Continue reading Weichafe Jaime Mendoza Collío: ¡Presente!
Weichafe Jaime Mendoza Collío: ¡Presente!
Continue reading Weichafe Jaime Mendoza Collío: ¡Presente!
from materialanarquista, translated by waronsociety:
Compas, in response to the event held in conjunction with the La Hiedra Library and ourselves (Autonomous Library Sante Geronimo Caserio), we spread the text written by compañeros inside prison for the event that happened on June 11, which is titled “Never Surrender,” with which we want bring to light the theme of long prison terms…
Without more, lets get to the words of the compas.
Continue reading Words from Marcelo Villarroel and Juan Aliste for June 11th
The above named, after having eaten his fill, spoke to us as follows:
Continue reading My Principles RAVACHOL (1892)
Care amiche, cari amici e compas
Con gran gioia oggi ho finalmente ricevuto ancora posta di Hugo* contenente anche il vostro segno di solidarietà da Winterthur e dalla Germania!
Continue reading Marco Camenisch Libertà per Hugo!!!
Mai come oggi le tenebre mi avvolsero. E accade difatti che dopo aver vissuto per qualche ora circondato del tepore del sole, quando questo si eclissa subito un brivido di freddo ci scuote la persona.
For well over a century, some anarchists have aligned themselves with socialists of various shades, even fighting on the same side for different periods of time in several failed revolutions. We do not wish to rewrite history or to downplay this alliance, but to learn from it, challenge it, and question its role in the fight for anarchy today while advocating for its immediate and total annulment.
Continue reading Anarchy: Breaking Up with Socialism
América Scarfó: carta a Emile Armand
“Buenos Aires, 3 de diciembre de 1928. Al camarada E.Armand.
Continue reading América Scarfó carta a Emile Armand
di Raoul Vaneigem
Il regno odioso delle prigioni non finirà senza che ciascuno impari a non imprigionarsi più in un comportamento economizzato dai riflessi del profitto e dello scambio.
Continue reading Abolire le prigioni
A.M. Bonnano
Barings is a small commercial bank in London. It made the headlines the world over due to the collapse that resulted from disastrous operations carried out in the Tokyo Stock Exchange by one of its employees, Nick Leeson, their agent in the Singapore branch.