Dark Nights #37 – ‘Letter of anarchist Andreas Tsavdaridis’ & ‘Letter by ICR-FAI/FRI Indonesia’ – Sept 2013 (ACN) all numbers


Dark Nights is an international anarchist & anti-prison publication of resistance reports and repression news ready to print out and distribute on the fly.
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Authority and Civilization


Within the greater anti-civilization milieu, two major factions have been vocally distinguishing their approaches from one another: the anarcho-primitivists and the Deep Green Resistance movement. Occasionally this effort towards differentiation has been based on honest disagreement about theory and practice. More commonly, it has been a tit-for-tat based mostly on personality conflict. During the brief period of its existence the Internet has often proved to be a safe haven for mean-spirited personal attacks. Insofar as concerns are raised about the actions of certain public persons in a critical spirit, they can contribute to a critical discourse. This is my intention, not to sling mud simply for cursory amusement.

Anarchists have voiced a number of legitimate criticisms of the Deep Green Resistance crowd. Among these are the cult of personality and careerist methods of Derrick Jensen and the anti-trans prejudice and cop-calling of Lierre Keith. Other potentially problematic aspects of Deep Green Resistance are not necessarily so obvious and are in need of careful critical inspection. For their part the DGR have called into question several aspects of anarchist thought and practice. But how salient are these criticisms? Are they based in honest disagreements on theoretical and tactical differences?
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Open letter by International Conspiracy for Revenge – Indonesia FAI/IRF (es/en) september 2013


De 325 (en inglés)  
Finally, we had an opportunity to write a letter in a ‘detailed way’ from our own point of view in our group. From beyond the geographical borders, -although it’s never been a limitation for our meetings in ideas and actions-, it is one of the basic problems that prevent our physical meeting,. Through this letter, we want to offer some of our analysis regarding the situation around us (as individuals and as a group), and also our own analysis related to the recent situation of FAI/IRF, since we are part of it. The letter is our critique and contribution for international anarchists of praxis around the globe.

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Neither Oblivion Nor Ceremony : Against the Cult of the Carrion (en/fr/es/it)


(eng) Here is a text that we send to a few international anarchist
websites and places in five languages (English, Spanish, French, Italian and Serbo-Croatian), for publication, printing and mostly for opening a debate. It’s about the death of our comrade Mauricio Morales and some thoughts about the wave of commemorations from the anarchist movement around the world since his death, four years ago.
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El Abrojal Nº 1 / Febrero del 2013


Un cristalino arroyo baja por una ladera verde. El cielo azul acompaña la imagen, pero arriba, de donde surge el agua se instala la muerte. Abajo, donde va a parar también en cualquier momento más temprano que tarde ésta llega. Su viaje se hace inevitable, la labor de ciego, el silencio del cómplice siempre es una opción para los hombres, miles lo hacen cotidianamente, “aún no ha llegado, aún no ha llegado” se repiten hasta que es demasiado tarde… el viaje de la muerte y la ceguera del hombre son algo común pero no inevitable.
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