Texto del anarquista Giannis Dimitrakis


Exarchia, Atenas


El 2 de agosto, unos 45 maderos de diversas unidades policiales asaltaron la plaza de Exarchia, detuvieron al anarquista Giannis Dimitrakis en un café de la calle Tsamadou donde se estaba tomando un café y, luego, lo trasladaron a la Jefatura de Policía de Atenas. Varias horas después, el compa fue liberado. Sigue un texto que escribió al día siguiente sobre su detención:
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Ship of fools by Theodore Kaczynski


Once upon a time, the captain and the mates of a ship grew so vain of their seamanship, so full of hubris and so impressed with themselves, that they went mad. They turned the ship north and sailed until they met with icebergs and dangerous floes, and they kept sailing north into more and more perilous waters, solely in order to give themselves opportunities to perform ever-more-brilliant feats of seamanship.
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Stirner’s Critics by Max Stirner


Translator’s Preface

Working on this translation has been a pleasurable challenge for me. Stirner uses straightforward, even fairly simple language, filled with passion and sarcasm, to express ideas that are difficult, though more in the fact that very few people would want to accept their implications than in their complexity. In wrestling with this work, I have had to make decisions about how best to get Stirner’s thinking across in English. The purpose of this preface is to explain some of those decisions.
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Texto de Tsilianidis Babis, Dimtsadis Dimitris, Tzifkas Sokratis, Fessas Dimitris.


Tomado de Culmine

Es incendiado un vehículo del ΔΕΗ (compañía nacional de electricidad griega) en el centro de Salónica donde es detenido nuestro hermano y anarquista revolucionario Giannis Skoulodis. Se declaran en base a al testificación de los policías, 4 ordenes de detención en contra de nosotros.
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Un anarchico in prigione – Alexander Berkman


edizioni Anarchismo – anno 1978

pagg. 66-88, 98-102

Titolo originale: Prison Memoirs of an Anarchist. New York: Mother Earth Press (1912)


“Mettiti a tuo agio, adesso. Rimarrai qui per un po’, huh, huh!”
Come in sogno mi giunge quella voce ruvida. È l’uomo che mi sta parlando, credo. Perché ride? Sono così stanco, desidero tantissimo rimanere solo. Ora la voce ha smesso; i passi si allontanano. Tutto è silenzioso e sono solo. Mi sento esausto, ho la mente vuota. Un peso insopportabile mi opprime. Pesantemente mi butto sul letto. Con la testa sprofondata nel cuscino di paglia, il cuore che scoppia, mi immergo in un sonno profondo.
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