Luigi Galleani y los anarquistas de acción en Estados Unidos.
Continue reading La Salute è in Voi!
Monthly Archives: February 2014
Greece: Call for solidarity gathering at the courthouse in Amfissa (en/gr/it)
Almost seven years after the Malandrino prison riot, some of the rebellious prisoners stand trial in the town of Amfissa.
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Articles from “Machete” #2
Piss in the Ballot Boxes
“At the crossroads in Rome, there were pots and bowls to allow passersby to piss.”
Programa de radio por Felicity (2013)
En el siguiente link pueden escuchar un programa de radio que la colectiva Las chuekas realizó en el marco de la jornada en solidaridad:
Escúchalo akí
My Heroes Have Always Killed Cowboys
An Interview with Rod Coronado (2003)
The inspiring Native American earth warrior and animal liberationist Rod Coronado paid a visit to Brighton a little while back. Finally free to speak after years on the run, in prison and then with parole conditions banning him from engaging in any political activity, he made the best of it by going on a speaking tour around the UK. He managed to spare some time out of his schedule for a chat with Do or Die…
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Central Action day against Repression in Berlin
In Berlin, Stuttgart, Dresden, Saarbrücken, everywhere it is the same who oppress us. There was a meeting in Berlin in November, which was attended by many groups and individuals to prepare a concrete response to these oppression. Our daily struggle for a different world with the omnipresent threats all around us forces us to a constant dispute about repression. In order to act openly and collectivly it was agreed on a huge action day in Berlin on the 22nd of march in 2014.
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GUERRA ALLA GUERRA! di Pietro Gori (1903)
Questa conferenza fu tenuta a Genova, nel Politeama Alfieri, il 18 ottobre 1903, fu pubblicata nel supplemento letterario del giornale «La Pace» di quella città.
Benefit detenuti NOTAV all’Asilo (Torino)
La Guerra e la Pace (opuscolo)
Pubblichiamo l’opuscolo “La guerra e la pace” tratto da “Scaglie. 81 opuscoli di propaganda anarchica” delle Edizioni Anarchismo.
Per scaricare Copertina e Corpo del testo premere sui due seguenti link:
Je suis l’ennemi de la propriété individuelle – Clément Duval
Le 12 janvier 1887, le jury de la Seine condamne Clément Duval, un serrurier de 37 ans, à la peine de mort. Membre fondateur du groupe La Panthère des Batignolles, il a cambriolé le 4 octobre 1886 un hôtel particulier de la rue Monceau, y a dérobé pour quinze mille francs d’argenterie et de bijoux avant d’y mettre le feu. Le 17 octobre, les agents de la Sûreté tentent de s’emparer de lui alors qu’il se rend chez un receleur.
Continue reading Je suis l’ennemi de la propriété individuelle – Clément Duval