Tag Archives: 1986

Une histoire orale des Cellules Révolutionnaires (RZ)


Cet entretien avec deux anciens membres de la Fraction Armée Rouge (RAF) et du Mouvement du 2 Juin retrace l’histoire moins connue d’un autre ’groupe’ de lutte armée en Allemagne de l’Ouest : les Revolutionäre Zellen, ’Cellules Révolutionnaires’. La rencontre s’est tenue au SO36 à Berlin.
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L’Encyclopedie des Nuisances

A bottomless chasm, or at any rate one that cannot be plumbed, we call an abyss. What of the gulf into which this society of dispossession is plunging before our very eyes? That there may be no end to this descent, or that it may end only with the self-destruction of the human race — these are, of course, mere hypotheses, much like the famous “China syndrome” itself. The crushing presence of such a possibility, however, already sits in judgment over all human actions and governs the construction of the various “safety barriers” whereby a world at war with its own power hopes to avoid a terrifying end by surviving in an endless terror. The real question is therefore: How many Chernobyls will be needed before the truth of the old slogan “Revolution or death!” is recognized as the last word of the scientific thought of this century?

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A Crime Called Freedom: The Writings of Os Cangaceiros (Volume One)


Os Cangaceiros

Os Cangaceiros was a group of delinquents with nothing but contempt for the self-sacrificial ideology practiced by “specialists in armed struggle”. This uncontrollable band of social rebels wreaked havoc on the French state by attacking the infrastructures of oppression, supporting popular revolts, stealing and releasing secret blueprints for high-tech prisons, raiding the offices of corporate collaborators, and creating their lives in complete opposition to the world based on work. This volume, translated by Wolfi Landstreicher, is the first collection of the writings of Os Cangaceiros in English.
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1986-1996: Anarchism in Turkey


A brief history of the still-young anarchist movement in Turkey.

The anarchist movement came to the political scene of Turkey not very many years ago. The publication of Kara a monthly magazine, was the starting point of anarchism in Turkey in 1986. Before the publication of this monthly magazine, there had not been any anarchist periodical or any anarchist circle which attempted to express itself. Of course that does not mean that there haven’t been any anarchists in the Geo-political borders of Turkey. An important point to note is that before Kara, anarchist circles or individuals never tried to become a political movement in Turkey.
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L’Encyclopedie des Nuisances

A bottomless chasm, or at any rate one that cannot be plumbed, we call an abyss. What of the gulf into which this society of dispossession is plunging before our very eyes? That there may be no end to this descent, or that it may end only with the self-destruction of the human race — these are, of course, mere hypotheses, much like the famous “China syndrome” itself. The crushing presence of such a possibility, however, already sits in judgment over all human actions and governs the construction of the various “safety barriers” whereby a world at war with its own power hopes to avoid a terrifying end by surviving in an endless terror. The real question is therefore: How many Chernobyls will be needed before the truth of the old slogan “Revolution or death!” is recognized as the last word of the scientific thought of this century?
Continue reading Abyss

Os Cangaceiros [Janvier 1985 – juin 1987]

Os Cangaceiros [Janvier 1985 – juin 1987] est la réédition des trois numéros de la revue Os Cangaceiros, publiés entre janvier 1985 et juin 1987. Ephémère association de délinquants, les Cangaceiros livrent dans ces textes leurs visions des évènements politiques de l’époque et leurs manières de s’y confronter. Ce livre est disponible gratuitement dans différents lieux de diffusion ou en téléchargement sur ce site. Pour savoir où vous le procurer quixarru@riseup.net

# Introduction de décembre 2009 – PDF – 123.4 ko
# Os Cangaceiros [Janvier 1985 – juin 1987] – PDF – 5.9 Mo

# Dossier Os Cangaceiros sur le site