Forza Nuova, calata in città per strumentalizzare un episodio di cronaca – l’intimidazione da parte di alcuni cittadini maghrebini nei confronti di un gruppo di giovani locali a Vignola– e denunciare la presunta trasformazione del capoluogo “in una colonia” (dell’Islam e degli stranieri, evidentemente). Continue reading (Modena) la polizia protegge forza nuova e carica gli antifascisti→
Video from the 5th and 7th of January shows members of the Collective Calisiens en Colere throwing stones whilst CRS riot police officers who are standing alongside them fire tear gas grenades.