Tag Archives: 1912

El derecho a vivir


Max Baginski: El derecho a vivir.

Publicado en Mother Earth en Enero de 1912.


El ser humano moderno está abundantemente dotado de derechos políticos. Tiene el derecho a la ciudadanía, siempre que sea virtuoso y no un Anarquista; puede elegir a sus propios gobernantes y carceleros; incluso disfruta, siendo parte de la mayoría, el privilegio de presenciar al gobierno actuar “en el nombre del pueblo.”
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In concorrenza col boia


L’Eretico (Luigi Galleani)
Se della serena forza delle convinzioni, della sicurezza della coscienza, della saldezza del carattere, così degli individui come delle collettività, devesi giudicare nell’ora tempestosa della prova, quando giudizi, atteggiamenti, resistenze sono
 cimentate dal ciclone devastatore delle passioni sfrenate — sparuto pegno della sua forza, del suo carattere, ci dà il movimento sovversivo d’Italia nella gamma svariata che va dal riformismo parlamentare ministeriale al socialismo anarchico, contrito tutto quanto dinnanzi alle minacciose coalizioni della gente per bene, frettoloso di rassicurare il re, Giolitti, la stampa dell’ordine che partecipa esso pure dell’orrore onde Antonio D’Alba ha del suo gesto irriverente percosso tutti i santuari della patria; e con tutta l’anima al giubilo dei te deum salutanti la rinnovata devozione del popolo al re ed alla regina scampati per l’amore e per la grazia di dio al sacrilego attentato.
Ed è intorno ad Antonio D’Alba, il reprobo ventenne, il coro osceno delle abiure tremebonde e delle caine maledizioni con cui dall’italico sovversivismo addomesticato si era nel 1900 ripudiata ogni solidarietà coll’atto di Gaetano Bresci, e con quello di Leone Czolgosz nel 1901; è, dinnanzi alla reazione farneticante, in armi, di utopiche restaurazioni e di rivincite esemplari la stessa casistica alfonsina, lo stesso affanno a distinguere tra i fedeli e gli infedeli delle spaurite confraternite, lo stesso tormentoso rovello a separare le responsabilità di chi opera da quelle di coloro che anche di pensare hanno paura, lo stesso impudico acrobatismo a cercar l’alibi decente nell’infamia della vittima rinnegata.

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Palante Reviews Palante by Georges Palante


The individualist is, by his very essence, immoralist and atheist. On one hand social religiosity, on the other religious and social atheism: this is how the dilemma is posed. As for me, I have made my choice. I have opted for social atheism. I have expressed this atheism for the past fifteen years in a series of works of which the latest, Les Antinomies entre l’individu et la société (The Antinomies Between the Individual and Society) is a doctoral dissertation that was refused by the Sorbonne. I owe my readers an explanation on this subject.
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A visit to L’anarchie


Alain Sergent

É. Armand assumed the editorship of L’Anarchie from April 4th, 1912 to September of the same year.

These dates are inscribed in his own handwriting on a questionnaire which he had filled out at the request of Alain Sergent (Andre Mahe) at the time when Sergent was gathering documentation to write his “Historie de ‘Anarchie”, of which one volume has so far appeared.

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Individualism by Georges Palante


As is the case elsewhere, the tendency to underestimate the individual has made itself felt in the intellectual field. Solitary thought – invention – has been depreciated to the profit of collective thought – imitation – preached under the eternal word of solidarity. The horror of the previously untried, of intellectual and esthetic originality, is a characteristic trait of Latin races. We love regimented thought, conformist and decent meditations. A German writer, Laura Marholm, accurately analyzed this contemporary tendency: “Intellectual cowardice is a universal trait. No one dares makes a decisive statement concerning his milieu. No one any longer allows himself an original thought.
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Naftalina non è una rivista d’arte, bensì, parte di una idea in continuo movimento.

Numero primo
L’assiette au beurre (1901-1912)

La più feroce e irriverente rivista della Belle Epoque.
L’assiette au Buerre, letteralmente “piatto di burro”, compare in Francia nell’aprile 1901.
Senza alcun dubbio occupa un posto di primissimo piano fra le riviste dell’epoca.
Innovativa da un punto di vista grafico, spregiudicata per il suo contenuto.
Attraverso bellissimi disegni e una satira devastante, ha ridicolizzato e attaccato l’ipocrisia del periodo.
Con questo primo numero di Naftalina, abbiamo cercato di riproporre un progetto editoriale ed artistico a nostro avviso molto interessante. Non volevamo riesumare cadaveri, ma rispolverare qualcosa che altrimenti sarebbe andato perduto, utilizzato la documentazione in nostro possesso.

Scarica l’archivio delle immagini

A Sketch of Alexander Berkman


by Emma Goldman
Taken from The Russian Tragedy (A Review and An Outlook) (Berlin: Der Syndikalist, 1922).
To write a biographic sketch of even an ordinary man within the limited space at my disposal would be difficult. But to write about one whose personality is so complex and whose life so replete with events as that of Alexander Berkman, is almost an insurmountable task. To do justice to such a rich and colorful subject one must not be so limited by space as I am. Above all, one should be removed, in point of time and distance, from the life to be portrayed. Which is not the case in the present instance.
I shall therefore not attempt a biography at the present time. I shall merely joint down a few outstanding features in the life and activities of our Comrade, which may serve as an introduction to something bigger yet to be written. Perhaps it may lead the reader to acquaint himself with Alexander Berkman’s own story, the “Prison Memoirs of an Anarchist”, which portrays the various phases of his life and his ideal much more forcefully and intimately than any biographer could do.
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Acción Directa




Voltairine de Cleyre (1912)

Desde la perspectiva de alguien que piense por sí mismo y sea capaz de discernir una ruta sin desvíos a seguir para el progreso de la humanidad, para que haya cualquier tipo de progreso, quien, teniendo una ruta tal trazada en la mente, haya buscado cómo enseñársela a los demás, hacerles verla como la ve él mismo; quien haciendo eso al mismo tiempo ha elegido lo que le parecieran expresiones simples y claras para transmitir sus ideas a los otros, para esa persona aparece como gran fuente de tristeza y confusión del espíritu el que la expresión «Acción Directa» de pronto haya adquirido en las mentes del público un significado estrecho, en absoluto implicado en las palabras mismas, y ciertamente nunca adscrito por él mismo, ni por sus camaradas de ideas.

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A visit to L’anarchie by Alain Sergent


É. Armand assumed the editorship of L’Anarchie from April 4th, 1912 to September of the same year.

These dates are inscribed in his own handwriting on a questionnaire which he had filled out at the request of Alain Sergent (Andre Mahe) at the time when Sergent was gathering documentation to write his “Historie de ‘Anarchie”, of which one volume has so far appeared.
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A visit to L’anarchie


Alain Sergent (1912)

É. Armand assumed the editorship of L’Anarchie from April 4th, 1912 to September of the same year.

These dates are inscribed in his own handwriting on a questionnaire which he had filled out at the request of Alain Sergent (Andre Mahe) at the time when Sergent was gathering documentation to write his “Historie de ‘Anarchie”, of which one volume has so far appeared.

Here is a picturesque public report by the “Temps” of May, 1912, where this brief period in É. Armand’s life is captured. It is not without interest to see how the anarchists of 1912 are depicted in one of the best-known journals of the time.

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