OnSite Info shop is a community-based resource center run by autonomous activists and anarchists and has local volunteers from OnSite Community. It struggle to exist to provide venues to share critical information and relevant skills appropriate to marginalized people.
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Category Archives: library
INDOKUMENTADO Distro (Philippines)
INDOKUMENTADO is a section of the Onsite Infoshop devoted to research and publication, it seeks to explore anarchism as distinctly practiced in the archipelago through the multi-disciplinary approach of science, social sciences, folklore and actual practices. We are interested to trace this tradition of Philippine anarchism from the Pleistocene era to establish our basis for asserting non-hierarchical politics. We also want to learn from our prehistoric past, proto-history and documented history to regain our “own” self and identity. From the wisdom of our primitive social relationships we can conceptualize development that upholds equality and forge a society free from patriarchy and ecology friendly.
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Against the election spectacle (Zine)
Two years of global resistance to politicians and their political process
On Organization
From the text:
The existence of the gangs derives therefore from the tendency of capital to absorb its contradictions, from its movement of negation and from its reproduction in a fictitious form. Capital denies, or tends to deny, the basic principles on which it erects itself; but, in reality, it revives them under a fictitious form. The gang is a clear expression of this duality.
Workers’ Autonomy – Alfredo M. Bonanno (Elephant Editions)
Alfredo M. Bonanno – Kronstadt Editions – MAB
Bratach Dubh Anarchist Pamphlets 2
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Bulletin critique de la machine-travail planétaire
Continue reading SORTIR DE L’ECONOMIE
Sin banderas Ni Fronteras, edición impresa # 2 + # 1 + Sin Banderas Ni Fronteras comunicados
Desde Mayo circulando en las calles de Santiago de Chile, en ferias de publicaciones, en Biblioteca la Hiedra (Portales con Cueto, Barrio Yungay**, Metro Quinta Normal) y próximamente en distribuidora Sarri Sarri (San Ignacio #75 local 31).
Dedicado a Luciano Pitronello, a los/as últimos/as secuestrads/as por el Estado Italiano (especialmente a los/as compas del blog Culmine) y a Mario Lopez, compañero anarquista herido y apresado en México tras detonarle el artefacto explosivo que portaba en su mochila. Solidaridad activa ya!
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EL SOL ACRATA Publicacion (chile)
El Sol Ácrata N°19 (Septiembre de 2013).
Ya sale a las calles de Antofagasta, de la región chilena y porque no, de todo el mundo, una nueva edición de El Sol Ácrata, en su edición número 19 correspondiente al mes de Septiembre de 2013.
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“Time of Fighting Consciences” – Polish Language CCF Zine
Cómo la No Violencia protege al Estado – Peter Gelderloos (libro)
Titulo original: Cómo la No Violencia protege al Estado
Autor: Peter Gelderloos
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