Tag Archives: 2000



El legado de Pinochet como narcotraficante no ha sido demasiado difundido, algo que no sorprende demasiado considerando el monopolio ultraderechista de los medios de información. Y es que al fascismo no le molesta que Pinochet haya sido un dictador, un asesino y un genocida, pero si que haya sido un ladrón que desfalcó al Estado y más aún un narcotraficante. Ya que eso acaba con su argumento de que “fue un héroe que rescató al país”. El objetivo, más allá de enriquecerse ilegalmente, sigue el mismo principio de las erradicaciones de las poblaciones hacia la periferia de Santiago: Aislar y destrozar a los sectores juveniles de la sociedad, bastiones históricos de la lucha contra la Dictadura. Artículos de Hommodolars y El Mostrador relatan la historia.

La Cárcel y su Mundo. Massimo Passamani.

    Este texto es la traducción que hemos hecho de la transcripción de la charla con el mismo nombre hecha por el compañero Massimo Passamani en Rovereto, Estado italiano el 5 de diciembre del 2000. La comenzamos en momentos en que el compañero era llevado a la cárcel por su lucha constante contra el Estado y el capital. En el momento en que el poder decide intentar acallar su voz y acción encerrándolo nosotros decidimos que estas se expandan potenciándolas.
Las palabras que se entretejen con la acción, que surgen y se repiensan en y desde la acción son las que ponen en riesgo al mundo de la miseria, al mundo que roba nuestras vidas pidiéndonos además a cambio nuestro consentimiento.
Pero además el texto tiene varias virtudes ya que escapa a varios similares en temática por su planteamiento claro y enfocado. El énfasis es puesto en el tipo de sociedad que produce la cárcel, cómo es creada su necesidad y la reflexión en torno a su destrucción. Creemos que estas palabras de Massimo pueden contribuir y mucho al pensar necesario que tiene que acompañar a nuestras acciones para transformar la realidad en la que vivimos.

Círculo Anárquico Villa Española.



My Heroes Have Always Killed Cowboys


An Interview with Rod Coronado.
The inspiring Native American earth warrior and animal liberationist Rod Coronado paid a visit to Brighton a little while back. Finally free to speak after years on the run, in prison and then with parole conditions banning him from engaging in any political activity, he made the best of it by going on a speaking tour around the UK. He managed to spare some time out of his schedule for a chat with Do or Die…
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Black autonomy: civil rights, the Panthers and today – Lorenzo Kom’boa Ervin and JoNina Abron


interview with two anarchist ex-Black Panthers about their involvement in the civil rights movement, the Panthers and the relevance of anarchism to black struggle.

In May 2000 two anarchist ex-Black Panthers from America did a British speaking tour. Lorenzo KomBoa Ervin and JoNina Abron talked to groups ranging from white anarchos to mass black meetings on police racism. Between them they have 70 years of political activity spanning lives that have included everything from teaching at a revolutionary community school to hijacking a plane and taking it to Cuba. They conceded to being interviewed in sunny Brighton after a record buying spree (for their pirate radio station) to dazzle the gods. Both are now involved in the Black Autonomy Network of Community Organisers.
Continue reading Black autonomy: civil rights, the Panthers and today – Lorenzo Kom’boa Ervin and JoNina Abron

La Fábula de Yelensky (Un recorrido por la Cruz Negra Anarquista), por Matthew Hart


A continuación se presenta la versión en español del ensayo “La Fábula de Yelensky” por Matthew Hart. Este texto fue traducido con el doble fin de rescatar la historia de la Cruz Negra Anarquista y generar un documento cuyas ventas en su edición impresa fuesen en beneficio directo de los y las compañeras quienes resisten en prisión. De esta manera, aunque se alienta la compra de los ejemplares
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Pays basque : Bientôt le procès d’Askapena


Le 28 septembre 2010 la police espagnole arrêtait 7 militants de l’organisation basque de solidarité internationaliste Askapena (“Libération”) dans plusieurs villes et villages en Pays basque sud (voire notre article de l’époque), un huitième sera arrêté le 13 octobre 2008 à Hendaye en Pays basque nord en application d’un mandat d’arrêt européen (voir ici). Cinq d’entre eux (David, Aritz, Walter, Gabi et Unai) seront emprisonnés et finalement libérés sous caution (30.000 à 60.000 euros) après trois à six mois de prison.
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A proposito di riforma e galera… (1999)


A.M. Bonanno
A proposito di riforma e galera…
L’universo carcerario è un universo totale, un insieme di luoghi fisici dove uomini e donne vengono tenuti prigionieri. Rinchiusi per la più gran parte della giornata. Nessun discorso, per quanto ricco di dettagli tecnici e approfondito, può descrivere l’orrore del carcere, fare capire che cos’è questa istituzione voluta dagli uomini per sottrarre alla società una parte dei suoi membri ritenuta colpevole di avere trasgredito alle regole. Vivere da carcerato questa esperienza è qualcosa a cui, dopo un certo tempo, ci si abitua, come alle cose peggiori che possono capitare nella vita. Dopo tutto l’uomo è un animale che si adatta alle più mostruose condizioni di sopravvivenza, un animale che progetta e spera, che sogna e che si illude. Molti sono i cosiddetti operatori carcerari, come molti sono coloro che studiano i problemi del carcere. Ma chi di costoro può dire di conoscere veramente il carcere? I cosiddetti tecnici del diritto forse possono dire, in tutta coscienza, di conoscerlo?
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The value of life (en/it)


The famous Spanish artist Salvador Dali wrote that nothing excited him as much as the spectacle of a third-class train-car full of dead workers crushed in an accident. He was not at all indifferent uncaring in the face of death since when a friend of his, Prince Mdinavi dies in an accident, he was deeply upset by it. It was simply that, for Dali, the only death for which to grieve was that of a prince, which has nothing in common with a load of workers’ corpses.
This should not be taken as the whimsy of a person known for his eccentricity. Actually, the death of a human being does not constitute an event except in relationship to other human beings. The circumstances of a person’s death and the interest that it rouses are valued only by those who survive him. The importance accorded to this even — in itself, absolutely common — does not, therefore depend on the event in itself, but on the idea of death that the one who comments on it holds and the opinion one has of the one who died.

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And You Call This Living?



Rising at dawn. Quickly going off to work, using some fast means of locomotion; in other words, getting locked up in a more or less spacious place, usually lacking air. Seated in front of a computer, typing without rest in order to transcribe letters, half of which wouldn’t even get written if you had to do it by hand. Or operating some mechanical device, manufacturing objects that are always identical. Or never moving more than a few steps away from an engine whose motion needs to be ensured or whose functioning needs to be monitored. Or, finally, standing in front of a loom continuously repeating the same gestures, the same movements, mechanically, automatically. And this for hours and hours without changing, without taking any recreation, without a change of atmosphere. Every day!
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