As the Turkish state continues its daily bombings and massacres against Kurds and other dissenters, hackers from “Anonymous” have attacked the Turkish National Police and released a “huge amount” of data (available here). Article below reposted from hackread.
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Monthly Archives: February 2016
‘Empty House & Crowded Forest’ by Eat (Indonesia)
Here we release the finished PDF version of the surreal children’s book written by Eat (Reyhard Rumbayan) and illustrated by Lukas.
“This book is dedicated to all imprisoned members of Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, Revolutionary Struggle, Marco Camenisch, Gabriel Pombo da Silva, Ted K and all the nihilist rebels across the globe. Salute!”
PDF: ‘Empty House & Crowded Forest‘
The Winter Earth First! Newsletter is Out! Read, Print, Share
This issue of Earth First! News includes updates and actions in defense of Mother Earth from October through December 2015, as well as a feature on the direct-actionistas in Canada shutting down pipelines, updated prisoner pages (including arrestees facing charges), and our current eco-action group directory.
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[Roma] Presentazione di “Fra diagnosi e peccato” alla Libreria Anomalia
Continue reading [Roma] Presentazione di “Fra diagnosi e peccato” alla Libreria Anomalia
(B) Auto von Peter Brammann in Brand gesteckt
Letzte Woche Mittwoch haben wir das Auto des “Deutsch Stolz Treue” Sängers Peter Marko Brammann angezündet. Brammann geboren am 28.05.1969, wohnt unweit von dem Hausprojekt “Köpi” in der Köpenickerstr. 45 entfernt (Hinterhof rechter Aufgang). Nicht das erstemal ist er Ziel von antifaschistischen Interventionen geworden. Dennoch ist er regelmäßig bei McFit in der Heinrich-Heine-Straße anzutreffen. Ebenso wurde er Freitags beobachtet, wie er Rechts Rock CDs deutschlandweit verschickt.
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The Spaces Between Tour & editorial
All too often as anarchists in the U.S. we look to places like Oakland or New York for cues of how to get it done. The problem with this being that most of us don’t live in anarchist-disney world, where anything is possible and everything is flammable, and we couldn’t afford the rents in Oakland anyway.
Continue reading The Spaces Between Tour & editorial
Gli Hotspot: nuovi modelli di controllo e carcerazione
Si considerava opportuno dire qualche parola sui cambiamenti attuali legati alla detenzione amministrativa e alla gestione degli immigrati. Qualche considerazione, senza pretese geopolitiche, rispetto agli sviluppi in corso in Europa.
Per una visione un po’ più ampia, si rimanda alla lettura dell’opuscolo “Considerazioni sulla detenzione amministrativa in Italia” del Settembre 2015 (1), di cui questo scritto è una parte integrativa e aggiornata.
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Comunicado traducido al inglés a cargo de “Chahta-Ima”, sobre la reivindicación de un atentado incendiario que consumió completamente un bus del Transantiago a plena luz del día, acto a cargo de ITS-Chile.
Genoa – Solidarity with Carlo, a comrade accused of instigation to commit acts of terrorism
We receive the text of a poster put up in Genoa in solidarity with Carlo, an anarchist comrade charged with writing a piece published on and accused of ‘instigation to commit acts of terrorism’ following his criticism of those who took a distance from the attack on Finmeccanica managing director Adinolfi:
Chile: Claim for arson of Andrés Bello University in Santiago
Received on 21.02.16: This is a complete English translation of the communique claiming responsibility for the arson attack against the science faculty of Andrés Bello University that we previously reported on and provided some brief translated excerpts of the claim of responsibility. This communique was translated into English language by Palmer Amaranth.
Continue reading Chile: Claim for arson of Andrés Bello University in Santiago