13-year-old child killed in Sur


AMED- A shell hit a house in the Hasırlı neighborhood of Sur last night. Murat Menekçe (13) died, two children have been wounded in the house.

For 66 days, state forces have blockaded the Sur district of Diyarbakır, under the name of “curfew”. They have attacked on people with tanks and artillery in the town. A shell hit a house in the Hasırlı neighborhood last night. Murat Menekçe (13) died in the house due to the attack. Meanwhile, two children (9 and 11) have been wounded. The access of ambulance has been denied by state forces. Murat’s body was buried in a garden by his family.

The residents are tring to help the two wounded chilren. According to reports received, one of children has been seriously wounded.



Greece: The “plea” of anarcho-nihilist Spyros Mandylas for Phoenix Project


Note from Insurrection News: Phoenix Project was initiated in Athens, Greece on the 7th of June 2013 when a car owned by the director of Korydallos prison, Maria Stefi, was blown up by the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire FAI-IRF and the Gangs of Conscience FAI-IRF, ‘Sole-Baleno’ cell who then released a communique announcing the project. It’s stated aim was “the rebirth and the dynamic comeback of the urban guerrilla,” a project that would create the terms of the rise of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire from the ashes left behind by police oppression. Phoenix Project then spread with attacks occurring again in Greece and further afield in Indonesia, Russia, Mexico, United Kingdom, Italy, Chile and Germany. Phoenix Project is still ongoing, with the most recent action occurring on 10.01.16. in Chile with <a
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Roma. Occupazione e sgombero: duri scontri in via Ostiense


L’emergenza casa continua ad essere un problema di cui le istituzioni romane sembrano non vogliano farsi carico. Sindaci di destra, di sinistra o commissari continuano a gestire come un problema di ordine pubblico la mancanza di alloggi nella capitale. Oggi alcuni nuclei familiari in emergenza abitativa, accompagnati da Action dirti in movimento, hanno deciso di “fare da sé” riappropriandosi di uno stabile vuoto in via ostiense 333.
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Texto y triptico contra monsanto.


Este ejemplar es una reedición con algunas modificaciones de un panfleto escrito en el contexto de debates y definición de criterios en una lucha impulsada por individuos en tendencias distintas. Pretendió y pretende ser un aporte a una profundización que resulta necesaria; una profundización en términos y criterios esenciales, los que tienen que ver con la dimensión de la lucha, tratando de hacernos con la seriedad y la madures que nos permita estar a la altura del enfrentamiento que nos planteamos al proyectarnos hacia la revolución social. Por lo demás, es solo eso: una posición entre otras, una forma de expresar entre otras… El sentido crítico con el que deben ser abordados los aportes llevará a l*s lector*s a ver que es un planteo general aplicable a otras situaciones y que a través de este texto se pueden disparar varios debates posibles. Ojala así sea.
Continue reading Texto y triptico contra monsanto.

Bloomington, IN (USA): Banner hung in solidarity with anarchist prisoner Sean Swain


We hung a banner in solidarity with Sean Swain’s struggles against the prison system in Ohio. Despite repeatedly being transferred and having his communications cut off, Sean remains uncompromising in his pursuit of freedom, putting his life on the line in struggle against the state. We keep his words and deeds with us as we carry out our own struggles against prison society.

Fundraising, letters, demonstrations, banners, graffiti, and direct attacks form a bright tapestry of revolutionary solidarity. Let’s always be searching for new ways to break down the isolation of imprisonment and build complicity through the prison walls.


Birmingham: Feb 6 – Bloody Mayhem for Pegida (UK)


Pegida’s neo-Nazi goosestep from Birmingham International Airport Train Station to a windswept car park in the middle of nowhere, is not for the faint-hearted or the squeamish. And we are not talking about confrontations between ANTIFA and the fascists. Serious bad blood remains between many EDL members and Tommy “Tit” Robinson, with Stephen Yaxley Lennon accused by many detractors, with good reason, of grassing up the rank and file to the police. Non more so than when a large number of Birmingham EDL rioters were caged – Tommy apparently was on the phone for a week to officers investigating these crimes, once the photographic evidence was released. Nothing is left to the imagination with Tommy Tit – and one of his most offensive lies was when he headbutted a ex-military dissident in Blackburn who dared to accuse him of being an informant, later pretending he viciously assaulted him because he was “a nazi”. Lots of ex-EDL members are promising to turn up demanding answers from Tommy, whom they firmly believe to be an agent of the state.
Continue reading Birmingham: Feb 6 – Bloody Mayhem for Pegida (UK)