Concerto Benefit Spese Legali Fatti Di Catanzaro @ T28 Milano


C.O.A. T28
Via dei Transiti 28, Milano. Fermata Pasteur M1.
Dalle 19 Aperitivo veg.
Dalle 21.00 concerto (puntuali che a mezzanotte di chiude!).
Serata benefit per le spese legali dei compagni del collettivo Riscossa di Catanzaro, a processo per essersi difesi e aver difeso la sede del collettivo da una duplice aggressione fascista la sera del 30 ottobre 2010, aggressioni culminate con l’accoltellamento alla schiena di un compagno. Il processo, apertosi il 2 dicembre scorso, vede i compagni rinviati a giudizio per reati che prevendono pene fino a 16 anni (rissa aggravata e lesioni personali gravissime). La solidarietà è un arma, l’antifascismo non si processa!

Thessaloniki: Molotov attack on offices of the Stalinist KKE (en/it/)

Communists clash with black-clad youths near the Parliament building in Syntagma square in Athens

On May 3rd, 2014, at 6.20 in the morning, we launched a Molotov cocktails attack on the offices of the KKE (‘Communist Party of Greece’) which are located in Socratous street, in downtown Thessaloniki, and mainly serve as electorate offices. The specific attack was described by KKE members as a dastard one.
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Pro-Vivisection Website Hacked


A long time ago PwnedSecurity Team Canada gained access to a propaganda website in the uk run by Understanding Animal Research (UAR). Instead of
a typical defacement of the website which would be quickly noticed and undone we decided to be more subtle.
There is a section of the website with a number of pdf files for visitors to download. We replaced all of this big pharma funded propaganda with pdfs from the Physicians Committee for Responsible
Medicine (PCRM) explaining the scientific flaws with animal testing. These have now been on the website for quite some time.
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The Truth About Primitive Life: A Critique of Anarchoprimitivism


Ted Kaczynski
1. As the Industrial Revolution proceeded, modern society created for itself a self-congratulatory myth, the myth of “progress”: From the time of our remote, ape-like ancestors, human history had been an unremitting march toward a better and brighter future, with everyone joyously welcoming each new technological advance: animal husbandry, agriculture, the wheel, the construction of cities, the invention of writing and of money, sailing ships, the compass, gunpowder, the printing press, the steam engine, and, at last, the crowning human achievement-modern industrial society! Prior to industrialization, nearly everyone was condemned to a miserable life of constant, backbreaking labor, malnutrition disease, and an early death. Aren’t we so lucky that we live in modern times and have lots of leisure and an array of technological conveniences to make our lives easy? Today I think there are relatively few thoughtful, honest and well-informed people who still believe in this myth. To lose one’s faith in “progress” one has only to look around and see the devastation of our environment, the spread of nuclear weapons, the excessive frequency of depression, anxiety disorders and psychological stress, the spiritual emptiness of a society that nourishes itself principally with television and computer games … one could go on and on.
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Declaración de Nikos Romanos en el juzgado especial de la cárcel de Koridallós


Añadís cientos de páginas de expedientes y abrís continuamente nuevos casos para enterrarnos decenas de años en las cárceles de vuestra democracia.

Os preparáis para imponernos “condiciones especiales de encierro” que es el único golpe jurídico que faltaba del panteón de los “tratamientos especiales” (traslados, juzgados, legislaciones) que realizáis para combatirnos.
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Love or Hate Parade 7.0 – You Can Get It If You Really Want


Anlässlich der Jubiläums-Kulturwoche zum 20-jährigen KTS-Bestehen rufen wir für Samstag, den 7. Juni 2014, zur Jubel- oder Pöbelparade auf: Alles für die KTS – Die autonome Geburtstags–Polonaise
20 Jahre KTS heißt für uns: Besetzungen, Räumungen, Kampf um den Erhalt, Legalisierung, Bedrohungen, Überwachung und Angriffe, gelebte Subkultur, Wagenplätze, alternative Politik, Spaziergänge auf den Dächern dieser Stadt, Kunst, Kultur und Chaos im öffentlichen Raum, Antifa, Montagsplenum und Punkakneipe. Selbstverwaltete Räume wie die KTS waren und sind wichtig für eine lebendige Gesellschaft. Sie geben Raum für das Austesten von Utopien und für solidarische Organisierung, zum Durchatmen und Entspannen. Und sie sind Schutzräume vor Angriffen auf das schöne Leben.
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International call for sabotage and direct action against the World Cup in Brazil


On June 12, 2014 begins the world football cup in Brazil, a sporting event which businesspeople, politicians, journalists and sympathizers eagerly await, some because of greed, others because of nationalist exacerbation, a World Cup that has the highest budget ever invested in history (over 600,000 million dollars, and the account is not even closed yet…).
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Los Amigos de Ludd, L’età del petrolio

cover età petrolio x sito

Il petrolio è stato la condizione materiale dalla quale si è cercato di ottenere la dematerializzazione di tutto ciò che un tempo condizionava l’economia. Questa dematerializzazione si basa proprio sulle enormi reti di trasporto, l’agricoltura industriale motorizzata e la proliferazione di materiali di sintesi: su questa base si è potuta formare l’economia globale dei servizi, con le grandi città come nodi in cui si concentra il potere e da dove si gestiscono gli investimenti e la distribuzione delle risorse.
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